fsmithred / scripts

various stuff

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This repo contains miscellaneous scripts.
The README is mostly github notes.

#a) how to upload
# mkdir <name of repo>
# cd <name of repo>
# git init
# touch README
# git commit -m 'first commit'
# git remote add origin git@github.com:fsmithred/scripts.git
# git push origin master

b) how to upload again
   1. Edit file(s)
   2. git commit -a
   3. git push origin master

I kept getting this error when I tried to push:
Git: push rejected non-fast forward

Found the answer was to pull, then push, on this page:
(page copied below)

4. git pull git@github.com:fsmithred/Backup-scripts master
5. git push git@github.com:fsmithred/Backup-scripts master
   (or was it just 'git push origin master'?

Add a file:
git add FSR_01_backup.user_configs.sh
git commit FSR_01_backup.user_configs.sh
git push origin master

Remove a file:
1. Delete the local copy of the file.
2. git commit -a
3. git push origin master

Remove a file: (I just did this and it worked.)
1. Don't delete the local copy of the file.
2. git rm <filename>
3. git commit
4. git push origin master

 Posted in Git, TechSupport by rip747 on April 20, 2009

When trying to do a push to a repo, you might encounter the following error:

    $ git push github master
    To git@gitproxy:rip747/cfwheels.git
    ! [rejected]        master -> master (non-fast forward)
    error: failed to push some refs to ‘git@gitproxy:rip747/cfwheels.git’

Don’t panic, this is extremely easy to fix. All you have to do is issue a pull and your branch will be fast-forward:

    $ git pull github master
    From git@gitproxy:rip747/cfwheels
    * branch            master     -> FETCH_HEAD
    Already uptodate!
    Merge made by recursive.

Then retry your push and everything should be fine:

    $ git push github master
    Counting objects: 44, done.
    Compressing objects: 100% (32/32), done.
    Writing objects: 100% (32/32), 6.30 KiB, done.
    Total 32 (delta 23), reused 0 (delta 0)
    To git@gitproxy:rip747/cfwheels.git
    1717535..1406e8c  master -> master

UPDATE: I ran into another instance of this that the solution above didn’t solve and have provided a solution below.

Another situation where you might run into this, is if you’re tracking a branch that is not the same name as the remote. For instance, say you have a remote branch called otherrepo/master and you already have a local master branch, so you checkout the otherrepo/master branch as othermaster locally. Now even though you do a pull, when you go to push, you will get the rejected error.

To get around this, you will have to specify the local branch in the push command using a colon (:) like so:

    git push otherrepo othermaster:master


<telemachus> (1) Fork a repo
<telemachus> This gives you a copy on Github for yourself

<telemachus> (2) Clone your copy
<telemachus> make sure to clone the read/write address
git clone git@github.com:tornow/scripts

<telemachus> (3) add a remote of upstream
<telemachus> git remote add upstream URL
git remote add upstream git[[://github.com/fsmithred/scripts]]
<telemachus> the URL is the upstream Github URL
<telemachus> you can always see it when you go to a Github page

<telemachus> To keep up with the person you forked from you do this
<telemachus> (4) git pull upstream master

<telemachus> to make changes to you own code you do this
<telemachus> code, code, code, git add foo, git commit -m "Foo the foo up"
<telemachus> to push changes to your repo
<telemachus> git push origin master

git remote --verbose


various stuff


Language:Shell 100.0%