fschwenn / afftranslator

This program translates an affiliation given as a plain string into the standardized ICN (or DLU) of the INSPIRE database

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afftranslator translates an affiliation given as a plain string into the standardized ICN (or DLU) of the SPIRES/INSPIRE database.

The code is written by florian.schwennsen@desy.de. It is ugly and slow (even though I improved it befor putting it on git) but it works. Every serious developer should have a darf bag within reach befor looking at the code.

In aff-dlu-from-inspire.py and afftranslator2.py the path where to find the pickle-files are explictly defined. You need to change it probably. If you want the knowledge base be up to date you have to run aff-dlu-from-inspire.py and generateknowledgebase.py regularily. Please note that generateknowledgebase.py runs for several hours.

The following files belong to the package

  • 'aff-dlu-from-inspire.afb' contains the list of affiliations from the INST database.

  • 'aff-dlu-from-inspire-old.afb' contains the list of affiliations from the INST database including dead institutes and institutes with a successor. *)

  • 'aff-dlu-from-inspire.py' generates the file aff-dlu-from-inspire.afb.

  • 'aff-translator.pickle' contains the main informations with different writings of the affilitations, normalizations of these writings, acronyms etc. including dead institutes and institutes with a successor. *)

  • 'aff-translator-old.pickle' contains the main informations with different writings of the affilitations, normalizations of these writings, acronyms etc.

  • 'afftranslator2.py' is the main program from which usually just the function 'bestmatch' is needed. There are some parameters which one can play with but it might get worse globally if you try to improve the matching of one specific affiliation.

  • 'countriescc.pickle' contains the normalization of country names.

  • 'footnotes.afb' contains text which sometimes by mistake ends up in the affiliation field and which should be removed.

  • 'frequentwords' contains a list of words that often appear in affiliation strings and that can be given a lower weight in the matching process.

  • 'generateknowledgebase.py' generates the pickle-files.

  • 'normcities.pickle' contains the normalization of city names.

  • 'sj.afb' contains the knowledge of affiliations that already have been mapped to ICNs. It contains 80.000 lines - some of them probably wrong (even though I checked them). Adding corrected lines (where afftranslator failed in the first place) improves later results.

  • 'test.py' is a little example how to use afftranslator.

*) these -old. files are a work around as I just now implemented the possibility to use bestmatch('bla bla', 'ICN', old=True) for old stuff where expired institutes might appear. It is not a proper implementation where you could set the flag differently in subsequent calls of the function. The pickle-file is loaded once and at this first load you have to decide. This is different to the flag 'onlycore' which I implemented from the very beginning and which reduces the search to core institutes.


This program translates an affiliation given as a plain string into the standardized ICN (or DLU) of the INSPIRE database


Language:Python 100.0%