freemo / coreng

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This project was generated with angular-cli version 1.0.0-beta.26.

For help with this theme, check out Our Private Git Server! To become part of the development team (or to report an issue or just follow along with development), simply send an email to "" with the following information:

  • Your Name
  • Desired Username
  • Desired Email
  • Your license code

An email will be sent to you to setup your Gitlab Account

####Scroll Down For Theme Use Information!

Before starting to use this project, you will need to run a few commands

This project uses Yarn instead of npm to provide a more reliable development experience over traditional NPM

  • npm install -g angular-cli
  • npm install -g yarn
  • yarn install

Development server

Run ng serve for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

Basic setup

Inside src->app->app.module.ts, you will a variable called defaultOptions near the top,

const defaultOptions: ICoreOptions = {
  appTitle : 'CoreNG',
  openSidenavStyle: 'side',
  closedSidenavStyle: 'icon overlay'

This is where you'll modify default theme options including the app title which shows in the browser title and in the expanded sidenav along with other options:

  • appTitle - Appears in browser tab/window title & next to icon in expanded sidenav
  • openSidenavStyle - Dictates the sidenav style when 'open' ['side', 'icon', 'icon overlay', 'hidden', push', 'off'] (will default to 'hidden' on mobile, unless set to 'off')
  • closedSidenavStyle - Dictates the sidenav style when 'closed'
  • fixedNavbar - Allows making navbar to be fixed (doesn't work perfect yet, will be fixed on mobile soon)
  • sidenavOpened - Which sidenav style to start with
    • Last sidenav position is saved to the users localStorage and will be restored on refresh
  • titleSeparator - Character(s) which seperate appTitle from pageTitle in tab/window title

Setup menu

  1. Go to src -> navigation -> menu-setup.tx
  2. Remove and modify items as needed
  3. You will see the different possibilities for creating a MenuItem there to serve as examples

Creating Routes

In your modules routing file, you must have the following syntax:

export const exampleRouting = RouterModule.forChild([
    path : 'my-top-level-url', component : DefaultLayoutComponent, children : [
    {path : '', redirectTo : 'my-component', pathMatch: 'full'},
    {path : 'my-component', component : MyComponent},

You must use the DefaultLayoutComponent as your main path, then all actual components be set as children underneath!! This top level path does NOT need to have a path set! (It can be blank (i.e. '''))

To lazy load your module, instead of importing it directly into AppModule, simple add it to app.routing.ts using loadChildren()

{path : 'my-lazy-module', loadChildren : './path/to/my/lazy.module#LazyModule'}

Removing Examples

  1. Delete examples folder
  2. Remove ExamplesModule.forRoot() import from app.module.ts imports array and remove import {ExamplesModule} from './examples/examples.module';
  3. Remove SampleDialogComponent, SampleMenuDialogComponent, CompletedDialogComponent from entryComponents array
  4. Done

Creating your own theme

  1. Pick your 2 (or 3 if you want to modify the "warn" palette) colors
  2. Go to and color box in the top right of the palette and paste in your color code
  3. Click on view code (the clipboard icon) and click on "Angular JS 2 (Material 2)" and copy the code between the parenthesises
  4. Paste into the appriopriate palette (whether primary or accent color) into src->assets->scss->_variables.scss (you will see a similar format currently there)
  5. Repeat for accent color and your theme will be live!
  6. (You can also manually set the primary(background) and secondary(font) colors for the sidenav ($sidenav-primary-color & $sidenav-secondary-color))

Code scaffolding

Run ng generate component component-name to generate a new component. You can also use ng generate directive/pipe/service/class.


Run ng build to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory. Use the -prod flag for a production build. For production, I recommend compiling using the aot flag as well

ng build --aot --prod (AoT currently broken in angular-cli@1.0.0-beta.26)

Use ng build --prod

Further help

To get more help on the angular-cli use ng --help or go check out the Angular-CLI README.



Language:TypeScript 66.8%Language:HTML 25.8%Language:CSS 6.9%Language:JavaScript 0.5%