fsaris / imageopt

TYPO3 Extension imageopt

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

TYPO3 Extension imageopt

This extension allows to optimize images resized by TYPO3 so they will take less space. TYPO3 services are used to register the providers of images optimization so own providers can be registered also. Cron based. If you enable more than one image optimizer then all of them will be executed and the best optimized image is choosed.

Support native linux commands like:

  • for png:
    • optipng
    • pngcrush
    • pngquant
  • for gif:
    • gifsicle
  • for jpeg:
    • jpegoptim
    • jpegrescan
    • jpegtran
    • mozjpg

Support for several remotes:


Install the extension using composer composer require sourcebroker/imageopt


Default configuration is read automaticly:

tx_imageopt {
    directories =

    default {
        limits {
            notification {
                sender {
                    email =
                    name =

                reciver {
                    email =
                    name =

                disable = 0

        options {
            quality = 85

        providers {
            kraken {
                apikey =
                apipass =
                enabled = 0
                limits < tx_imageopt.default.limits
                options {
                    lossy = true

            tinypng {
                apikey =
                apipass =
                enabled = 0
                limits < tx_imageopt.default.limits

            imageoptim {
                apikey =
                apipass =
                enabled = 0
                limits < tx_imageopt.default.limits
                options {
                    lossy = true

    providers {
        jpg {
            kraken < tx_imageopt.default.providers.kraken

            tinypng < tx_imageopt.default.providers.tinypng

            imageoptim < tx_imageopt.default.providers.imageoptim

            jpegoptim {
                command = {executable} {tempFile} -o --strip-all {quality}
                enabled = 1
                options {
                    quality < tx_imageopt.default.options.quality
                    qualityOptions {
                        5 = --max=5
                        10 = --max=10
                        15 = --max=15
                        20 = --max=20
                        25 = --max=25
                        30 = --max=30
                        35 = --max=35
                        40 = --max=40
                        45 = --max=45
                        50 = --max=50
                        55 = --max=55
                        60 = --max=60
                        65 = --max=65
                        70 = --max=70
                        75 = --max=75
                        80 = --max=80
                        85 = --max=85
                        90 = --max=90
                        95 = --max=95
                        100 = --max=100

            jpegrescan {
                command = {executable} -s {tempFile} {tempFile}
                enabled = 1

            jpegtran {
                command = {executable} -copy none -optimize -progressive -outfile {tempFile} {tempFile}
                enabled = 1

            mozjpg {
                command = {executable} -copy none {tempFile} > {tempFile}
                enabled = 1

        gif {
            kraken < tx_imageopt.default.providers.kraken

            tinypng < tx_imageopt.default.providers.tinypng

            imageoptim < tx_imageopt.default.providers.imageoptim

            gifsicle {
                command = {executable} --batch {quality} {tempFile}
                enabled = 1
                options {
                    quality < tx_imageopt.default.options.quality
                    qualityOptions {
                        5 = --optimize=3
                        10 = --optimize=3
                        15 = --optimize=3
                        20 = --optimize=3
                        25 = --optimize=3
                        30 = --optimize=3
                        35 = --optimize=3
                        40 = --optimize=2
                        45 = --optimize=2
                        50 = --optimize=2
                        55 = --optimize=2
                        60 = --optimize=2
                        65 = --optimize=2
                        70 = --optimize=2
                        75 = --optimize=1
                        80 = --optimize=1
                        85 = --optimize=1
                        90 = --optimize=1
                        95 = --optimize=1
                        100 = --optimize=1

        png {
            kraken < tx_imageopt.default.providers.kraken

            tinypng < tx_imageopt.default.providers.tinypng

            imageoptim < tx_imageopt.default.providers.imageoptim

            optipng {
                command = {executable} {tempFile} -strip "all" {quality}
                enabled = 1
                options {
                    quality < tx_imageopt.default.options.quality
                    options {
                        5 = -o7
                        10 = -o7
                        15 = -o7
                        20 = -o6
                        25 = -o6
                        30 = -o6
                        35 = -o5
                        40 = -o5
                        45 = -o5
                        50 = -o4
                        55 = -o4
                        60 = -o4
                        65 = -o3
                        70 = -o3
                        75 = -o3
                        80 = -o2
                        85 = -o2
                        90 = -o2
                        95 = -o1
                        100 = -o0

            pngcrush {
                command = {executable} -q -rem alla -brute -reduce -ow {tempFile} >/dev/null
                enabled = 1

            pngquant {
                command = {executable} {tempFile} --force --ext ''
                enabled = 1

As you see above, by default, only linux native commands are enabled.

Note a config part tx_imageopt.default.options.quality = 85. This quality is mapped to diffrent quality settings of each provider in options.qualityOptions array. This way you can set default quality for all providers.

If you would like to run only Kraken.io then put this config in you PageTS.

tx_imageopt >
tx_imageopt {
    default {
        providers {
            kraken {
                apikey = 9d41f741e4df359db85936865e3afaaa
                apipass = df666c5ea90490b0f1ce2b473bdb6ba9bd1f903f
                enabled = 1
                limits {
                    notification {
                        sender {
                            email = test@gmail.com
                            name = Admin

                        reciver {
                            email = test@gmail.com
                            name = Admin

                        disable = 1

    providers {
        jpg >
        jpg {
            kraken < tx_imageopt.default.providers.kraken

        gif >
        gif {
            kraken < tx_imageopt.default.providers.kraken

        png >
        png {
            kraken < tx_imageopt.default.providers.kraken

Technical notes

  • The original images, for example in folder fileadmin/, uploads/ are not optmized. Only already resized images are optmized, so for FAL that would be files form "_processed_/" folder of file storages.
  • Be aware that there are two xclasses to make TYPO3 to process images even if there is no need (because for example the requested image size is the same as original). Thanks to that xclasses the original images do not have to be optimized.
  • For FAL files only file that are in "sys_file_processedfile" are optimized. Table "sys_file_processedfile" has been extended with "tx_imageopt_optimized" field. If file has been optimised then the field "tx_imageopt_optimized" is set to 1. You can reset the "tx_imageopt_optimized" flag with command php ./typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase imageopt:resetoptimizationflag
  • If you enable more than one image optimizer provider then all runs and the best optimized image is choosed.
  • There is table "tx_imageopt_images" where the statistics and winning image optmimizer is stored.


  1. Direct cli call: php ./typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase imageopt:optimizeimages
  2. Or better create extbase scheduler job in TYPO3 backend to run task regularly.


TYPO3 Extension imageopt


Language:PHP 94.9%Language:TypeScript 5.1%