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Fast and Functional ORM for F#

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Fast and Functional ORM for F#

Initialize connection (Sqlite for example)

let private dbPath = Path.Combine(AppContext.BaseDirectory, "db.sqlite")

let private getConn = lazy(
    if File.Exists(dbPath) then File.Delete(dbPath)
    new SqliteConnection(sprintf "Data Source=%s" dbPath))

let execute sqlQuery = execute (getConn.Force()) defaultConfig sqlQuery
let executeSingle (sqlQuery: SqlQuery<'a>) = executeSingle (getConn.Force()) defaultConfig sqlQuery

Executing queries

Select single record

Define the type:

type Person =
    { Id: int64
      FirstName: string
      MiddleName: string option
      LastName: string
      Quotes: PersonQuote seq }

... and just execute query

let person: Person = sqlQueryf "select * from Persons where Id = %i" 1 |> executeSingle

Insert single record

For inserting records, your can declare the function for inserting records:

let executeInsert sqlQuery = 
    let q = { sqlQuery with QueryText = (sprintf "%s;\nselect last_insert_rowid()" sqlQuery.QueryText) }
    executeSingle q

... and insert the record:

let id = 
        "insert into Persons values (NULL, %s, %O, %s)" 
        person.FirstName person.MiddleName person.LastName
        |> executeInsert

You also can use executeSingle function in case, when not need return inserted id:

    "insert into Persons values (NULL, %s, %O, %s)" 
    person.FirstName person.MiddleName person.LastName
    |> executeSingle<unit>

Using named parameters

If you need to use named parameters for any reason, you can do this like this:

    "insert into Persons values (NULL, @firstName, @middleName, @lastName)" 
    (Some [ "firstName", box person.FirstName; "middleName", box person.MiddleName; "lastName", box person.LastName ])
    |> executeSingle<unit>

But this do not necessary, because formatted queries (sqlQueryf) automatically do it.


Fast and Functional ORM for F#

License:MIT License


Language:C# 85.1%Language:F# 14.9%