frederic-mahe / SA1-Pack

SA-1 Pack is a package of patches for activating and using SA-1 in SMW Hacks

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   by Vitor Vilela                 Version 1.27

The SA-1 Pack, as the name implies, is a package of patches containing everything you need to activating the SA-1 chip and optimizes your SMW ROM for using it.


  • Features SA-1's 10.74 MHz speed, 4x faster than SNES, up to 5x faster if both run in parallel.

  • Reduces level loading time and overall game slowdown.

  • Increases the maximum amount of sprites on screen to 20 and per level to 255.

  • 8MB Support for bsnes, ZMZ and Snes9x 1.54.

  • 6MB Support for ZSNES. 8MB if a custom build is used.

Other features, more related for programmers:

  • New DMA modes (Character Conversion, ROM->I-RAM, ROM->BW-RAM, I-RAM->BW-RAM, BW-RAM->I-RAM).

  • Variable Length Bit Processing (ROM bit stream).

  • Fast multiplication, division and commutative sum (multiply with add).

  • Bank Switching by Super MMC.

  • Virtual memory mapping capabilities from BW-RAM.

  • Allows Direct Page usage on SA-1 CPU.

  • Multi-threading capability between SA-1 and SNES.

Notable Changes

When patched, the following changes will take effect:

  • Sprites will be processed by the SA-1 CPU, reducing slowdown. You can put up to 20 sprites on screen, with rare slowdown chances due of SA-1 high clock speed.

  • Levels will load faster, with SA-1 being responsible for loading part of level (MARIO START screen for example).

  • Special patches like RPG Hacker's VWF dialogues, leod's Sprite Platforms will benefit from the SA-1 chip features, allowing optimal usage for them.


Although released in 2012, the SA-1 Pack is still one of the most complex patches ever created for Super Mario World. To the SA-1 CPU get access to the game logic values, the patch moves most of the WRAM tables to BW-RAM and I-RAM, for allowing SA-1 usage on them.

Due of that, any external resource must obey for the same remapping changes, specially tools and patches.

By default, any resource that involves ASM will not work with SA-1 Pack, unless if they're properlly prepared with the new RAM data. Usually any resource with the "sa-1" tag means it will work natively with the SA-1 Pack in your ROM, however resources without the tag may need to have a manual remap conversion, which might be complicated for who is new at logic programming.

Since Lunar Magic 2.20, you can apply the SA-1 Pack and Lunar Magic will detect and apply the required changes to make your ROM editable. However, if you already started editing your ROM, you will have to port it over because all changes made into your ROM will not work with SA-1.

Sprites and Blocks require also SA-1 RAM remapping, but usually they can be easily converted with a tool called Sprite Convert. You will also need a SA-1 compatible sprite and block inserter. You can download the compatible SA-1 Sprite Tool in the quick guide, while for blocks, the current block tool, GPS, offers native support over it and only requires you getting compatible blocks for running it.

It's important to note that the ZSNES is pretty outdated, if the version 1.51 is still the latest one. That version has pretty bad SA-1 emulation (and overall SNES system), with lower clock speed (5 MHz vs 10 MHz), missing features and specially unstable emulation. Use it at your own risk when you're using SA-1 Pack.

Snes9x 1.54 and higan/bsnes are recommended instead. Alternatively, you can use Alcaro's ZMZ, which is a edited version of ZSNES which allows to internally run a Snes9x or bsnes core, so while it's still ZSNES, the engine used will be properly emulating SA-1 code.

In fact, none of the emulators really emulate SA-1 well. There's too little SA-1 research and the current implementations may miss one or another feature which can affect gameplay experience. But that is not a thing to worry, seeing that current emulation is stable enough for a decent performance.

About Bowser: You must go to level 1C7 and change sprite header to 0x00, because the default sprite header (0x10) doesn't work with it and the player will get glitches and stuck after beating Bowser.


As far working with SA-1 can be tedious at start, with the current development and available compatible resources, it's already doable to pretty much anyone who got a fair experience with SMW Hacking to use it.

In order to get started, grab a new clean ROM. Japanese or European versions will not work.

Now, open the ROM in Lunar Magic and expand it to at least 2MB. DO NOT save anything with it.

After expanding, apply sa1.asm to your ROM, using Asar.

Then feel free to test it with your preferred emulator. If it works properly, somewhere in your emulator it should display SA-1, e.g. ROM+RAM+BAT+SA-1 in Snes9x. If you're unsure, try editing level 106, change sprite header memory to 0x10 and insert 20 koopas in the level. If all of them display, then the SA-1 Pack got successfully inserted.

Now you can apply all other patches/tools that should run before Lunar Magic. Remember that they should have SA-1 compatbility or else they will corrupt your ROM.

After it, you can finally use Lunar Magic with your ROM. Remember to use at least version 2.20+.

To enable the double (22 sprites) system, don't forget to change your sprite header memory to 0x10, except in boss battles (they doesn't work with that header setting).

Important: If you change the decompression option on Lunar Magic, you must reapply sa1.asm to your ROM so the proper GFX decompression routine is used.

This is important for fast level decompression and compatibility with advanced resources.


Q: Is it really hard to work with SA-1?
A: I would say yes, but after some time you'll be able to see the benefits from using this SA-1 pack. :) Also once you learn how to make something SA-1 compatible, everything will become easier to work with.
Q: Really?
A: The above Q/A was made in 2012. Today, 5 years after, I still would say it's hard, but not that anymore. There's much more resources available today.
Q: When I edit my ROM in Lunar Magic and open it, the ROM glitches during the Title Screen. What's going on?
A: Your Lunar Magic version isn't compatible with SA-1 Pack.
Please update to at least version 2.20.
Q: When I expanded my ROM to 8MB, ZSNES can't open anymore.
A: ZSNES doesn't support 8MB ROMs, only up to 6MB. Try restoring your ROM to a previous state using Lunar Magic or with a backup. You can though try FuSoYa's custom ZSNES build, but of course all hackers would need to use too.
Q: Whenever I apply a patch to my ROM, it crashes.
A: Make sure that the patch is SA-1 compatible. You can find a list of SA-1 compatible patches on "Links" section. Also on SMWC, SA-1 compatible patches will have the "sa1" tag.
Q: Whenever I use any tool, the ROM crashes too.
A: Make sure that the tool is SA-1 compatible. Compatible tools will have the "sa-1" tag on the SMW Central sections. If the tool you're looking for, try asking for help in the forums for guidance.
Q: If I insert a custom block or custom sprite, the ROM crashes or glitches when the block/sprite is present.
A: Blocks and sprites may need to be converted to SA-1. If case the one you downloaded is not compatible with SA-1, you can use the SA-1 Convert tool to automatically those for you.
Q: How I can make something compatible with SA-1?
A: Check section "Programming". You will find all the informations needed for that :)
Q: If I change "Compression Options for this ROM" in Lunar Magic, the ROM gets a little slower on loading. Why?
A: You have to reapply sa1.asm after you change the compression option, since SA-1 processes that specific part and it needs a specific decompresser to work property.


Unlike the first version of the SA-1 PATCH, this one is much more complex because of the various RAM remapping, not counting the whole new ROM mapping (SA-1 ROM).

In other words, in order to making anything SA-1 compatible, you will need to change:

(assuming that XX is in the $00-$3F or $80-$BF range and YY equals either XX or $7E)

$YY:0000-$YY:00FF to $XX:3000-$XX:30FF.
$YY:0100-$YY:1FFF to $XX:6100-$XX:7FFF.

Note that if you're using 16-bit addressing, you should to use $3000-$30FF and $6100-$7FFF for that. 8-bit addresses should work fine since DP is set to $3000.

$7E:C800-$7E:FFFF to $40:C800-$40:FFFF.
$7F:C800-$7E:FFFF to $41:C800-$41:FFFF.

$7F:9A7B-$7F:9C7A to $41:8800-$41:89FF.

$70:0000-$70:07FF to $41:C000-$41:C7FF.

Also, note that $70:0800-$70:27FF is now $41:A000-$41:BFFF if you want more SRAM, but only that much. 16 KB should be enough for SRAM unless you're working on something that really wastes space. Alternatively, you can use MarioE/LX5's BW-RAM plus patch, which makes the job easier.

For more information, see the Memory Map Summary file located in docs folder. It also contains information about the remapped sprite tables, which will likely cause problem if you don't use a special remapping for them.

Now, knowing all the SRAM/RAM mapping changes, you may ask: what is the data at $40:0000-$41:FFFF and $XX:3000+ for?

When you activate SA-1, two types of RAM are added and one is deleted. In other words, I-RAM and BW-RAM are added while SRAM is deleted.

I-RAM is SA-1 Internal RAM, which is why it's called I-RAM. The I-RAM runs at 10.74 MHz with no delay and is the fastest RAM of SNES, with exception of Super FX's cache. But since cache isn't RAM, that doesn't count. The size of I-RAM is 2 KB (2048 bytes) and it's located in banks $00-$3F and $80-$BF, in the $3000-$37FF range.

$3000-$30FF is same as $7E:0000-$7E:00FF on SMW, which increases the read/write speed by 4 times. The game will access it even when running code from the SNES side, because the Direct Page is now at $3000.

$3100-$31FF is internally used by my patch for various purposes.

$3200-$3425 is used by Arujus's more sprites patch!
$3426-$36FF is free to use.
$3700-$377F is the Character Conversion DMA buffer.
$3780-$37FF is the SA-1 stack.

A detailed I-RAM map is included on docs\I-RAM.txt

I-RAM is recommended to be used for RAM codes or as a place for storing data which is accessed many times, since it'll be accessed much faster than other type of RAM.

BW-RAM is SA-1's SRAM. As simple as that. But unlike the SRAM (which means Static or Saveable RAM), BW-RAM means Backup and Work RAM. In other words, BW-RAM is a RAM created for both working and saving. I don't think its purposes change that much, but could BW-RAM be a little faster than SRAM..? I don't know.

BW-RAM runs at 5.37 MHz and is mapped to banks $40-$4F. You can expand the BW-RAM size to 256 KB, according to the SNES Dev. Manual Book II, but I only got up to 128 KB working, perhaps because none of the emulators implemented that, or no SA-1 game ever used 256 KB of BW-RAM.

This patch always uses the maximum BW-RAM size possible (128 KB) in banks $40-$41. $42-$FF will mirror the first two banks (e.g $42 and $40, $43 and $41, etc).

I remapped most RAM on SMW to BW-RAM and the SRAM of course. For more details, check docs\BW-RAM.txt

Of course, if the BW-RAM is at bank $40+ now, where has the ROM been moved to?

The ROM map changed in rather complex way. Look:

Bank Range Content
$00-$1F ROM (CXB) (LoROM)
$20-$3F ROM (DXB) (LoROM)
$40-$4F BW-RAM
$50-$5F Unmapped
$60-$6F (SA-1 only) "Virtual" BW-RAM.
$70-$7D Unmapped
$7E-$7F (SNES only) WRAM/Work RAM
$80-$9F ROM (EXB) (LoROM)

Now the ROM is split into various locations, which may act as LoROM or HiROM, and each part has an "ID", which can be CXB, DXB, EXB or FXB. Those belong to the ROM area, and their content may vary depending on what the bank switch value is, which is set using the SA-1 registers $2220-$2223. But my patch already takes care of that.

If the ROM is 4 MB or less, $00-$3F and $80-$BF will map to the 1st&2nd MB and the 3rd&4th MB respectively. $C0-$FF will be the HiROM area mirroring the same 4MB of data.

If the ROM is 5-8MB, the first 4MB are mapped to $00-$3F and $80-$BF and the last 4MB of the ROM are mapped to $C0-$FF. Yeah, that will make the first 4MB LoROM only and the last 4MB HiROM only. This way you can access all the 8MB at once, though some emulators may have some problems with it.

This also means that FastROM addressing will not work, so pay attention to any strange jump to the $808000+ area, and subtract $800000 from those.

Xkas doesn't support SA-1 mapping and because of that you'll be fine using it only for patching in the first 2MB area.

You can try using org $408000 or org $C00000 with base $808000, but xkas doesn't really like the base command that much.

Using Asar, you can access all the SA-1 data, but you will need to switch the mapping every time you're accessing an area outside of the current range.


sa1rom 0,1,2,3 ; access the first 4MB

org $018000 ; hijack something
	JSL CustomCode ; and run the custom code...

sa1rom 4,5,6,7

org $C00000
CustomCode: ;*put code here*;

However freecode/freedata will not work with Asar when you are accessing the 4MB+ area, atleast until Alcaro adds "bigsa1rom" to Asar (if he hasn't implemented it already).

Now that you know how the memory (ROM/RAM) works, you may ask: How can I invoke SA-1?

Going into SA-1 mode is really easy. Store the 24-bit address to jump to into $3180-$3182 and then JSR to $1E80, i.e.:

LDA.b #Label				; \ Put the address
STA $3180				;  | to jump in
LDA.b #Label>>8				;  | $3180 - $3182.
STA $3181				;  |
LDA.b #Label>>16			;  |
STA $3182				; /
JSR $1E80				; Invoke SA-1 and wait to finish.
[...]					; *other code*

PHB					; \ Set Bank
PHK					;  |
PLB					; /
; *The SA-1 CPU runs here.*
PLB					; Restore Bank
RTL					; Return.

So if you wanted to jump to the address $00974C, you'd do this:

LDA #$4C				; \ Low
STA $3180				; /
LDA #$97 				; \ High
STA $3181				; /
LDA #$00				; \ Bank (in this case STZ $3182 would work better)
STA $3182 				; /
JSR $1E80				; Invoke SA-1

You can do multi-threaded operation too:

LDA.b #Label				; \ Put the address
STA $3180				;  | to jump in
LDA.b #Label>>8				;  | $3180 - $3182.
STA $3181				;  |
LDA.b #Label>>16			;  |
STA $3182				; /
LDA #$80				; \ Invoke SA-1
STA $2100				; /
; Do stuff while SA-1 is executing Label.
JSR $1E85				; Wait SA-1 if it didn't finished its operation.
[...]					; *other code*

PHB					; \ Set Bank
PHK					;  |
PLB					; /
; *The SA-1 CPU runs here.*
PLB					; Restore Bank
RTL					; Return.

This operation may be really useful, but be careful that if you access the ROM in multi-threading mode, SA-1 may access it at 5.37 MHz, decreasing processing speed.

To make sure that SA-1 will run at full speed, place the code in WRAM and run it from there instead.

When you switch to SA-1 side, the system works a bit differently:

  • You can't access the PPU and CPU registers, which are located at $2100-$21FF, $4200-$42FF and around $4000 too.

  • You can't access WRAM (Work RAM) in banks $7E and $7F. Also $0000-$07FF are mapped to I-RAM instead, while $0800-$1FFF is unused.

  • You can access the $600000-$6FFFFF range, which is the "Virtual" BW-RAM.

  • The CPU runs 4x times faster than usual, specifically at 10.74 MHz instead of 2.68 or 3.56 MHz (FastROM).

Since you can't access the other CPU registers, you'd think to be unable to do DMA and Multiplication/Division, right? FALSE! You'll be able to use the SA-1 registers located at $2200-$23FF!

Plus the Multiplication and DMA registers available using SA-1 are much faster than the SNES ones. But you can't DMA to VRAM or any other PPU register, since while on SA-1 side, you can only access the cart contents (ROM, BW-RAM, I-RAM and SA-1 Registers).

To execute a multiplication, do this:

LDA #$00				; \ Set Multiplication Mode.
STA $2250				; /

REP #$20				; 16-bit Accum
LDA #$XXXX 				; \ Set first multiplicand
STA $2251				; /
LDA #$YYYY 				; \ Set second multiplicand
STA $2253				; /

NOP     				; \ ... Wait 5 cycles!
BRA $00 				; /

; Then can you read the product from $2306, $2307, $2308 and $2309.
; Yes, the product of SA-1 Multiplication is 32-bit! Awesome, isn't it?
; While in SNES it's 8-bit x 8-bit = 16-bit, in SA-1 it is
; 16-bit x 16-bit = 32-bit. And you only need to wait 5 cycles
; which is ~62% of a NOP in SNES!

To execute a division, do this:

LDA #$01				; \ Set Division Mode
STA $2250 				; /

REP #$20				; 16-bit Accum
LDA #$XXXX				; \ Set dividend
STA $2251				; /
LDA #$YYYY				; \ Set divisor
STA $2253				; /

NOP     				; \ ... Wait 5 cycles!
BRA $00 				; /

; Then you can read the division result from $2306 & $2307
; and the remainder from $2308 & $2309

Other enhancement chips may work like a slave, because the SNES sends a command to the chip, which then sends back the result. But with SA-1 is different story, since both chips can have interrupts so there's no slave in this case!

How can this be useful? When you can't access something from SA-1 side, of course. Using this method, you can make a quick access on something from SNES side, then come back with the value. Example: SA-1 wants to read from an APU port, but it can't access it. To make it accessible, call the the SNES so you can read from the APU port and then send the value to SA-1. See below:

LDA.B #.SNES				; \ Put the SNES pointer to run
STA $0183				; | in $0183-$0185.
LDA.B #.SNES/256			; |
STA $0184				; | (Remember that $0000-$07FF
LDA.B #.SNES/65536			; |  is same as $3000-$37FF).
STA $0185				; /
LDA #$D0				; \ Invoke/Call SNES
STA $2209				; /
.Wait					; \ Wait for SNES.
LDA $018A				; |
BEQ .Wait				; |
STZ $018A				; /
; Now APU value is at $0100-$0103, because:

.SNES					; SNES code
;PHB					; \ Set Bank (not really required to access RAM)
;PHK					; |
;PLB					; /
LDA $2140				; \ Read $2140-$2143
STA $3100				; | and save in $3100-$3103
LDA $2141				; | (Remember that $0000-$07FF is
STA $3101				; | NOT same as $3000-$37FF in SNES!)
LDA $2142				; |
STA $3102				; |
LDA $2143				; |
STA $3103				; /
;PLB					; Restore Bank
RTL					; Return.

Using said method you can get rid of almost all SA-1 limitations, but remember that the SNES's speed is 2 MHz, so if you call it too many times, you may waste some time.

Additionally, there's a special mode called Parallel/Background Mode. It runs a certain code periodically while the SA-1 CPU is idle.

To enable it, put the code pointer to $3186-$3188 and set $318B to #$01. Unlike other modes, you have to threat this one differently:

  1. You must reserve a RAM area to use it, since other code can potentially use it at any time. In other words, you can't use the standard RAM addresses or your RAM writes will end up corrupted when another code gets executed by the chip or even by SNES CPU. For these reasons, I reserved 32 bytes at $31E0-$31FF just for Parallel Mode, so you can put your scratch values without having risk of it getting corrupted suddenly.

  2. Direct Page is set to $0100, since you usually will not access standard direct page area ($3000-$30FF) and with that you will have facility with accessing Parallel Mode reserved RAM as well other SA-1 Pack internal RAM addresses. Of course after running your code, you should restore it back to $0100 if you changed it. Oh and if you're wondering, in the SA-1 CPU, $0100 is same thing as $3100. Don't get confused.

  3. When accessing registers (or any other not thread-safe address), you must disable IRQ (by using SEI opcode), to stop SA-1 from listening from SNES CPU. With that, you can access the multiplications registers or execute a DMA without having the risk of it getting conflicted by another thread. Don't forget to use CLI to re-enable IRQ or otherwise the game will freeze.

  4. Is preferred to your code work rather as a service, which runs code on demand. This mode is useful for code that does, for example, graphics manipulation so it won't access in-game performance because it ONLY uses SA-1 idle cycles and when the game code is running its code gets paused.

  5. If the status flag (318B) is set to #$FF, the service MUST stop current operations and gets free to an another parallel service start executing. Because obviously only one parallel mode code can be ran at once (I may change that in the future but I don't think it will be ever needed).

Example code (invoking parallel mode):

	LDA $318B		; \ If there's no Parallel Mode running already,
	BEQ +			; / skip.

	LDA #$FF		; \ Tell previous Parallel Mode code to exit.
	STA $318B		; / This is important or the game may crash or stop working.

-	LDA $318B		; \ Wait until the previous server gets free.
	BNE -			; /

	LDA.b #MyCode		; \ Place Parallel Mode Service Pointer
	STA $3186		;  |
	LDA.b #MyCode>>8	;  |
	STA $3187		;  |
	LDA.b #MyCode>>16	;  |
	STA $3188		; /

	LDA #$01		; \ Start Parallel Mode Service
	STA $318B		; /

Example code (actual parallel mode):

	PHB			; \ Set up banks.
	PHK			;  |
	PLB			; /

	LDA $8B			; \ If the parallel mode state
	CMP #$FF		;  | is set to #$FF (end), shutdown
	BEQ .end		; / the service.

	LDA $EF			; \ Check if there's any graphics
	CMP $EE			;  | rotation request.
	BEQ .main_loop		;  |
	STA $EF			; /

	JSR .rotate		; Rotate GFX (not included there)
	BRA .main_loop		; Go to back main loop.

	PLB			; Restore bank
	RTL			; Return.

Personally this mode is extremely useful for rotating graphics, because it takes SA-1's unused cycles and it does not cause slowdown. If there's not enough time to rotate a GFX, instead of making the game get unstable and slowdown, it will just reduce the rotation frame rate, which most users will not actually notice. It can be also useful for you, for some reason, want to for example decompress a GFX in the background without freezing temporally the level or even you want to run a music engine here. Use it freely! Remember that it's multi-threaded and your code must be thread-safe with normal SA-1 operations and with the SNES CPU. And when SNES CPU code is running together with Parallel Mode, the code performance may reduce a bit to around 8 MHz, but still a very good performance to explore while SA-1 CPU is not doing anything. And when SNES is idle (i.e. finished processing a game frame), the code is executed normally at 10.74 MHz.

There are a bunch of other useful features too, such as bit stream and fast DMA which are only available while on SA-1 side.

The SA-1 DMA can transfer data from ROM to I-RAM (10 MHz (4x faster than SNES)), from ROM to BW-RAM (5 MHz (2x faster)), from BW-RAM to I-RAM (5 MHz (2x faster)) and from I-RAM to BW-RAM (5 MHz (2x faster)). Although I-RAM <-> BW-RAM transfers are 2x slower than ROM -> I-RAM ones, you can still run SA-1 and DMA in parallel.

SA-1 DMA example (ROM->BW-RAM):

LDA.b #%11000100 			; \ Enable DMA, DMA Priority, ROM->BWRAM
STA $2230				; /

REP #$20				; 16-bit Accum
LDA #Location 				; \ ROM source address
STA $2232				; /
LDX #Bank 				; \ ROM source bank
STX $2234				; /

LDA #Size				; \ Set size of transfer
STA $2238				; /

LDA #Dest				; \ BW-RAM destination address
STA $2235				; /
LDX #BWRAM_Bank				; \ BW-RAM destination bank (#$40 or #$41)
STX $2237				; / The DMA starts upon writing to $2237.
; Note that if the destination is I-RAM, then it'll start upon writing to $2236 instead.

LDX $318C				; \ Wait for DMA flag.
BEQ .Wait				; /
LDX #$00				; \ Clear the DMA flag
STX $318C 				; /
STX $2230				; Disable SA-1 DMA

SEP #$20 				; 8-bit Accum

Although I only used the Variable Length Bit Processing (bit stream) feature once, here is an example how to use it (In Fixed Mode):

STZ $2258				; Set Fixed Mode

REP #$20				; \ Set the address to start reading from
LDA #$Address				;  |
STA $2259				;  |
LDX #$Bank				;  |
STX $225B				;  |
SEP #$20				; /

; Now let me explain. $2306 and $2307 contain
; a virtually "infinite" value from ROM
; that you can read (only 16-bit at once)
; and shift by the desired amount of bits to the right.

; To make a little easier, imagine that $2258 is a seek function, but it uses bits instead of bytes,
; and $230C/$230D is a read function, but without seek if fixed mode is used.
; It works like this:
bitStream bs = new BitStream(romData); 		// romData is a byte array.

int someBits = bs.ReadByte() & 0x0F;		// read 4 bits
bs.Seek(4);					// seek / shift 4 bits

int moreBits = bs.ReadByte() & 0x07;		// read 3 bits
bs.Seek(3);					// seek / shift 3 bits

The code above, translated into ASM, would look like this:

LDA $230C
AND #%BitsToMask
[handle value]
LDA #$BitsToSeek
STA $2258

You can keep doing this until you want to stop the reading process.

Here's a simple practical example. In LZ2, the syntax of the header looks like this (in bits):


CCC:   Command bits
LLLLL: Length

So CCC is the command and LLLLL is the length. To read that using bit stream, you can do this:

LDA $230C
AND #%00011111
; Handle length value
LDA #$05
STA $2258 ; Seek 5 bits, now CCCLLLLL -> ?????CCC

LDA $230C
AND #%00000111
; Handle command value
LDA #$03 ; Shift 3 bits now ?????CCC -> ????????
STA $2258

; Do stuff and/or keep reading, etc.

Well, that was all I could do about examples. Now have fun combinating all features!

WARNING: bsnes 0.7x appears to have a bug with the bit stream, as the bank switching doesn't work while using the Variable Length Bit feature, thus making it impossible to access the 5-8MB area. Be careful!

Now, there's still one feature that I haven't explained yet, so it's time to explain it, I guess. I said earlier that SA-1 can access banks $60-$6F, aka the "Virtual" BW-RAM, right?

The "Virtual" BW-RAM (I'll name as VRAM, okay?) is a BW-RAM mirror, but with a special added feature. The special feature of this area is that it only stores certain bits to the actual BW-RAM: 4 or 2 bits, depending on the value in $223F. If bit 7 of that one is clear, the VRAM will write 4 bits, otherwise only 2 bits are used from each address. It basically works like this:

$40:0000 = ($60:0000 << 0) | ($60:0001 << 4);

Or if bit 7 of $223F is set:

$40:0000 = ($60:0000 << 0) | ($60:0001 << 2) | ($60:0002 << 4) | ($60:0003 << 6);

Similarly, in order to write to $40:0001, you'll need to use both $60:0002 and $60:0003 if bit 7 of $223F is clear, or else you'll want $60:0004, $60:0005, $60:0006 and $60:0007.

So, if you write #$0F to $60:0000, it'll do:

LDA $400000
AND #$F0
ORA $600000
STA $400000

then, if $60:0001 is written:

LDA $600001
AND #$0F
ASL #4
STA $00
LDA $400000
AND #$0F
ORA $00
STA $400000

and if bit 7 of $223F is set, it'll work similarly, but with $60:0000-$60:0003 and using 2 bits from each address.

Of course, making use of this VRAM will speed up the process of storing a few bits to a RAM address, but why would we use this? For the one and only reason: Character Conversion DMA.

But what is Character Conversion DMA? You know, some games managed to use get some pretty nice effects such as rotating, scaling... But you can't do that directly in SNES file format, because it's a bit too complex to change its pixels.

To work around that, you will need to create a linear bitmap in RAM, then set all the pixels and effects and convert the data into SNES format to store it into VRAM. But the conversion is really tricky and to help that, SA-1 has a really great feature, which happens to be the most complex DMA available, used to convert bitmaps into SNES format and AT SAME TIME upload it in VRAM. This is done thanks to a combination of 2 DMAs, the SNES DMA and SA-1 DMA. While the SNES DMA reads the BW-RAM and transfers data from it to VRAM, the SA-1 DMA reads from BW-RAM, converts the data to SNES format and "gives" to SNES, bypassing the value that the SNES reads from BW-RAM. All of this is done at the same time and during NMI. So with Character Conversion DMA you can make a Framebuffer in BW-RAM and upload into VRAM in a very easy and fast way, since the transfers will still take the same time: 1 cycle per byte, except that SA-1 DMA converts the data simultaneously.

Fortunately, I've already accomplished the harder tasks and my patch already handles Character Conversion DMA for you. I created a table, which works much more like the OAM/Sprite Tiles one:

$3190+xCharacter Conversion Settings. 80+ will act like a normal DMA transfer.
$3191+xVRAM target (low).
$3192+xVRAM target (high).
$3193+xData location (low).
$3194+xData location (high).
$3195+xData location (bank).
$3196+xLength of data (low)
$3197+xLength of data (high)
... Up to 10 slots, which means that the table will need 80 bytes.

$317F holds the number of used slots. If the number is 0xA (10), then all slots are being used and no character conversion DMA will happen. To index the table and enable the DMA, do this:

	LDA $317F			; Load Character Conversion DMA slot count
	CMP #$0A			; \ if all slots are used, skip
	BEQ .End			; /
	ASL				; \ multiply the count by 8
	ASL				;  |
	ASL				; /
	TAX				; and use it as an index

	LDA #$SETTINGS			; \ Set $2231 value
	STA $3190,x			; /

	LDA #$VRAM_Low			; \ Set VRAM Destination address
	STA $3191,x			;  |
	LDA #$VRAM_High			;  |
	STA $3192,x			; /

	LDA #$BWRAM_Low			; \ Set	the BW-RAM address
	STA $3193,x			;  | (The pointer of the Bitmap)
	LDA #$BWRAM_High		;  |
	STA $3194,x			;  |
	LDA #$BWRAM_Bank		;  |
	STA $3195,x			; /

	LDA #$Length_Low		; \ Set the length of the transfer
	STA $3196,x			;  | (Size of the bitmap)
	LDA #$Length_High		;  |
	STA $3197,x			; /

	INC $317F			; Increase the number of slots used.
	RTS				; Return

You will also need to learn how register $2231 and SA-1 Bitmap work though. Check out the SNES Dev. Book II, Super Accelerator (SA-1) -> Character Conversion. You may find the file on section "Links".

To see all the registers, check out here:


Without these people, it would have been impossible for the SA-1 Pack to be created perfectly:

  • 33953YoShI (LC_LZ2/3 patches, original JP patch inspiration)
  • Adam (Testing / bugs)
  • Arujus (More sprites patch)
  • Alcaro (ZSNES/SNES9X detection code)
  • edit1724 (LC_LZ2/3 patches)
  • Ersanio (LC_LZ2/3 patches)
  • FuSoYa (help on implementing 6-8MB support, LZ3 patch)
  • Koopster (Creating compatible tools/patches/blocks/sprite page)
  • Lui37 (help on minor stuff)
  • Min (LC_LZ2/3 patches)
  • smkdan (LC_LZ2/3 patches and help on fixing VRAM patch)
  • Ripperon-X (bugs report)
  • Vitor Vilela (creating most patches)
  • You (for using the patches :D)


SA-1 Converted Patches:
Note the above link may expire around March. If you have problem with accessing it let me know.

SMW Central:

SNES Dev. Book:
SA-1 Registers:

My Profile on SMW Central:


SA-1 Pack is a package of patches for activating and using SA-1 in SMW Hacks


Language:Assembly 100.0%