Install libreoffice and python3 globally
$ sudo apt install libreoffice libreoffice-calc python3-uno -y
Create virtual environment
It is always recommended to create a separate virtual environment for every work with Python. For some oppinionated information and guidance about this topic, please visit:
In other words, execute the commands below:
$ curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/frgomes/bash-scripts/master/unsafe/bashrc-up | sh
The open a new terminal and create a virtual environment for working on this project, like this:
$ mkvirtualenv soffice --system-site-packages
$ workon soffice
If everything is according to plan, wyou shoudl see a message "(soffice)" at the beginning of your prompt, like this:
(soffice) [2024-07-26 23:33:23] rgomes@mars:~/Sync$
Great! You are now inside a virtual environment intended to work on this project.
Open LibreOffice in listening mode
$ soffice --calc --accept="socket,host=localhost,port=2002;urp;StarOffice.ServiceManager"
Run a simple test program, which actually only tests the ability to import UNO library:
$ python3 price_analysis.py