frozenbonito / secretlint

Pluggable linting tool to prevent committing credential.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

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Secretlint is that Pluggable linting tool to prevent committing credential.

Secretlint is that Pluggable linting tool to prevent committing credential.


  • Scanner: Found credentials in a project and report these
  • Project Friendly: Easy to set up your project and integrate CI services
  • Pre-Commit Hook: Prevent committing credential files
  • Pluggable: Allow creating custom rule and flexible configuration
  • Documentation: Describe the reason that rule detect it as secret

Quick Start

You can try to use Secretlint on your project at one command.

If you already have installed Docker:

docker run -v `pwd`:`pwd` -w `pwd` --rm -it secretlint/secretlint secretlint "**/*"

If you already have installed Node.js:

npx @secretlint/quick-start "**/*"

After running, If you got empty result and exit status is 0, your project is secure. Otherwise, you got some error report, your project includes credential as raw data.

An example of secretlint results

You want to get continuous security, Please see following installation guide and setup pre-commit hook and CI.


Using Docker

Prerequisites: Require Docker

Use our Docker container to get an environment with Node.js and secretlint and running as fast as you can download them.

You can check all files under the current directory with secretlint by following command:

docker run -v `pwd`:`pwd` -w `pwd` --rm -it secretlint/secretlint secretlint "**/*"

secretlint/secretlint docker container work without configuration by design.

Built-in rules:

For more details, please see secretlint's Dockerfile.

Using Node.js

Prerequisites: Require Node.js 10+.

Secretlint is written by JavaScript. You can install Secretlint using npm:

npm install secretlint @secretlint/secretlint-rule-preset-recommend --save-dev

You should then set up a configuration file:

npx secretlint --init

Finally, you can run Secretlint on any file or directory like this:

npx secretlint "**/*"

📝 Secretlint support glob pattern and glob pattern should be wrapped by a double quote.

It is also possible to install Secretlint globally using npm install --global. But, We do not recommended it, some rules may be broken in globally.


secretlint --help show Usage.

  Secretlint CLI that scan secret/credential data.

    $ secretlint [file|glob*]

    supported glob syntax is based on microglob

    --init             setup config file. Create .secretlintrc.json file from your package.json
    --format           [String] formatter name. Default: "stylish". Available Formatter: checkstyle, compact, jslint-xml, json, junit, pretty-error, stylish, table, tap, unix
    --output           [path:String] output file path that is written of reported result.
    --no-color         disable ANSI-color of output.
    --no-terminalLink  disable terminalLink of output.
    --secretlintrc     [path:String] path to .secretlintrc config file. Default: .secretlintrc.*
    --secretlintignore [path:String] path to .secretlintignore file. Default: .secretlintignore

  Options for Developer
    --profile          Enable performance profile.
    --secretlintrcJSON [String] a JSON string of .secretlintrc. use JSON string instead of rc file.

  Experimental Options
    --locale            [String] locale tag for translating message. Default: en

    $ secretlint ./
    # glob pattern should be wrapped with double quote
    $ secretlint "**/*"
    $ secretlint "source/**/*.ini"


Secretlint has a configuration file .secretlintrc.{json,yml,js}.

After running secretlint --init, you'll have a .secretlintrc.json file in your directory.

In it, you'll see some rules configured like this:

  "rules": [
      "id": "@secretlint/secretlint-rule-preset-recommend"

The id property is the name of secretlint rule package.

Secretlint does not have built-in rule. You want to add some rule and You should install the package and add the rule to .secretlintrc file.

Each rule has same configuration pattern:

  • options: Option definition for the rule. For more details, see each rule documentation
  • disabled: If disabled is true, disable the rule
  • allowMessageIds: allowMessageIds is an array of message id that you want to suppress error report
    • message id is defined in each rule and please see the rule documentation

Example: options

For example, @secretlint/secretlint-rule-example has allows in options. This allows option define text pattern that you want to ignore.

  "rules": [
      "id": "@secretlint/secretlint-rule-example",
      "options": {
        "allows": [

Example: allowMessageIds

For example, you have got following error report by run secretlint:

$ secretlint "**/*"

  1:8  error  [EXAMPLE_MESSAGE] found secret: SECRET  @secretlint/secretlint-rule-example

✖ 1 problem (1 error, 0 warnings)

This error's message id is EXAMPLE_MESSAGE in @secretlint/secretlint-rule-example.

If you want to ignore this error, please use allowMessageIds.

  "rules": [
      "id": "@secretlint/secretlint-rule-example",
      "allowMessageIds": ["EXAMPLE_MESSAGE"]

Rule Packages

Secretlint rules has been implemented as separated modules.

Also, Secretlint provide rule preset that includes recommened rule set.

Custom Rules

You can create own secretlint rule.

You want to get a secretlint rule for suitable your project and you can create it! A secretlint rule is a just npm package.

If you want to know creating secretlint rule, please see docs/


Pre-commit Hook per project

You can use Secretlint with some pre-commit tool. This can prevent to commit secret data by linting with Secretlint.

Applying secretlint to the project and improve security on team developing.

Use Case: If you want to introduce secretlint to Node.js project, this combination is useful.

Install Husky and lint-staged:

npm install husky lint-staged --save-dev

Edit package.json:

  // ...
  "husky": {
    "hooks": {
      "pre-commit": "lint-staged"
  "lint-staged": {
    "*": [

This means that check each staged file by Secretlint before commit.

Use Case: You have a project that is developing with Docker. Easy to integrate to secretlint.

Install pre-commit

# macOS. see also
brew install pre-commit

Create .pre-commit-config.yaml:

-   repo: local
    -   id: secretlint
        name: secretlint
        language: docker_image
        entry: secretlint/secretlint:latest secretlint

Example setup repository:

Bash Script

Alternately you can save this script as .git/hooks/pre-commit and give it execute permission(chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-commit):

FILES=$(git diff --cached --name-only --diff-filter=ACMR | sed 's| |\\ |g')
[ -z "$FILES" ] && exit 0

# Secretlint all selected files
echo "$FILES" | xargs ./node_modules/.bin/secretlint
# If you using docker
# echo "$FILES" | xargs docker run -v `pwd`:`pwd` -w `pwd` --rm secretlint/secretlint secretlint
if [ $RET -eq 0 ] ;then
    exit 0
    exit 1

Pre-commit Hook globally

Use Case: If you want to check any project by secretlint, you can use global git hooks.

Git 2.9+ supports core.hooksPath. It allow to integrate secretlint globally.

We have created example git hooks project using secretlint + Docker.

You can set up by following steps:

# clone this repository
git clone git-hooks
cd git-hooks
# integrate secretlint to git hook globally
git config --global core.hooksPath $(pwd)/hooks

After setup of core.hooksPath, secretlint check any file before you commit it.

For more details, see secretlint/git-hooks project.

Node.js version also can be used for global git hook. If you interesting in it, please see @azu/git-hooks.


GitHub Actions

If you already set secretlint Using Node.js, you can run secretlint with your configuration on GitHub Actions.

Put .github/workflows/secretlint.yml in your repository.

name: Secretlint
on: [push, pull_request]
  CI: true
    name: "Secretlint"
    runs-on: ubuntu-18.04
        node-version: [12]
      - name: checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: setup Node ${{ matrix.node-version }}
        uses: actions/setup-node@v1
          node-version: ${{ matrix.node-version }}
      - name: Install
        run: npm install
      - name: Lint with Secretlint
        run: npx secretlint "**/*"

This configuration also integrate Pull Request review comment via actions/setup-node.


Semantic Versioning Policy

Secretlint project follow Semantic Versioning without secretlint-rule-preset-canary. However, secretlint is not different with most semver project.

  • Patch release (intended to not break your lint build)
    • A bug fix to the CLI or core (including formatters).
    • Improvements to documentation.
    • Non-user-facing changes such as refactoring.
    • Re-releasing after a failed release (i.e., publishing a release that doesn't work for anyone).
  • Minor release (might break your lint build)
    • A new option.
    • An existing rule is deprecated.
    • A new CLI capability is created.
    • New public API are added (new classes, new methods, new arguments to existing methods, etc.).
      • It might break TypeScript definitions
    • A new formatter is created.
  • Major release (break your lint build)
    • A new option to an existing rule that results in secretlint reporting more errors by default.
    • An existing formatter is removed.
    • Add new default rule to rule preset.
    • Part of the public API is removed or changed in an incompatible way.



  • Reduce false-positive of linting
  • Integration to developing workflow
  • Empower Users to Contribute

Opt-in instead of Opt-out

Secretlint adopt opt-in approach.

In our experience, linting tools that report various errors by default is difficult to use. Opt-in approach help to introduce Secretlint increasing.

It will help to reduce false-positive by configuration.

Rule as Documentation

We think a rule as a documentation. So, Each rule should have reasonable documentation.

We need to describe why this file is error. A rule that has not documentation, It is just a opinionated.

Describe the reason of error and then it will lead to reduce false-positive error.

Also, Secretlint CLI support hyperlink in Terminal. It means that you can jump to rule documentation from lint error message directly.

clickable link in output

Example on iTerm 2: Cmd + Click error's messageId and open AWSSecretAccessKey on your browser.

If you want to know support terminal, please see Hyperlinks in Terminal Emulators.

Also, Welcome to Contribution about secretlint documentation!

Why Node.js?

  • Package Manager
    • Require package manager to realize flexible pluggable system
    • Node.js has npm and yarn as package manager
    • Package manager help to install custom plugin/rule by user
  • Exist Reference Implementation
    • Node.js already has pluggable linting tools like ESLint, textlint, stylelint etc
    • So Node.js user familiar with pluggable linting tools
    • Previously, I created textlint as same approach, so I familiar with Node.js
  • Users
    • JavaScript is Popular language
    • It means that empower Users to Contribute
    • Users can create own rule by own hand

Of course, secretlint also support Docker.


See Releases page.


Pull requests and stars are always welcome.

For bugs and feature requests, please create an issue.

See also, and



MIT © azu


Pluggable linting tool to prevent committing credential.

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 97.8%Language:JavaScript 1.9%Language:Dockerfile 0.3%Language:Shell 0.0%