fsantama / Libft

Primer proyecto como estudiante en 42 Málaga

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Libft - Your First Library in C

Table of Contents


Libft is your first C library project. It involves implementing various standard C library functions, as well as additional functions, to create a utility library that can be used throughout your programming journey.

Project Description

The Libft project consists of two main parts: the mandatory part and the bonus part. In the mandatory part, you'll re-implement several standard C library functions. In the bonus part, you'll work with linked lists and implement functions to manipulate them.

Getting Started

To use the Libft library, you'll first need to compile it into a static library file. You can do this by running the provided Makefile. Here are some useful commands:

  • make or make all: Compiles the library.
  • make clean: Removes object files.
  • make fclean: Removes object files and the library.
  • make re: Re-compiles the library.

List of Functions

Part 1 - Functions from libc

  • ft_isalpha - Check if a character is an alphabetic character.
  • ft_isdigit - Check if a character is a digit.
  • ft_isalnum - Check if a character is an alphanumeric character.
  • ft_isascii - Check if a character is a valid ASCII character.
  • ft_isprint - Check if a character is printable.
  • ft_strlen - Calculate the length of a string.
  • ft_memset - Fill memory with a constant byte.
  • ft_bzero - Set the first n bytes of memory to zero.
  • ft_memcpy - Copy memory area.
  • ft_memmove - Copy memory area with overlapping.
  • ft_strlcpy - Copy string to specified size.
  • ft_strlcat - Concatenate strings with size checking.
  • ft_toupper - Convert a character to uppercase.
  • ft_tolower - Convert a character to lowercase.
  • ft_strchr - Locate a character in a string.
  • ft_strrchr - Locate a character in a string, searching in reverse.
  • ft_strncmp - Compare strings with a limited length.
  • ft_memchr - Locate character in a memory block.
  • ft_memcmp - Compare memory areas.
  • ft_strnstr - Locate a substring in a string with a length limit.
  • ft_atoi - Convert a string to an integer.
  • ft_calloc - Allocate and zero-initialize memory.
  • ft_strdup - Duplicate a string.

Part 2 - Additional Functions

  • ft_substr - Create a substring from a string.
  • ft_strjoin - Concatenate two strings.
  • ft_strtrim - Trim specified characters from the beginning and end of a string.
  • ft_split - Split a string into an array of substrings using a delimiter.
  • ft_itoa - Convert an integer to a string.
  • ft_strmapi - Apply a function to each character of a string and create a new string.
  • ft_striteri - Apply a function to each character of a string with its index.
  • ft_putchar_fd - Write a character to a file descriptor.
  • ft_putstr_fd - Write a string to a file descriptor.
  • ft_putendl_fd - Write a string followed by a newline to a file descriptor.
  • ft_putnbr_fd - Write an integer to a file descriptor.

Bonus Functions

In addition to the mandatory functions, the bonus part involves working with linked lists. Here are the bonus functions:

  • ft_lstnew - Create a new list node.
  • ft_lstadd_front - Add a node to the beginning of a list.
  • ft_lstsize - Count the number of nodes in a list.
  • ft_lstlast - Get the last node in a list.
  • ft_lstadd_back - Add a node to the end of a list.
  • ft_lstdelone - Delete a node and its content from a list.
  • ft_lstclear - Delete all nodes from a list and free their content.
  • ft_lstiter - Apply a function to the content of each node in a list.
  • ft_lstmap - Create a new list resulting from the application of a function to the content of each node in another list.


Primer proyecto como estudiante en 42 Málaga


Language:C 92.9%Language:Makefile 7.1%