frink / RingSocket

Highly scalable lockless multi-threaded C11 Linux WebSocket server with backend app plugin API

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RingSocket is a highly scalable WebSocket server for Linux written in C (C11) featuring:

  • A modular server app API facilitating fully self-contained runtime-pluggable backend apps
  • A completely lockless multi-threaded design consisting of worker threads, app threads, and ring buffers
  • A fully event-based architecture: epoll-based event loops for workers, and futex-based loops for apps
  • 100% compliance with the WebSocket standard
  • Extensive configuration/customization from a single intuitive ringsocket.json file
  • The ability to simultaneously listen on any number of ports/interfaces, each of which can be configured individually; e.g., to either accept only TLS-encrypted wss:// traffic or only plaintext ws:// traffic
  • Adoption of fast new Linux kernel APIs for optimal throughput
  • Principled coding practices designed to guard against the occurrence of security-related problems

Planned features include app language ports: support for write server apps in languages other than C such as embedded Python.

Table of contents


Aside from needing a fairly recent Linux kernel and C library with C11 support (e.g., glibc>=2.28), RingSocket only has 2 external dependencies: OpenSSL and Jgrandson. Some Linux distributions may lack /usr/include/sys/capability.h. In that case, try installing the libcap dev package (e.g., for Ubuntu: apt-get install libcap-dev). Once these are installed, proceed with something like:

git clone
cd ringsocket
sudo make install

Note that if not already present, make install will attempt to create an unprivileged system user named ringsock (if not already present), for exclusive use by the RingSocket daemon.


Because of the included Dockerfile, installation of RingSocket can be simplified to just running docker build -t ringsocket . in the root directory of this repository. The Dockerfile currently doesn't do anything else though: pull requests turning it into a more convenient execution environment are welcome.

Creating RingSocket server apps

A RingSocket server app is a C library containing the variadic macro RS_APP. Provided that it's compiled as a shared object (e.g., gcc [other flags] -fpic -shared -o—⁠see for example this Makefile) and the path to this .so file is specified in ringsocket.json (see Configuration), the RingSocket executable will dynamically load the app with dlopen() and run that app's event loop as embedded by the RS_APP macro in its own dedicated thread. A lot of things are taken care of under the hood, which means app authors get a lot of functionality with very few lines of code, as the following silly self-contained example demonstrates:

#include <ringsocket.h> // The only header that RingSocket apps must include
#include <uchar.h> // Allow C11 unicode string literals (u8"笑笑?")

int silly_calc(rs_t * rs, int32_t i32, uint16_t * arr, size_t elem_c) {
    // Whenever a read callback is called, RingSocket has already checked that
    // the corresponding WebSocket message buffer correctly contains all sizes
    // and elements of all parameters. Furthermore, wherever RS_NTOH[_...]
    // macros are used in RS_APP, the corresponding integers are also
    // automatically converted from network byte order to host byte order.

    // Calculate the sum of all received integers as an int64_t
    int64_t i64 = i32;
    // The RS_NTOH(uint16_t, 1, 10) given below ensures that 0 < elem_c < 11
    for (size_t i = 0; i < elem_c; i++) {
        i64 += u16_arr[i];

    // Send the result to every WebSocket client with a live connection to this
    // app, except for the client that made this silly_calc() request.
    rs_w_int64_hton(rs, i64); // ..._hton(): convert host to network byte order
    rs_to_every_except_cur(rs, RS_BIN); // RS_BIN: send a Binary Mode WS message

    // Reply to the client who made this request with "笑笑?" (don't ask me why)
    rs_w_str(rs, u8"笑笑");
    rs_w_uint8(rs, 0x3F); // '?' (just to show that these calls can be chained)
    rs_to_cur(rs, RS_UTF8); // RS_UTF8: send a Text Mode WebSocket message

    return 0; // Success: see "App callback return values" below

RS_APP( // See "RS_APP(m1, m2, m3, m4, m5)" reference below
    RS_INIT_NONE, // Omit callback during RingSocket startup
    RS_OPEN_NONE, // Omit callback for WebSocket client connection establishment
    RS_READ_BIN(silly_calc, RS_NTOH(int32_t), RS_NTOH(uint16_t, 1, 10)),
    RS_CLOSE_NONE, // Omit callback for WebSocket client disconnection events
    RS_TIMER_NONE // Omit timed interval callback

If that example is a bit much at once, keep on reading for brief references to the RS_APP macro and its descendent macro arguments, App callback return values, and App helper functions.

RS_APP(m1, m2, m3, m4, m5)

Must be invoked exactly once at file scope with exactly 5 macro arguments, in the following order:

  1. Either RS_INIT(init_cb[, app_data_byte_c]) or RS_INIT_NONE
  2. Either RS_OPEN(open_cb) or RS_OPEN_NONE
  3. One of RS_READ_BIN(read_cb[, ...]), RS_READ_UTF8(read_cb[, ...]), or RS_READ_SWITCH(case_m1[, ...])
  4. Either RS_CLOSE(close_cb) or RS_CLOSE_NONE
  5. One of RS_TIMER_SLEEP(microseconds), RS_TIMER_WAKE(microseconds), or RS_TIMER_NONE

Every referenced app callback function must take a pointer to an opaque rs_t as its first argument. See app helper functions for an overview of things that can be done with this pointer.

RS_INIT(init_cb[, app_data_byte_c])

Declaring RS_INIT(foo_init) will cause RingSocket to call an app-provided int foo_init(rs_t * rs) callback function during RingSocket startup. Useful when your app needs to do some initialization or resource allocation before engaging in WebSocket IO, or needs to know about RingSocket configuration values. See callback return values for valid return values. Note that helper functions that involve WebSocket IO are not yet available when this callback function is called.

If a 2nd app_data_byte_c size argument is included, a region of memory of that size is reserved on the app thread's stack. Access to this data can be obtained in any callback function through the rs_get_app_data() helper function. This provides apps with an alternative means of managing state compared to using variables with static storage duration. (Owing to compiler inlining, usage of this app_data API is likely to result in bytecode without any overhead compared to accessing ordinary stack variables with automatic storage duration).


Declaring RS_OPEN(foo_open) will cause RingSocket to call an app-provided int foo_open(rs_t * rs) callback function whenever a WebSocket client completes its HTTP Upgrade handshake with a RingSocket worker thread, thus becoming available for WebSocket IO. For example, it is perfectly fine to send any WebSock message to the corresponding new client from this callback, without waiting for that client to first send its first WebSocket message to the app.

RS_READ_BIN(read_cb[, read_m1[, read_m2[, ...]]])

Declaring RS_READ_BIN(foo_read, macro1, macro2) will cause RingSocket to call an app-provided int foo_read(rs_t * rs, type1 var1, type2 var2) callback function whenever a WebSocket message with binary data originating from a WebSocket client arrives at this app. All arguments other than the callback argument must be one of the following macro arguments (up to a maximum of 15 macro arguments), which allow RingSocket to determine the type and number of variables the read callback function expects to receive, as well as to validate them in advance of calling said function:

RS_READ_UTF8(read_cb[, read_m1[, read_m2[, ...]]])

Same usage as RS_READ_BIN(read_cb[, ...]), except that it requires received WebSocket messages to have a payload of type text (i.e., UTF-8) rather than a plain binary payload. RingSocket validates the UTF-8 encoding of all WebSocket messages of type text in advance, in conformance of RFC 6455 Section 5.6.

RS_READ_ANY(read_cb[, read_m1[, read_m2[, ...]]])

Like RS_READ_BIN(read_cb[, ...]) and RS_READ_UTF8(read_cb[, ...]), except that it allows read_cb to accept either text or binary WebSocket payload data. Use the rs_get_read_data_kind(rs) helper function to find out which type of data a received message consists of.

RS_READ_SWITCH(case_m1[, case_m2[, ...]])

By interpreting the 1st byte of any incoming WebSocket message payload as a uint8_t request index (i.e., an index in the range [0...255]), RS_READ_SWITCH will automatically call the read callback function listed for whichever of its RS_CASE_BIN or RS_CASE_UTF8 macro arguments provides a corresponding uint8_t case_val value, allowing the app author to provide up to a maximum of 255 unique read callback functions, accommodating the differentiation between any of the kinds of requests it may wish to support.

RS_CASE_BIN(case_val, read_cb[, read_m1[, read_m2[, ...]]])
RS_CASE_UTF8(case_val, read_cb[, read_m1[, read_m2[, ...]]])

Apart from case_val, which fulfills the role described at RS_READ_SWITCH(case_m1[, ...]); these macros accept the same arguments as RS_READ_BIN(read_cb[, ...]) and RS_READ_UTF8(read_cb[, ...]) respectively.

RS_NET(type, elem_c)
RS_NET(type, min_elem_c, max_elem_c)

The argument position of each RS_NET(type) decalaration corresponds to the type expected of an argument to the read callback function in the same position. E.g., RS_READ_BIN(foo, RS_NET(uint64_t), RS_NET(int8_t)) would correspond to a function signature of int foo(rs_t * rs, uint64_t u64, int8_t i8);.

When supplied with a 2nd argument, that argument is interpreted as a size_t designating the number of elements of an array of the type given as the 1st argument. E.g., RS_READ_BIN(foo, RS_NET(uint8_t, 7)) would correspond to a function signature of int foo(rs_t * rs, uint8_t * u8_arr);, with RingSocket taking care of validating that u8_arr contains exactly 7 elements.

The form with arity 3 is only valid as the last argument passed to RS_READ_...(): when supplied with a 2nd and 3rd argument, those arguments are interpreted as min_elem_c and max_elem_c, setting a lower and upper bound on the permissible number of elements of the given type. E.g., RS_READ_BIN(foo, RS_NET(int32_t, 1, 10)) would correspond to int foo(char ch, int32_t * i32_arr, size_t elem_c) where elem_c is an additional size_t argument holding the number of elements actually received and accessible by the preceding array pointer, which in this example must have a minimum length of 1 element and a maximum length of 10 elements.

RS_NTOH(type, elem_c)
RS_NTOH(type, min_elem_c, max_elem_c)

Identical to RS_NET(type[, ...]), except that these macros also take care of converting the endianness of corresponding integers from network byte order to host byte order on any system where these orders differ.

RS_NET_STA(type, min_elem_c, max_elem_c)
RS_NET_VLA(type, min_elem_c, max_elem_c)
RS_NET_HEAP(type, min_elem_c, max_elem_c)
RS_NTOH_STA(type, min_elem_c, max_elem_c)
RS_NTOH_VLA(type, min_elem_c, max_elem_c)
RS_NTOH_HEAP(type, min_elem_c, max_elem_c)

Same forms as the arity 3 form of RS_NET(type[, ...]) and RS_NTOH(type[, ...]) respectively, except that instead of instantiating a stack array of fixed size max_elem_c, these macros allocate their arrays as follows:

  • ..._STA: A thread_local static array of fixed size max_elem_c
  • ..._VLA: A C99 Variable Length Array with a variable size matching the actual instance's elem_c
  • ..._HEAP: An array malloc()ed on the fly. RingSocket will not free() this array, as doing so is the prerogative of the app code. In other words, using this flavor eliminates the allocation of a temporary array in cases where the app intends to malloc() memory for the same contents anyway.
RS_STR(min_byte_c, max_byte_c)
RS_STR_STA(min_byte_c, max_byte_c)
RS_STR_VLA(min_byte_c, max_byte_c)
RS_STR_HEAP(min_byte_c, max_byte_c)

Same usage as the macros of arity 3 above, except that a type of char is implied, and that the string arrays passed to the callback function are NULL-terminated.


Declaring RS_CLOSE(foo_close) will cause RingSocket to call an app-provided int foo_close(rs_t * rs) callback function whenever a WebSocket connection with a client has been closed by either side for any reason.

Note that although the same helper functions are exposed as in other callbacks, trying to send data at this time to the client corresponding to the current close event will result in a fatal error, given that the client will already have been marked as closed. Any other helper functionality remains valid here though; including getting the client ID of the closed client, or sending data to other clients.

RS_TIMER_SLEEP(timer_cb, microseconds)
RS_TIMER_WAKE(timer_cb, microseconds)

Declaring RS_TIMER_WAKE(foo_timer, 12345) will cause RingSocket to call an app-provided int foo_timer(rs_t * rs) callback function approximately 12345 microseconds after app startup. The value returned by this callback determines if/when the callback will be called again: see app callback return values.

The RingSocket app event loop is designed to stall on CPU-friendly FUTEX_WAIT system calls during times when no traffic arrives from any WebSocket client, only to be awoken once a worker thread notifies the app of new incoming data with FUTEX_WAKE. Whereas using RS_TIMER_WAKE will set timeouts to the FUTEX_WAIT calls such that the timer callback interval is honored even during idle times; RS_TIMER_SLEEP will let the app sleep in peace, only periodically calling the timer callback during periods that actually see WebSocket traffic.

An example use case for timer callbacks is the handling of the results of time-consuming operations. The execution time of read callbacks—including the sum of any child functions they call—should be kept fairly short in order to keep overall app WebSocket IO throughput high. It can therefore be prudent to offload time-consuming workloads (e.g., disk IO) from read callbacks to a child thread, the result of which can then be queried and handled from a future iteration of a timer callback.

App callback return values

Every app callback function must return type int. Recognized return values are:

  • -1: FATAL ERROR: this will cause the entire RingSocket daemon to exit() (in the current implementation at least). Only return this value in the event of critical and unrecoverable errors that leave your app in a wholly unusable state.
  • 0: SUCCESS: indicate that all is well. However, when returned by a timer callback, this status code also signifies that the timer callback does not need to be called again.
  • >0: CALL AGAIN (timer callbacks only): any integer value t greater than zero returned by a timer callback will cause that callback function to be called again after approximately t microseconds.
  • [4000...4899]: CLOSE CLIENT CONNECTION (open and read callbacks only): Tell RingSocket to close the connection with the WebSocket client associated with the callback, applying a WebSocket Close Frame Status Code equal to the value returned from the callback. As per Section 7.4.2 of WebSocket RFC 6455, status codes in the range 4000 through 4999 are reserved for private use and cannot be registered, making them available for custom use by applications. Within that range though, RingSocket limits itself to using the range [4900...4999] for internally returned status codes, leaving the range [4000...4899] for app authors to assign as they see fit.

RingSocket currently closes WebSocket client connections internally with one of the following status codes when a received WebSocket payload doesn't meet the app's requirements as specified by RS_READ_...():

  • 4900: WRONG SIZE: The received message's payload size did not match the sum of all sizes of the read callback function's parameters.
  • 4901: WRONG DATA TYPE: An RS_READ_UTF8(read_cb[, ...]) read callback received a message with a binary data type, or vice versa.
  • 4902: UNKNOWN CASE: The 1st byte of the message received did not correspond to the case_val of any RS_CASE_... within a RS_READ_SWITCH(case_m1[, ...]).

App helper functions

uint64_t rs_get_client_id(rs_t * rs);

Obtains the client ID belonging to the WebSocket client connection that evoked the current RS_OPEN(), RS_READ_...(), or RS_CLOSE() callback function. I.e., every ID is mapped to one specific TCP socket file descriptor. Note that calling this function from an RS_TIMER_...() callback will result in a fatal error. Valid client ID values are always greater than 0, which means apps can use a value of 0 to indicate the lack of a client ID (e.g., as unassigned elements in an array of client IDs).

Also note that this ID is only valid while the corresponding connection is live. Using an ID after the corresponding RS_CLOSE() callback function has returned may result in errors and security vulnerabilities, given that RingSocket may then assign the same ID to an unrelated future client connection.

int rs_get_client_addr(rs_t * rs, struct sockaddr_storage * addr);

Attempts to obtain socket address information of the remote client, storing the result in addr. IP-version agnostic. Returns 0 on success, or -1 on error. Actually just wraps getpeername(), so refer to man 2 getpeername for any errno details. Only available in RS_OPEN() and RS_READ_...() callbacks.

uint16_t rs_get_endpoint_id(rs_t * rs);

Obtains the endpoint ID of the WebSocket client connection that evoked the current RS_OPEN(), RS_READ_...(), or RS_CLOSE() callback function. For apps with multiple configured endpoint urls, this function allows the app to determine through which of those the WebSocket client established its connection. Note that calling this function from an RS_TIMER_...() callback will result in a fatal error.

enum rs_data_kind rs_get_read_data_kind(rs_t * rs);

Obtains the data kind of the received WebSocket message: either RS_BIN or RS_UTF8. Only available during RS_READ_...() callbacks (and only useful when using RS_READ_ANY()).

struct rs_conf const * rs_get_conf(rs_t * rs);

Returns a pointer to a read-only struct rs_conf instance containing all configuration values associated with the current RingSocket process. See ringsocket_conf.h for struct definitions, and the configuration section below for descriptions of most of their members.

void * rs_get_app_data(rs_t * rs);

If a 2nd app_data_byte_c size argument was passed to RS_INIT(init_cb[, app_data_byte_c]), a region of memory of that size is reserved on the app thread's stack. This helper function returns a void pointer to the 1st byte of this app data, or NULL if said app_data_byte_c argument was omitted.

void rs_w_p(rs_t * rs, void const * src, size_t size);

void rs_w_str(rs_t * rs, char const * str);

void rs_w_uint8(rs_t * rs, uint8_t u8);
void rs_w_uint16(rs_t * rs, uint16_t u16);
void rs_w_uint32(rs_t * rs, uint32_t u32);
void rs_w_uint64(rs_t * rs, uint32_t u64);

void rs_w_uint16_hton(rs_t * rs, uint16_t u16);
void rs_w_uint32_hton(rs_t * rs, uint32_t u32);
void rs_w_uint64_hton(rs_t * rs, uint64_t u64);

void rs_w_int8(rs_t * rs, int8_t i8);
void rs_w_int16(rs_t * rs, int16_t i16);
void rs_w_int32(rs_t * rs, int32_t i32);
void rs_w_int64(rs_t * rs, int64_t i64);

void rs_w_int16_hton(rs_t * rs, int16_t i16);
void rs_w_int32_hton(rs_t * rs, int32_t i32);
void rs_w_int64_hton(rs_t * rs, int64_t i64);

These functions concatenate a buffer/string/integer onto a temporary internal write buffer. The app thread will only flush the contents of this internal buffer out to one or more outbound ring buffers once one of the rs_to_...() functions listed below is called.

Note that each rs_w_..._hton() function above will take care of converting integer endianness from host byte order to network byte order on any system where these orders differ. Also note that the string passed to rs_w_str() must be NULL-terminated—in case of unterminated strings just use rs_w_p() instead.

// Write to a single WebSocket client, specified by client_id.
void rs_to_single(rs_t * rs, enum rs_data_kind kind, uint64_t cid);

// Write to multiple WebSocket clients, specified by a client_id array.
void rs_to_multi(rs_t * rs, enum rs_data_kind kind, uint64_t const * cids, size_t cid_c);

// Reply to the WebSocket client that evoked the current RS_OPEN() or RS_READ()
// callback. Calling this function from RS_CLOSE() or RS_TIMER_...() callbacks
// will result in a fatal error.
void rs_to_cur(rs_t * rs, enum rs_data_kind kind);

// Write to every WebSocket client currently connected to this app.
void rs_to_every(rs_t * rs, enum rs_data_kind kind);

// Write to every WebSocket client except one, as specified by its client_id.
void rs_to_every_except_single(rs_t * rs, enum rs_data_kind kind, uint64_t cid);

// Write to every WebSocket client except some, as specified by client_id array.
void rs_to_every_except_multi(rs_t * rs, enum rs_data_kind kind, uint64_t const * cids, size_t cid_c);

// Write to every WebSocket client except the one that evoked the current
// RS_OPEN() or RS_READ()callback. Calling this function from RS_CLOSE() or
// RS_TIMER_...() callbacks will result in a fatal error.
void rs_to_every_except_cur(rs_t * rs, enum rs_data_kind kind);

These functions write and flush any data buffered by the rs_w_...() functions above to one or more outbound ring buffers, depending on the function variant and any client_ids specified. From each outbound ring buffer, a corresponding worker thread will take care of writing this data to any specified WebSocket client recipients.

RS_LOG(log_level[, fmt[, var1[, var2[, ...]]]])

This is a wrapper around syslog(), providing extra context such as function name, line number, and app name (the "name" value of your App configuration). All arguments correspond to those of syslog(), so see your system's man 3 syslog manual page for the details.

Note that log messages will only show up in your system's logging facility if they are given a log_level priority at least as great as the "log_level" value given in your Global configuration), which defaults to "warning".


By default, all configuration options are specified in a JSON file at /etc/ringsocket.json. To load the configuration from a different location, specify its path as a command line option when executing the RingSocket binary (e.g., ringsocket /usr/local/etc/foo.json).

Global configuration

The configuration file's JSON root must be a JSON object containing at least the keys "ports" and "apps", whose values must be arrays consisting of at least one JSON object element. Additionally, if any listed port is indended for use with wss traffic (WebSocket encrypted with TLS), the JSON root must also contain a key called "certs" with an array of at least one JSON object element:

// The JSON standard does not officially support comments,
// but Jgrandson (the JSON parser used by RingSocket) does allow them anyway.
  "ports": [{
     // Port-specific configuration goes here
  "certs": [{ // required when using TLS encryption
     // Cert-specific configuration goes here
  "apps": [{
     // App-specific configuration goes here
   // Global configuration goes here

Other keys recognized in the root JSON object control global configuration values:

  • "log_level": The minimum level of importance at which log messages are printed to syslog (e.g., through RS_LOG(log_level[, ...])). In other words, messages of less importance than the value of "log_level" are not recorded in the system log). Recognized values in order from high to low are: "error", "warning", "notice", "info", and "debug". Default: "notice"
  • "worker_c": The number of worker threads RingSocket should use. If omitted, RingSocket will choose that number to be equal to the number of CPU cores available to the system minus the number of apps configured (or 1, if the number of apps is greater than or equal to the number of cores).

The remainder of the global options are mostly intended for performance optimization. It's probably wise to just omit these unless "you know what you're doing":

  • "shutdown_wait_http": The number of seconds to wait for a closing peer to fulfill its role in an orderly bi-directional shutdown handshake from the HTTP layer downward (i.e., in cases where the client did not yet complete a HTTP Upgrade handshake to the WebSocket layer), before unilaterally aborting the connection. Default: 15
  • "shutdown_wait_ws": The number of seconds to wait for a closing peer to fulfill its role in an orderly bi-directional shutdown handshake from the WebSocket layer downward, before unilaterally aborting the connection. Default: 30
  • "fd_alloc_c": The maximum number of open file descriptors (i.e., network connections) that RingSocket is allowed to handle simultaneously. Default: 4096
  • "max_ws_msg_size": Sets the maximum total number of payload bytes a single WebSocket message may contain. Default: 16777216 (i.e., 16 MB)
  • "max_ws_frame_chain_size": Sets the maximum number of bytes a single WebSocket message may encompass, including any frame headers and interleaved control frames. Default: the "max_ws_msg_size" default multiplied by 1.1.
  • "realloc_multiplier": The factor with which RingSocket should multipy the size of any memory buffer that has run out of free space when attempting to reallocate a larger buffer on the heap. Default: 1.5
  • "worker_rbuf_size": The initial size in bytes of each worker thread's read buffer for incoming WebSocket messages. Default: 33554432 (i.e., 32 MB)
  • "inbound_ring_buf_size": The initial size in bytes of each worker/app pair's ring buffer with which worker threads relay incoming WebSocket messages to app threads. Default: 67108864 (i.e., 64 MB)
  • "outbound_ring_buf_size": The initial size in bytes of each app/worker pair's ring buffer with which app threads relay outgoing WebSocket messages to worker threads. Default: 134217728 (i.e., 128 MB)
  • "owrefs_elem_c": The initial number of elements of each worker thread's array of outbound write references, with which they keep track of the extent to which recipients have received their copies of outgoing WebSocket messages. Default: 10000
  • "epoll_buf_elem_c": Determines the number of epoll events each worker thread can store during each call to epoll_wait(). Default: 100
  • "update_queue_size": The number of ring buffer writes to deliberately queue in order to guard against CPU memory reordering (see ringsocket_ring.h). Default: 5

Port configuration

Each element of the "ports" array must be a JSON object containing at least the key:

  • "port_number": A TCP port number on which to listen for incoming connections.

The following optional keys are also recognized inside this JSON object:

  • "is_unencrypted": If true, this port will only accept plaintext ws:// WebSocket connections. If false, (the default) this port will only accept TLS-encrypted wss:// WebSocket connections. See the explanation of the "url" key-value of app endpoints for more information.

  • "ip_addrs": An array of IP address strings on which this port will listen for incoming connections. If omitted, RingSocket listens to [""], which means it will accept connections to any interface and IP address known on the RingSocket host system (provided that the port number matches).

  • "interface": The name of a destination network interface available on the RingSocket host system to which to accept incoming connections. If omitted, RingSocket will accept connections from any interface (provided that the port number matches).

    Note that RingSocket does not allow specifying both the "ip_addrs" and "interface" options for the same port.

  • "ipv4only": If true, this port will only accept IPv4 connections. If false (the default), RingSocket will allow both IPv4 and IPv6 connections on this port.

  • "ipv6only": If true, this port will only accept IPv6 connections. If false (the default), RingSocket will allow both IPv4 and IPv6 connections on this port.

  • "ipv4_is_embedded_in_ipv6": If true, Ringsocket will use a single IPv6 stack on this port, in which IPv4 addresses are mapped to IPv6 addresses. For example, if an app were to log the address of an incoming connection from IPv4 address it would show as the IPv6 address ::ffff: If false (the default), RingSocket will use separate IP stacks for IPv4 and IPv6 on this port.

TLS certificate configuration

Each element of the "certs" array must be a JSON object containing the following keys:

  • "hostnames": An array of strings of the domains to which this TLS certificate has been issued.
    E.g., ["", "*"].
  • "privkey_path": The absolute path to the certificate's private key file.
    E.g., "/etc/letsencrypt/live/".
  • "pubchain_path": The absolute path to the certificate's full public key chain file.
    E.g., "/etc/letsencrypt/live/".

App configuration

Each element of the "apps" array must be a JSON object containing at least the following keys:

  • "name": Log messages recorded from this app's thread (see RS_LOG(log_level[, ...])) will include this name string as a prefix.
  • "app_path": The absolute path to this app's shared object file (e.g., "/usr/local/lib/").
  • "endpoints": an array of JSON objects holding endpoint configurations. See Endpoint configuration.

The following optional keys are also recognized inside this JSON object:

  • "no_open_cb": Setting this value to "true" reduces a bit of unnecessary overhead for apps that omit the client "open" callback by specifying RS_OPEN_NONE, by telling worker threads that they don't need to inform this app's thread of new connections being established.
  • "no_close_cb": Same mechanism as "no_open_cb": tell worker threads they need not inform this app's thread of connections that are no longer available.
  • "wbuf_size": The initial size in bytes of this app's write buffer, which is used to accumulate data written with the rs_w_...() helper functions before their concatenated contents is written to the outbound ring buffers with any of the rs_to_...() helper functions. Default: 1048576 (i.e., 1 MB)
  • "update_queue_size": An app-specific value that takes preference over the global "update_queue_size" mentioned at Global configuration.

Endpoint configuration

An endpoint is unique URL/ID pair with which an app can be accessed by WebSocket clients. RingSocket supports configuring any number of endpoints per app within the range [1...UINT16_MAX].

Each element of the "endpoints" array (see App configuration) must be a JSON object containing the following keys:

  • "endpoint_id": An integer value in the range [0...UINT16_MAX] corresponding to this endpoint, which an app can obtain with the RingSocket helper function rs_get_endpoint_id() in order to determine to which endpoint a WebSocket client established its connection with the app. This way an app handling multiple endpoints can differentiate the content it serves, or assign different endpoint-based privileges to its WebSocket clients.

  • "url": The fully-qualified URL string belonging to this endpoint (e.g., "wss://").

    Note that the port number contained in or implied by this URL must also be listed as a "port_number" of a Port configuration JSON object. Furthermore, the scheme part of the URL must correspond to that port object's "is_unencrypted" flag: "is_unencrypted": false (the default) for wss:// URLs, and "is_unencrypted": true for ws:// URLs.

    Finally, note that every wss:// endpoint URL must have a hostname component that is listed among the "hostnames" of any of the configured TLS certificates.

  • "allowed_origins": An array of fully-qualified URL strings specifying from which origins WebSocket clients that include the Origin HTTP header (i.e., browser clients) are allowed to connect to this endpoint (e.g., ["http://localhost:8080", ""]).

Control flow overview


  1. The RingSock binary is executed as a user with sufficient privileges/capabilities (e.g., root).
  2. The process switches to running as user ringsock (see "Installation" above).
  3. All capabilities are removed except those needed for configuration purposes.
  4. The process daemonizes (double fork(), closing of std streams, etc).
  5. The configuration file is parsed.
  6. Resource limits are set.
  7. Network ports on which to listen for incoming WebSocket traffic are opened.
  8. Each app DLL (.so file) specified in the configuration file is loaded with dlopen().
  9. All remaining capabilities are removed.
  10. Worker threads and dedicated app threads are spawned.

Worker threads

[todo: write documentation]

App threads

[todo: write documentation]


  • Replace randomizing BPF with cpu affinity-based EBPF
  • Add/improve comments for the lesser documented parts of the codebase
  • Increase code test suite coverage


Pull requests and other contributions are always welcome! License: MIT.

Email me

Feel free to send me email at the address below, especially if you might be interested in offering me employment or contractual work. Based in Osaka, Japan; but also happy to work remotely.

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Highly scalable lockless multi-threaded C11 Linux WebSocket server with backend app plugin API

License:MIT License


Language:C 94.0%Language:C++ 2.6%Language:Python 2.0%Language:HTML 0.7%Language:Makefile 0.6%Language:Dockerfile 0.1%