metaDSL provides a framework which eases creation of BNF grammars, parser generators and code generators. The intent of this project is allow one to compile a DSL at build time (powered by Maven), generating resources which will be later included during the compilation of your application. This way, you can define a convenient DSL which eventually generates efficient Java code, instead of having to use extraneous XML files which will have to be later parsed by your application or third party libraries. The project born when I've got frustrated with existing solutions I found, in particular in regards to integration. Keeping the long story short, the article below explains better than me the advantages of implementing everything in a single programming language: Quick guide for the impatient ----------------------------- to be done Modules ------- Core metadsl -- build aggregator for Maven maven-metadsl-plugin -- Maven plugin, written in Java metadsl-plugin -- core adaptor for 3rd party plugins jlauncher -- runs maven-metadsl-plugin from the command line Tests and Examples metadsl-equity-plugin -- simple representation for equities (finance) metadsl-json-plugin -- recognizes a simple JSON grammar metadsl-pageflow-plugin -- grammar for generation of Vaadin pageflows metadsl-tests -- more tests -- Richard Gomes