freddyshim / my-vimrc

My .vimrc file

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My Awesome VIM Setup

This repository contains (nearly) all of the necessary configuration files for my vim environment.


Make sure the following are installed and properly configured:

  • terminal of your choice
  • vim (preferably neovim)
  • vim-plug Plugin manager
  • tmux Terminal pane manager
  • tmuxinator Tmux session manager

Optional plugins:

The rest of the plugins are managed by vim-plug and thus don't need to be manually installed.

Where to put files

.vimrc: home directory ~ AKA /Users/me on Mac, /home/me on Linux init.vim: neovim config directory ~/.config/nvim coc-settings.json: vim/neovim config directory ~/.vim for vim, ~/.config/nvim for neovim .tmux.conf: home directory tmuxinator: config directory ~/.config

Initalizing the Environment

Once all the files are in the correct places, open vim and run :PlugInstall inside the editor.

Command Cheat Sheet

First, I recommend reading through this resource as it covers the basics of using vim and most of the widely used commands.


  • close current file: :q
  • close all files: :qa
  • close file without saving: :q!
  • close all files without saving: :qa!
  • save current file: :w
  • save all files: :wa
  • save and close all files: :wqa


  • normal mode: <ctrl> c OR <esc>
  • edit mode (before cursor): i
  • edit mode (after cursor): a
  • edit mode (newline after current line): o
  • edit mode (newline before current line): O
  • select mode: v
  • copy current line: y y
  • delete/cut current line: d d
  • delete/cut and edit current line: c c
  • paste: p


  • move one line/char left, down, up, right -> h/j/k/l
  • move (num) lines/chars left, down, up, right -> {num} h/j/k/l
  • move to next word (cursor at start of word): w
  • move to next word (cursor at end of word): e
  • move to previous word (cursor at start of word): b
  • move to word previous/next set of strings separated by whitespaces: W, E, B
  • move to first line in file: g g
  • move to last line in file: G

Combining Editing and Movement

Note: There are some key behaviours that you should know about the commands w, e, and b. The difference between the lower case and upper case command (ie. w and W) is that the lower case command considers punctuation (ie. ,.'" and more) as a separate word. For example, the command yiw while the cursor is on the "o" character of the word "hello,there" will yank the word "hello" but not the rest of the string. However, the command yiW will yank the entire "hello,there" string, treating the comma as another character in a whitespace-separated word.

  • copy n lines down/up: y {n} j/k
  • delete/cut n lines down/up: d {n} j/k
  • paste n times: n p
  • copy current word: y i w
  • copy current word (ignoring punctuation): y i W (see note for explanation)
  • delete current word: d i w
  • delete and edit current word: c i w
  • copy all contents of a file: g g y G (notice how you can combine different movement options to do cool stuff like this...)


  • find word in file: /{word} <enter>
  • navigate between found words: n for next occurrence, N for previous occurrence
  • search and replace {word} in file: :%s/{word}/{newWord}/g (optionally, add c at the end of the command to confirm each replace action)

File Navigation

Althrough I personally use the NERDTree and FZF plugins to navigate between files, these commands are still good to know.

  • open file (or create new file if it doesn't exist): :n {file}
  • open file in horizontal split: :sp {file}
  • open file in vertical split: :vs {file}
  • open file in new tab: :tabnew {file}
  • go to previous buffer: <ctrl> o
  • go to next buffer: <ctrl> i
  • go to next tab: g t
  • go to previous tab: g T
  • go to nth tab: {n} g t

Custom/Plugin Commands

The following commands are NOT default vim commands but rather a list of commands that my installed plugins or I have mapped in the included .vimrc file. I highly recommend that you configure your own mappings to your liking or add mappings to commands that you frequently use.

  • open NERDTree: <ctrl> n or :NERDTree (requires NERDTree plugin)
  • search files: <ctrl> f (requires FZF plugin)
  • emmet: , , (requires emmet plugin)
  • navigate errors and diagnostics: ] g for next, [ g for previous (requires coc plugin)
  • go to code definition: g d (requires coc plugin)
  • go to code implementation: g i (requires coc plugin)
  • go to code references: g r (requires coc plugin)
  • show documentation on hover: K (requires coc plugin)


My .vimrc file


Language:Lua 99.4%Language:Shell 0.6%