fredrik-macrobond / fuse-box

A blazing fast js bundler/loader with a comprehensive API

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We are getting there. The API is stable. Documentation is in progress. Join now! FuseBox is now open for testing!

A heroic bundler, that just does it right

FuseBox is a bundler/module loader that combines the power of webpack, JSPM and SystemJS. It is blazing fast (it takes 50-100ms to re-bundle) which makes it extremely convenient for developers. It requires zero configuration to bundle such monsters like babel-core, it will compile and bundle your typescript project within a fraction of a second, yet offering a comprehensive loader API. It is packed with features, and unfolds limitless possibilities of extending the API.

Start fusing!

angular2-example 50ms to fuse!

react-example 50ms to fuse!

Why fusebox?

Bundle anything without an extra effort

You have an npm library in mind? You can bundle it without any extra configuration. babel-core with all plugins? No problem, fusebox will take care of everything you need.

Typescript! Oh! We love typescript. You know what you need to do, to start transpiling and bundling typescript at the same time? Change .js to .ts Are you ready?

FuseBox will take care of ALL nodejs depedendencies. We offer a comprehensive list of nodejs modules for browser out of the box. No worries, no matter what are you trying to bundle. It will work.

There is nothing that cannot be fused. Create a 3 liner config and bundle some heavy project! Do conventional import statements, use shared bundles, hack API, create crazy plugins!

And bundle it fast. Jaw-dropping fast.

It is blazing fast

It takes 50ms for a regular project, 100ms for a big project to re-bundle. It applies aggressive but responsible module caching, which makes it fly.

Check this benchmark:

1200 files to bundle

FuseBox 0.234s
Webpack 1.376s

1000 files to bundle / 10 times

FuseBox 2.257s
Webpack 13.591s

Built-in typescript support.

FuseBox is written in typescript, so I could not just proceed without a seamless typescript integration. In fact, you don't need to configure anything! Just point it to a typescript file, and FuseBox will do the rest.


Comprehensive Loader API

Whatever you tempted mind would want - you can get it all here. Apply hacks, intercept require statements, use an amazing dynamic module loading, and many many other neat features!

Extensive plugins

Have an idea in mind? Just develop a plugin, it's extremely easy to make one. Besides, we have a few plugins, that will help you get started. Want to develop one? Read up here

How FuseBox works?!

The idea of FuseBox was born, when started struggling with webpack. It is slow, and it did not deliver the required functionality. On another hand, jspm did what I wanted, but still it was not something I would go for. So I decided to combine both and create my own version that has the power of both bundlers combined.

Static analysis (acorn)

Behind the scenes, fusebox uses acorn to make static analysis on your code, extracting require statements and es6 imports. So, as long as it is a valid javascript es5 or es6, you will get your code bundled with no plugins required.

Aggressive npm caching

FuseBox does aggressive caching for your modules. It knows when a file is modified. It knows exactly which version of npm lib you are using, as well as explicit requires like require('lodash/each')

Nodejs ecosystem and lifecycle in the browser

FuseBox appends a very tiny API footer that makes magic happen. The library does not modify your source code, it creates 100% compatible commonjs wrapper

(function (exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname) {
// Your module code actually lives in here

It behaves exactly the same in browser and on server, including circular dependency resolution. As if nothing changed. You run your server code, just in browser. Nothing stops from just bundle it for server!

Full npm compatibility

The bundler supports everything that require/import statement does. Scoped repositories, partial requires, extension probing, conflicting versions! Yep, if you have 2 libraries that use different version of lodash, FuseBox will resolve it. And bundle both (i would not use these libs tho, but still serious business)

It does even more than that! Some improvements like tilde ~ support, to make your life easier, lazy loading. FuseBox.import("./file_not_in_a_bundle.js", (module) => {}). And yes, it works on the server.

Let's Fuse

Simplicity is the key

The concept of FuseBox is simple. Bundle anything for frontend and server without a headache. No configuration required! However, if you like to get your hands dirty, and create your own custom stuff - off you go - FuseBox is very flexible.

You can point your files to a typescript file or to a javascript file. It will understand es6 import statements as well. Use BabelPlugin or the Typescript Helpers to transpile it.


Typescript does not require any external plugin or configuration. Just make sure you have the typescript compiler installed.

npm install typescript --save-dev

Now let's define a simple configuration

    homeDir: "src/",
    sourceMap: {
         bundleReference: "./",
         outFile: "",
    outFile: "./out.js"

FuseBox automatically switches to a typescript mode and compiles your files. Place tsconfig.json in your homeDir. It will be loaded automatically. For your own convenience add Typescript helpers plugin.

Export from bundle

You can easily export any library from your bundle to window/module.exports accordingly. Simply add this property:

globals: { default: "myLib", "wires-reactive": "Reactive" }

Whereas key is the name of a package and value is an alias that groups exports. "default" is your current project. Please, note, that in order to expose your default package, a bundle must have an entry point.

Full example:

    homeDir: "src/",
    globals: { default: "myLib"},
    outFile: "./out.js"


Embrace the power of arithmetic!

With arithmetic instructions, you can explicitly define which files go to the bundle, which files skip external dependencies.

For example.

fuseBox.bundle(">index.ts [lib/**/*.ts]");

In this case, you will get everything that is required in the index, as well as everything that lies under lib/ folder with one condition - any external libraries will be ignored.

> index.js [**/*.js] - Bundle everything without dependencies, and execute index.js

[lib/*.js] +path +fs - Bundle all files in lib folder, ignore node modules except for path an fs

[**/*.js] - Bundle everything without dependencies

**/*.js - Bundle everything with dependencies

**/*.js -path - Bundle everything with dependencies except for module path

A bundle in a bundle in a bundle

Yes! You can do that!

Super powers of FuseBox allow doing that without code redundancy. An API of a second bundle will be removed, and 2 bundles will be fused together, keeping only one shared Fusebox API.

Only one thing you need to consider before that - packaging.

Your current project is called "default" This is by design. All dynamic modules will register themselves into it automatically. If you want to require a bundle it must have a different namespace. Unless you want to keep is shared. Add package property to the initializer:

    homeDir: "src/",
    package : "myLib",
    outFile: "./bundles/myLib.js"

Bundle your first package, then make sure you master bundle does not have the same name (otherwise they will share filename scopes) and require it like any other file

import * as myLib from "./bundles/myLib.js"

FuseBox sniffs its own creations and restructures the code accordingly.

Local npm packages

You probably would want to test a package some day, or just have an abstraction on top of your code. For that, you can use modulesFolder property. It behaves exactly the same like another npm module, just in a custom folder.

    modulesFolder: "src/modules"

You local npm will have the highest priority. In essence, you can override fusebox's path of fs module if you like. Customize you packages in your own manner!

Loader API

How the loader works?

Well, it's pure magic - nodejs wrapper for browser. FuseBox wrapper provides 100% compatible nodejs ecosystem, having virtual files and virtual packages. Everything is registered and shared by the API. It means, that you can have two script tags that will fuse and merge each other.

Plugins inject dependent packages/javascript code, that becomes a part of FuseBox loader. In principal, a plugin might work at build time and runtime, which unfolds some crazy optimisation possibilities.

FuseBox bundle works in both environments. Essentially, it does not matter where you run it. FuseBox will persist itself in browser window, or nodejs globals.

Every bundle contains a 3.7k footer with FuseBox API (1,6KB gzipped).


Import is 100% compatible with commonjs specification. You can require folders, skip file extensions (fusebox will guess it).


Require external packages will work as well


Please note that some libraries like "fs" are faked in the browser. Meaning that it won't spit out an error, but won't work as expected on the server for known reasons. Nodejs environment, however, will get authentic "fs" module. (Concerns http, net, tty e.t.c )

Lazy import

FuseBox offers lazy module loading via ajax. The way it works is that FuseBox check for a module available in bundle, if it's not found it tries to make HTTP request. It respects runtime plugin hooks and other fusebox bundles as well.

FuseBox.import("./myfile.js", (moduleExports) => {

Respectively, one can require a css file that was not bundled. Having the CSSPlugin installed will result in appending filepath to the body head.


You can check whether a module (file) exists in scope.



Like SystemJS FuseBox provides a hacky way of creating a dynamic module from a string. After it has been initialized it shared 100% the same environment and behaves accordingly.

FuseBox.dynamic("stuff/boo.js", "module.exports = {hello : 'dynamic'}; require('./foo')")

A bundle can reference "stuff/boo.js" once a dynamic module was initialized.

FuseBox events

It is possible to intercept require statements. You can catch "before-import" and "after-import" events like so:

FuseBox.on("before-import", (exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname, pkg) => {                

FuseBox.on("after-import", (exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname, pkg) => {                

However, it is not recommended. But if you want to play god, you can use that functionality.

Point to the root

You can use ~ symbol to point to your project's path in order to solve ../../../../../utils mess.

// es5
// es6
import * as utils from "~/lib/utils";

Built-in plugins

Fusebox contains premade plugins, that should help you to get started.

CSS Plugin

It's very easy to start working with css files. You have 2 options, you either bundle the contents or serve the files. A decision that can be made at build time.

For example:

plugins: [
        minify: true

In this case, all CSS files will be bundled.

But if you define "serve" option with a callback, all files will be filtered through it. A callback is expected to return a string with a browser path. If you return "undefined" or NOT a string, that file will be bundled as if no option was specified.

All css files will be served by server.

plugins: [
        minify: true,
        serve: path => `./${path}`

All files will be served except for "styles.css" (contents will be included in the bundle)

plugins: [
        minify: true,
        serve: path => path === "styles.css` ? 0 : ./${path}`

On top of that a CSS file will added to DOM upon request if not found in the bundle.

HTML Plugin

plugins: [
  fsbx.HTMLPlugin({ useDefault: false })

Toggle useDefault to make HTML files export strings as default property. For example with useDefault: true you will be able to import HTML files like so :

import tpl from "~/views/file.html"

Babel plugin

You can use babel plugin to transpile your code. Make sure you have babel-core installed

npm install babel-core babel-preset-es2015 babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx

For example. to transpile JSX, you can use this configuration.

 plugins: [
        test: /\.jsx$/,
        config: {
            sourceMaps: true,
            presets: ["es2015"],
            plugins: [

Note, that if you want to have sourcemaps in place, set sourceMaps to true. Read sourcemaps section for better understanding how sourcemaps are defined.

JSON plugin

Of course, it can't be all shiny without a JSON plug in, can it?

plugins: [

SVG Plugin

React lovers, here it is. Plain and simple.

plugins: [

Typescript helpers

A very handy plugin, adds required typescript functions to the bundle. Please note that it adds only the ones that are actually used. So you won't be seeing an unnecessary code.

Please, check this list

Available helpers:

Name Description
__assign Generic typescript helper
__awaiter Generic typescript helper
__decorator Generic typescript helper + additional fusebox meta data patched
__extends Generic typescript helper
__generator Generic typescript helper
__param Generic typescript helper

If you spot an error or a missing helper, please, submit an issue, or a pull request. If you feel impatient enough, you can always create your own plugin, based on this class code

Using the plugin

Simply add TypeScriptHelpers to your plugin list. No further configuration required. FuseBox will take care of everything else. To avoid unnecessary AST (which is heavy) this plugin does a simple RegExp, and tests for declarations. It is absolutely safe, and your code is not modified in any way.

const fsbx = require("fuse-box");
let fuseBox = fsbx.FuseBox.init({
    homeDir: "test/fixtures/cases/ts",
    outFile: "./out.js",
    plugins: [fsbx.TypeScriptHelpers()]

Extended metadata properties

You can have access to the entire environment of a file, using reflect-metadata. Make sure you have it installed first

npm install reflect-metadata

Then, include it in your entry point

import "reflect-metadata";

Now, you can access "commonjs" variables via fusebox metadata property

export function testDecorator() {
    return function (target, key: string, descriptor: PropertyDescriptor) {
        Reflect.getMetadata("fusebox:__filename", target, key);
        Reflect.getMetadata("fusebox:__dirname", target, key);
        Reflect.getMetadata("fusebox:require", target, key); // Local "require" function
        Reflect.getMetadata("fusebox:module", target, key);
        Reflect.getMetadata("fusebox:exports", target, key);


Sourcemaps in FuseBox are enabled by adding this property to a fusebox init configuration

sourceMap: {
  bundleReference: "",
  outFile: "",

bundleReference speaks for itself. This line will be added to the bundle. For example //# sourceMappingURL=./ If your client is not able to read them, make sure that the path is reachable.

Sourcemaps currently work with typescript and BabelPlugin

Plugin API

Let's take a look a plugin's interface first

interface Plugin {
    test?: RegExp;
    dependencies?: string[];
    init: { (context: WorkFlowContext) };
    transform: { (file: File) };
    bundleStart?(context: WorkFlowContext);
    bundleEnd?(context: WorkFlowContext);

test [RegExp]

Defining test will filter files into your plugin. For example \.js$

Be patient! Documentation is in progress

Upcoming features

Backend encapsulation / Bridges

An exciting concept, in which frontend code shares only the interface of a backend class. Calling a bridged class on client will result in seamless ajax / socket call to the backend. Having this will allow you to encapsulate sensitive information from public access without sacrificing code readability.

Task runner

It's always good to have everything in place. File watcher, uglifying, production builds.

Dev server and HOT module reload

Something that many people love, coming to fusebox

To improve

  • Error reporting
  • Caching At this very moment caching works fairly well, if you get an issue related to caching, please find a way to reproduce it. (You can remove .fusebox folder from your project to clean the cache)


I love opensource and i am listening to people. Feel like you can help? Or, maybe you just got some crazy ideas? Let me know, all right?

Thow a message at me here: window.atob("c2t5cGU6bmNoYW5nZWQ=")

And If you like the idea, support the project by staring the repository. Much obliged.

Peace to everybody.


A blazing fast js bundler/loader with a comprehensive API

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 54.4%Language:TypeScript 45.3%Language:HTML 0.2%Language:CSS 0.0%