freddymx / PdoOne

It simplifies the use of PDO in PHP by adding three methods: a simple wrapper between PDO, a query builder and an ORM.

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Database Access Object wrapper for PHP and PDO in a single class

PdoOne. It's a simple wrapper for PHP's PDO library compatible with SQL Server (2008 R2 or higher), MySQL (5.7 or higher) and Oracle (12.1 or higher).

This library tries to work as fast as possible. Most of the operations are simple string/array managements and work in the bare metal of the PDO library but it also allows to create an ORM.

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Turn this

$stmt = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE name = ?");
$result = $stmt->get_result();
while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {

into this

    ->where("name = ?",[$_POST['name']]) 

or using the ORM.

ProductRepo // this class was generated with echo $pdoOne()->generateCodeClass(['Product']);
    ::where("name = ?",[$_POST['name']])

Table of Content

Table of contents


ExampleTicketPHP Example cupcakes Example Search Example Different Method
example php bladeone example php bladeone cupcakes example php bladeone search

More examples:

Example Mysql PHP and PDO using PDOOne


This library requires PHP 5.6 and higher and it requires the extension PDO and the extension PDO-MYSQL (Mysql), PDO-SQLSRV (sql server) or PDO-OCI (Oracle)

Install (using composer)

Edit composer.json the next requirement, then update composer.

      "require": {
        "eftec/PdoOne": "^2.0"

or install it via cli using

composer require eftec/PdoOne

Install (manually)

Just download the folder lib from the library and put in your folder project. Then you must include all the files included on it.

How to create a Connection?

Create an instance of the class PdoOne as follows. Then, you can open the connection using the method connect() or open()

use eftec\PdoOne;
// mysql
$dao=new PdoOne("mysql","","root","abc.123","sakila","");
$conn->logLevel=3; // it is for debug purpose and it works to find problems.

// sql server\instance or (local)\instance or machinename\instance or machine (default instance)
$dao=new PdoOne("sqlsrv","(local)\sqlexpress","sa","abc.123","sakila","");
$conn->logLevel=3; // it is for debug purpose and it works to find problems.

// test (mockup)
$dao=new PdoOne("test","anyy","any","any","any","");

// oci (oracle) ez-connect

$dao=new PdoOne("oci",$cs,"sa","abc.123"); // oracle uses the user as the schema
$conn->logLevel=3; // it is for debug purpose and it works to find problems.

// oci (oracle) tsnnames (the environment variables TNS_ADMIN and PATH must be correctly configured), also tnsnames.ora must exists.
$dao=new PdoOne("oci",$cs,"sa","abc.123"); // oracle uses the user as the schema
$conn->logLevel=3; // it is for debug purpose and it works to find problems.


$dao=new PdoOne("mysql","","root","abc.123","sakila","");

  • "mysql" is the MySQL database. It also allows sqlsrv (for sql server) or "oci"
  • is the server where is the database.
  • root is the user
  • abc.123 is the password of the user root.
  • sakila is the database used.
  • "" (optional) it could be a log file, such as c:\temp\log.txt

How to runs a SQL command?

1. Running a raw query

With the method RunRawQuery(), we could execute a command directly to PDO with or without parameters. And it could returns a PdoStatement or an array. It is useful when we want speed.


string $rawSql The query to execute array|null $param [type1,value1,type2,value2] or [name1=>value,name2=value2] bool $returnArray if true (default) then it returns an array. If false then it returns a PDOStatement

$sql='select * from table where id=1';
$pdoStatement=$pdoOne->runRawQuery($sql,[],false);  // [] are the parameters

But we could change it to returns an array

$sql='select * from table where id=1';
$values=$pdoOne->runRawQuery($sql);  // [] are the parameters

We could also pass parameters.

$values=$con->runRawQuery('select * from table where id=?',[20]); // with parameter
$values=$con->runRawQuery('select * from table where id=:name',['name'=>20]); // with named parameter
$values=$con->runRawQuery('select * from table',[]); // without parameter.

Note, this library uses prepared statements, so it is free of SQL injection (if you use parameters)

$values=$con->runRawQuery("select * from table where name=:name",['name'=> $name]); // it works.✅
$values=$con->runRawQuery("select * from table where name=?",[$name]); // it works ok.✅
$values=$con->runRawQuery("select * from table where name='$name'"); // it will crash.❌

2. Running a native PDO statement

With the method runQuery() we could execute a prepared statement in PDO. It is useful when we want to pass arguments to it. runQuery() requires a PDO PreparedStatement.

This method is not recommended unless you are already working with PDO statements and you don't want to adapt all your code.

$sql="insert into `product`(name) values(?)";
$stmt->bind_param("s",$productName); // s stand for a string. Also i =integer, d = double and b=blob

3. Running using the query builder

You can use the query builder to build your command. You could check the chapter about Query Builder (DQL) for more information.

// query builder

4. Running using a ORM

This library also allows to create an ORM of your tables. If you are generated an ORM, then you can use the next code


Where ProductRepo is a service class generated by using the ORM.

How to work with Date values?

PdoOne allows 5 types of dates.

  • SQL Format It is the format how the date is stored into the database. It depends on the type of the database. For example MySQL could uses the format Y-m-d.

  • Human Format It is the format how the end user looks our date.

  • ISO Date Format. It is the format how the value could be transported and serialized.

  • Timestamp: It counts the number of seconds after 1-1-1970

  • Class / PHP Class: It is an DateTime object.

How to run a transaction?

There are 3 methods to runs a transaction:

Method Description
startTransaction() It starts a transaction. Depending on the type database, it could be stacked or not.
commit() Commit (and closes) a transaction
rollback() Rollback (and closes) a transaction


try {
    $sql="insert into `product`(name) values(?)";
    $pdoOne->commit(); // transaction ok
} catch (Exception $e) {
    $pdoOne->rollback(false); // error, transaction cancelled, the false means that it doesn't throw an exception if we want rollback.

Custom Queries


Returns true if the table exists (current database/schema)


Returns the statistics (as an array) of a column of a table.

min max avg sum count
1 205 103.0000 21115 205


Returns all columns of a table

colname coltype colsize colpres colscale iskey isidentity
actor_id smallint 5 0 1 1
first_name varchar 45 0 0
last_name varchar 45 0 0
last_update timestamp 0 0


Returns all foreign keys of a table (source table)


Creates a table using a definition and primary key.

  • $definition The definition is an associative array with the name of the column as key and the definition as value.
  • primaryKey It could be an string or associative array.
    • if it is an string then it is the name of the primary key, example "user_id";
    • it it is an associative array, then it could be used to define primary key, unique, key and foreign keys:
      • 'key_name'=>'PRIMARY KEY'
      • 'key_name'=>'KEY'
      • 'key_name'=>'UNIQUE KEY'
  • $extra It defines a extra definition inside the definition of the table.
  • extraOutside It defines a extra definition after the definition of the table.

Note: You could generate a code to create a table using an existing table by executing cli (output classcode)
php pdoone.php -database mysql -server -user root -pwd abc.123 -db sakila -input film -output classcode

Example: (mysql)

        "film_id" => "smallint unsigned not null auto_increment",                                                        
        "title" => "varchar(255) not null",                                                                              
        "description" => "text",                                                                                         
        "release_year" => "year",                                                                                        
        "language_id" => "tinyint unsigned not null",                                                                    
        "original_language_id" => "tinyint unsigned",                                                                    
        "rental_duration" => "tinyint unsigned not null default '3'",                                                    
        "rental_rate" => "decimal(4,2) not null default '4.99'",                                                         
        "length" => "smallint unsigned",                                                                                 
        "replacement_cost" => "decimal(5,2) not null default '19.99'",                                                   
        "rating" => "enum('G','PG','PG-13','R','NC-17') default 'G'",                                                    
        "special_features" => "set('Trailers','Commentaries','Deleted Scenes','Behind the Scenes')",                     
        "last_update" => "timestamp not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"                      
        "film_id" => "PRIMARY KEY",                                                                                      
        "title" => "KEY",                                                                                                
        "language_id" => "FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES`language`(`language_id`) ON UPDATE CASCADE",                            
        "original_language_id" => "FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES`language`(`language_id`) ON UPDATE CASCADE"                    
        "film_id" => "smallint unsigned not null auto_increment",                                                        
        "title" => "varchar(255) not null",                                                                              
        "description" => "text",                                                                                         
        "release_year" => "year",                                                                                        
        "language_id" => "tinyint unsigned not null",                                                                    
        "original_language_id" => "tinyint unsigned",                                                                    
        "rental_duration" => "tinyint unsigned not null default '3'",                                                    
        "rental_rate" => "decimal(4,2) not null default '4.99'",                                                         
        "length" => "smallint unsigned",                                                                                 
        "replacement_cost" => "decimal(5,2) not null default '19.99'",                                                   
        "rating" => "enum('G','PG','PG-13','R','NC-17') default 'G'",                                                    
        "special_features" => "set('Trailers','Commentaries','Deleted Scenes','Behind the Scenes')",                     
        "last_update" => "timestamp not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"                      

Example (sqlsrv)

       "film_id" => "int NOT NULL IDENTITY(1,1)",
       "title" => "varchar(255) NOT NULL",
       "description" => "text(2147483647) DEFAULT (NULL)",
       "release_year" => "varchar(4)",
       "language_id" => "tinyint NOT NULL",
       "original_language_id" => "tinyint DEFAULT (NULL)",
       "rental_duration" => "tinyint NOT NULL DEFAULT ((3))",
       "rental_rate" => "decimal(4,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT ((4.99))",
       "length" => "smallint DEFAULT (NULL)",
       "replacement_cost" => "decimal(5,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT ((19.99))",
       "rating" => "varchar(10) DEFAULT ('G')",
       "special_features" => "varchar(255) DEFAULT (NULL)",
       "last_update" => "datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT (getdate())"
       "language_id" => "FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES language(language_id)",
       "original_language_id" => "FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES language(language_id)",
       "film_id" => "PRIMARY KEY"

tableSorted($maxLoop = 5, $returnProblems = false, $debugTrace = false)

It returns a list of tables ordered by dependency (from no dependent to more dependent)

Note: This operation is not foolproof because the tables could have circular references.

$dao = new PdoOne('sqlsrv', "(local)\sqlexpress", "sa", "abc.123", "sakila");
echo "<pre>";
var_dump($dao->tableSorted(3, false, true)); // it returns the tables sortered
var_dump($dao->tableSorted(3, true, true)); // it returns all the tables that can't be sortered
echo "</pre>";


It validates a table if the table matches the definition asigned by values.

       "film_id" => "int NOT NULL IDENTITY(1,1)",
       "title" => "varchar(255) NOT NULL",
       "description" => "text(2147483647) DEFAULT (NULL)",
       "release_year" => "varchar(4)",
       "language_id" => "tinyint NOT NULL",
       "original_language_id" => "tinyint DEFAULT (NULL)",
       "rental_duration" => "tinyint NOT NULL DEFAULT ((3))",
       "rental_rate" => "decimal(4,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT ((4.99))",
       "length" => "smallint DEFAULT (NULL)",
       "replacement_cost" => "decimal(5,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT ((19.99))",
       "rating" => "varchar(10) DEFAULT ('G')",
       "special_features" => "varchar(255) DEFAULT (NULL)",
       "last_update" => "datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT (getdate())"
       "language_id" => "FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES language(language_id)",
       "original_language_id" => "FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES language(language_id)",
       "film_id" => "PRIMARY KEY"


It returns all the foreign keys of a table.

collocal tablerem colrem
customer_id customer customer_id
rental_id rental rental_id
staff_id staff staff_id

Query Builder (DQL)

You could also build a procedural query.


$results = $pdoOne->select("*")->from("producttype")
    ->where('name=?', [ 'Cocacola'])
    ->where('idproducttype=?', [ 1])


Indicates the columns to return. The argument is a SQL command, so it allows any operation that the database support, including functions, constants, operators, alias and such.

$results = $pdoOne->select("col1,col2"); //...

Generates the query: select col1,col2 ....

$results = $pdoOne->select("select * from table"); //->...

Generates the query: select * from table ....


Generates a query that returns a count of values. It is a macro of the method select()

$result = $pdoOne->count('from table where condition=1'); // select count(*) from table where c..
$result = $pdoOne->count()->from('table')->where('condition=?',[1]); // select count(*) from table where c..
$result = $pdoOne->count('from table','col1'); // select count(col1) from table
$result = $pdoOne->count()->from('table'); // select count(*) from table


Generates a query that returns the minimum value of a column. If $arg is empty then it uses $sql for the name of the column It is a macro of the method select()

$result = $pdoOne->min('from table where condition=1','col'); // select min(col) from table where c..
$result = $pdoOne->min('from table','col1'); // select min(col1) from table
$result = $pdoOne->min('','col1')->from('table'); // select min(col1) from table
$result = $pdoOne->min('col1')->from('table'); // select min(col1) from table


Generates a query that returns the maximum value of a column. If $arg is empty then it uses $sql for the name of the column It is a macro of the method select()

$result = $pdoOne->max('from table where condition=1','col'); // select max(col) from table where c..
$result = $pdoOne->max('from table','col1'); // select max(col1) from table


Generates a query that returns the sum value of a column. If $arg is empty then it uses $sql for the name of the column It is a macro of the method select()

$result = $pdoOne->sum('from table where condition=1','col'); // select sum(col) from table where c..
$result = $pdoOne->sum('from table','col1'); // select sum(col1) from table


Generates a query that returns the average value of a column. If $arg is empty then it uses $sql for the name of the column It is a macro of the method select()

$result = $pdoOne->avg('from table where condition=1','col'); // select avg(col) from table where c..
$result = $pdoOne->avg('from table','col1'); // select avg(col1) from table


Generates a select command.

$results = $pdoOne->select("col1,col2")->distinct(); //...

Generates the query: select distinct col1,col2 ....

Note: ->distinct('unique') returns select unique ..


Generates a "from" sql command.

$results = $pdoOne->select("*")->from('table'); //...

Generates the query: select * from table

$tables could be a single table or a sql construction. For examp, the next command is valid:

$results = $pdoOne->select("*")->from('table t1 inner join t2 on t1.c1=t2.c2'); //...


Generates a where command.

  • $where is an array or a string. If it's a string, then it's evaluated by using the parameters. if any
$results = $pdoOne->select("*")
->where('p1=1'); //...

The where could be expressed in different ways.

Where() without parameters.

It is possible to write the where without parameters as follow:

$results = $pdoOne->select("*")->from('table')->where("p1=1 and p2>2.5 or p3 like '%aa%'");

Where() with parameters defined by a indexed array.

$results = $pdoOne->select("*")->from('table')->where("p1=? and p2>? or p3 like ?",[1

It also works

// (if there is only a single argument without a type)
$results = $pdoOne->select("*")->from('table')->where("p1=?",[1]);  // = where("p1=?",[1]);
// (if we don't define to where to put the value)
$results = $pdoOne->select("*")->from('table')->where("p1",[1]); // = where("p1=?",[1]);

Where() using an associative array

It is a shorthand definition of a query using an associative array, where the key is the name of the column and the value is the value to compare

It only works with equality (=) and the logic operator 'and' (the type is defined automatically)

// select * from table where p1='1' and p2='2.5' and p3='aa'
$results = $pdoOne->select("*")->from('table')->where(['p1'=>1

Also it is possible to specify the type of parameter.

// select * from table where p1=1 and p2='2.5' and p3='aa'
$results = $pdoOne->select("*")->from('table')->where(['p1'=>[1]

Where() using an associative array and named arguments

You could also use an associative array as argument and named parameters in the query

$results = $pdoOne->select("*")->from("table")
    ->where('condition=:p1 and condition2=:p2',['p1'=>'Coca-Cola','p2'=>1])

Generates the query: select * from table where condition=?(Coca-Cola) and condition2=?(1)

Examples of where()

Generates the query: select * from table where p1=1

Note: ArrayParameters is an array as follow: type,value.
Where type is i=integer, d=double, s=string or b=blob. In case of doubt, use "s" (see table bellow)
Example of arrayParameters:
[1 ,'hello' ,20.3 ,'world']

$results = $pdoOne->select("*")
->where('p1=?',[1]); //...

Generates the query: select * from table where p1=?(1)

$results = $pdoOne->select("*")
->where('p1=? and p2=?',[1,'hello']); //...

Generates the query: select * from table where p1=?(1) and p2=?('hello')

Note. where could be nested.

$results = $pdoOne->select("*")
->where('p2=?',['hello']); //...

Generates the query: select * from table where p1=?(1) and p2=?('hello')

You could also use:

$results = $pdoOne->select("*")->from("table")

Generates the query: select * from table where p1=?(Coca-Cola) and p2=?(1)


Generates a order command.

$results = $pdoOne->select("*")
->order('p1 desc'); //...

Generates the query: select * from table order by p1 desc


Generates a group command.

$results = $pdoOne->select("*")
->group('p1'); //...

Generates the query: select * from table group by p1


Generates a having command.

Note: it uses the same parameters than where()

$results = $pdoOne->select("*")
->having('p1>?',array(1)); //...

Generates the query: select * from table group by p1 having p1>?(1)

Note: Having could be nested having()->having()
Note: Having could be without parameters having('col>10')

End of the chain


Run the query generate.

Note if returnArray is true then it returns an associative array. if returnArray is false then it returns a mysqli_result
Note: It resets the current parameters (such as current select, from, where, etc.)


It's a macro of runGen(). It returns an associative array or false if the operation fails.

$results = $pdoOne->select("*")


It returns a metacode (definitions) of each columns of a query.

$results = $pdoOne->select("*")


$results = $pdoOne->toMeta('select * from table'); 


array(3) {
  array(7) {
    string(4) "LONG"
    array(2) {
      string(8) "not_null"
      string(11) "primary_key"
    string(11) "producttype"
    string(13) "idproducttype"
  array(7) {
    string(10) "VAR_STRING"
    array(0) {
    string(11) "producttype"
    string(4) "name"


It's a macro of runGen. It returns an indexed array from the first column

$results = $pdoOne->select("*")
->toListSimple(); // ['1','2','3','4']


It returns an associative array where the first value is the key and the second is the value.
If the second value does not exist then it uses the index as value (first value).

$results = $pdoOne->select("cod,name")
->toListKeyValue(); // ['cod1'=>'name1','cod2'=>'name2']


It's a macro of runGen. It returns a mysqli_result or null.

$results = $pdoOne->select("*")
->toResult(); //


It returns the first scalar (one value) of a query. If $colName is null then it uses the first column.

$count=$this->pdoOne->count('from product_category')->firstScalar();


It's a macro of runGen. It returns the first row if any, if not then it returns false, as an associative array.

$results = $pdoOne->select("*")


It's a macro of runGen. It returns the last row (if any, if not, it returns false) as an associative array.

$results = $pdoOne->select("*")

Sometimes is more efficient to run order() and first() because last() reads all values.


It returns the sql command and string.

$sql = $pdoOne->select("*")
echo $sql; // returns select * from table
$results=$pdoOne->toList(); // executes the query

Note: it doesn't reset the query.

Query Builder (DML)

There are four ways to execute each command.

Let's say that we want to add an integer in the column col1 with the value 20

Schema and values using a list of values: Where the first value is the column, the second is the type of value (i=integer,d=double,s=string,b=blob) and second array contains the values.


Schema and values in the same list: Where the first value is the column, the second is the type of value (i=integer,d=double,s=string,b=blob) and the third is the value.


Schema and values using two associative arrays:


Schema and values using a single associative array: The type is calculated automatically.



Generates a insert command.


Using nested chain (single array)

        ->set(['idproducttype',0 ,'name','Pepsi' ,'type',1])

Using nested chain multiple set


or (the type is defined, in the possible, automatically by MySql)




Using nested chain declarative set

        ->set('(idproducttype,name,type) values (?,?,?)',[100,'Pepsi',1])

Generates the query: insert into productype(idproducttype,name,type) values(?,?,?) ....


Generates a insert command.

    ,['name','type'] //set
    ,[6,'Captain-Crunch',2] //set
    ,['idproducttype'] // where
    ,[6]); // where
    ,['name'=>'Captain-Crunch','type'=>2] // set
    ,['idproducttype'=>6]); // where
    ->set("name=?",['Captain-Crunch']) //set
    ->set("type=?",[6]) //set
    ->where('idproducttype=?',[6]) // where
    ->update(); // update


    ->set("name=?",'Captain-Crunch') //set
    ->set("type=?",6) //set
    ->where('idproducttype=?',[6]) // where
    ->update(); // update

Generates the query: update producttype set name=?,type=? where idproducttype=? ....


Generates a delete command.

    ,['idproducttype'] // where
    ,[7]); // where
    ,['idproducttype'=>7]); // where

Generates the query: delete from producttype where idproducttype=? ....

You could also delete via a DQL builder chain.

    ->where('idproducttype=?',[7]) // where
    ->where(['idproducttype'=>7]) // where

Generates the query: delete from producttype where idproducttype=? ....


It is possible to optionally cache the result of the queries. The duration of the query is also defined in the query. If the result of the query is not cached, then it is calculated normally (executing the query in the database. For identify a query as unique, the system generates an unique id (uid) based in sha256 created with the query, parameters, methods and the type of operation.

The library does not do any cache operation directly, instead it allows to cache the results using an external library.

  • Cache works with the next methods.
    • toList()
    • toListSimple()
    • first()
    • firstScalar()
    • last()

How to configure it?

  1. We need to define a class that implements the interface \eftec\IPdoOneCache
class CacheService implements \eftec\IPdoOneCache {
    public $cacheData=[];
    public $cacheCounter=0; // for debug
    public  function getCache($uid,$family='') {
        if(isset($this->cacheData[$uid])) {
            echo "using cache\n";
            return $this->cacheData[$uid];
        return false;
    public function setCache($uid,$family='',$data=null,$ttl=null) {
    public function invalidateCache($uid = '', $family = '') {
$cache=new CacheService();

(2) Sets the cache service

    $pdoOne=new PdoOne("mysql","","travis","","travisdb");
    $cache=new CacheService();

(3) Use the cache as as follow, we must add the method useCache() in any part of the query.

    $pdoOne->select('select * from table')
        ->useCache()->toList(); // cache that never expires
    $pdoOne->select('select * from table')
        ->useCache(1000)->toList(); // cache that lasts 1000ms.

Example using apcu

class CacheService implements \eftec\IPdoOneCache {
    public  function getCache($uid,$family='') {
        return apcu_fetch($uid);
    public function setCache($uid,$family='',$data=null,$ttl=null) {
    public function invalidateCache($uid = '', $family = '') {
        // invalidate cache
$cache=new CacheService();


Sequence is an alternative to AUTO_NUMERIC (identity) field. It has two methods to create a sequence: snowflake and sequence. It is an alternative to create a GUID mainly because it returns a number (a GUID usually is a string that it is more expensive to index and to store)

The goal of the sequence is to create an unique number that it is never repeated.

  • sequence: It uses the functionality of the database to create and use a sequence. MySql doesn't not have sequences but they are emulated. The main problem of the sequence is it returns a consecutive number, example: 1,2,3,4... This number is predictable. For example, if you are the user number 20, then you can guess another user = 19, 21, etc.
  • snowflakes: It uses a table to generate an unique ID. The sequence used is based on Twitter's Snowflake and it is generated based on time (with microseconds), nodeId and a unique sequence. This generates a LONG (int 64) value that it's unique. Example: 10765432100123456789. This number is partially predictable .

Creating a sequence

  • $dao->nodeId set the node value (default is 1). If we want unique values amongst different clusters, then we could set the value of the node as unique. The limit is up to 1024 nodes.
  • $dao->tableSequence it sets the table (and function), the default value is snowflake.
$dao->nodeId=1; // optional
$dao->tableSequence='snowflake'; // optional
$dao->createSequence(); // it creates a table (and it could create a store procedure) called snowflake and a function called next_snowflake(). You could create it only once.

Creating a sequence without a table.

It is possible to create a new sequence without any table. It is fast but it could have problems of collisions.

It ensures a collision free number only if we don't do more than one operation per 0.0001 second However, it also adds a pseudo random number (0-4095 based in time) so the chances of collision is 1/4095 (per two operations done every 0.0001 second). It is based on Twitter's Snowflake number. i.e.. you are safe of collisions if you are doing less than 1 million of operations per second (technically: 45 millions).

  • $pdo->getSequencePHP([unpredictable=false]) Returns a sequence without using a table. This sequence is more efficient than $dao->getSequence but it uses a random value to deals with collisions.

  • If upredictable is true then it returns an unpredictable number (it flips some digits)

$pdo->getSequencePHP() // string(19) "3639032938181434317" 
$dao->getSequencePHP(true) // string(19) "1739032938181434311" 

Using the sequence

  • $dao->getSequence([unpredictable=false]) returns the last sequence. If the sequence fails to generate, then it returns -1. The function could fails if the function is called more than 4096 times every 1/1000th second.
$pdo->getSequence() // string(19) "3639032938181434317" 
$pdo->getSequencePHP() // string(19) "3639032938181434317" 
$pdo->getSequence(true) // returns a sequence by flipping some values.
$pdo->getSequencePHP(true) // string(19) "1739032938181434311" 


Field Description Example
$prefixBase If we need to add a prefix to every table $this->prefixBase='example_';
$internalCacheCounter The counter of hits of the internal cache. $this->internalCacheCounter=;
$nodeId Used by sequence (snowflake). nodeId It is the identifier of the node. It must be between 0..1023 $this->nodeId=3;
$tableSequence The name of the table sequence (snowflake) $this->tableSequence="tableseq1";
$masks0 If we want to generate an unpredictable number (used by sequence) $this->masks0=[0,1,2,3,4];
$masks1 If we want to generate an unpredictable number (used by sequence) $this->masks1=[4,3,2,1,0];
$databaseType The current type of database. It is set via el constructor echo $this->databaseType;
$server The current server machine echo $this->server;
$user The current user echo $this->user;
$pwd The current password echo $this->pwd;
$db The current database or schema (oracle ignores this value) echo $this->db;
$charset To set the default charset. It must be set via constructor echo $this->charset;
$isOpen It is true if the database is connected otherwise,it's false if($this->isOpen) { …};
$throwOnError If true (default), then it throws an error if happens an error. If false, then the execution continues $this->throwOnError=false;
$conn1 The instance of PDO. You can set it or use it directly. $this->conn1->pdoStatement(..);
$transactionOpen True if the transaction is open if($this->transactionOpen) { …};
$readonly if the database is in READ ONLY mode or not. If true then we must avoid to write in the database $this->readonly=true;
$logFile full filename of the log file. If it's empty then it doesn't store a log file. The log file is limited to 1mb $this->logFile="/folder/file.log";
$errorText It stores the last error. runGet and beginTry resets it echo $this->errorText;
$isThrow todo $this->isThrow=;
$logLevel It indicates the current level of log. 0 = no log (for production), 3= full log $this->logLevel=3;
$lastQuery Last query executed echo $this->lastQuery;
$lastParam The last parameters. It is an associative array echo $this->lastParam;

How to debug and trace errors in the database?

Setting the log level

You can set the log level to 3. The log level works when the operation fails, the higher the log level, then it shows most information.

$pdoOne->logLevel=3; // the highest for debug.
  • 0=no debug for production (all message of error are generic)
  • 1=it shows an error message
  • 2=it shows the error messages and the last query
  • 3=it shows the error message, the last query and the last parameters (if any). It could be unsafe (it could show passwords)

Throwing errors

By default, PdoOne throws PHP errors but we could avoid it by setting the field $throwOnError to false.

$pdoOne->throwOnError=false; // it could be used in production.

Getting the last Query

var_dump($pdoOne->lastQuery); // it shows the last query
var_dump($pdoOne->lastParam); // and it shows the last parameters.

Generating a log file

If empty then it will not generate a log file (using the php log file)



PdoOne has some features available only in CLI.

 _____    _       _____
|  _  | _| | ___ |     | ___  ___
|   __|| . || . ||  |  ||   || -_|
|__|   |___||___||_____||_|_||___|  1.28.1

Syntax:php PdoOne.php <args>
-database [$database]
    Example: (mysql/sqlsrv/oracle/test)
-server [$server]
    Example mysql: ,
    Example sqlsrv: (local)\sqlexpress\sqlexpress
-user The username to access to the database [$user]
    Example: root, su
-pwd The password to access to the database [***]
    Example: abc.123
-db The database/schema [$db]
    Example: sakila
-input The input value.[$input]
    Example: "select * from table" = it runs a query
    Example: "table" = it runs a table (it could generates a query automatically)
-output The result value. [$output]
    classcode: it returns php code with a CRUDL class
    selectcode: it shows a php code with a select
    arraycode: it shows a php code with the definition of an array Ex: ['idfield'=0,'name'=>'']
    csv: it returns a csv result
    json: it returns the value of the queries as json
-pk [optional] the primary key. It is requerido for SQLSERVER and output classcode [$pk]
    Example: "customerid"    

Run as cli

Execute the next line (in the lib folder)

php PdoOne.php

(or pointing to the right folder)

php /var/web/vendor/eftec/lib/PdoOne.php

Note: It requires entering all arguments (-database, -server, etc.)


The functionality will generate a ready-to-use repository class.

Let's say the next example

php pdoone.php -database mysql -server -user root -pwd abc.123 -db sakila -input "Actor" -output classcode
php pdoone.php -database sqlsrv -server PCJC\SQLEXPRESS -user sa -pwd abc.123 -db sakila -input "Actor" -output classcode

It will connect to the database mysql, ip: and database sakila, and it will read the "actor" table.

It will return the next result

 * Generated by PdoOne Version 1.28
 * Class ActorRepo
class ActorRepo
    const TABLE = 'Actor';
    const PK = 'actor_id';
    /** @var PdoOne */
    public static $pdoOne = null;

     * It creates a new table<br>
     * If the table exists then the operation is ignored (and it returns false)
     * @param array $definition
     * @param null  $extra
     * @return array|bool|PDOStatement
     * @throws Exception
    public static function createTable($definition, $extra = null) {
        if (!self::getPdoOne()->tableExist(self::TABLE)) {
            return self::getPdoOne()->createTable(self::TABLE, $definition, self::PK, $extra);
        return false; // table already exist
    // .....

This functionality will generate a new Repository class with the most common operations: insert, list, update, delete, get, count, create table, drop table and truncate table

Why we need to generate a class? (instead of inherit one) This Crud class is only a starting point. The developer could modify the code, add new methods, modify previous method and so on.

For to use the class, we could write the next code:

// 1) option 1, inject an instance of $pdo
ActorRepo::setPdoOne($pdoOne); // it inject the current connect to the database

// 2) option 2.
// If the global variable $pdoOne exists, then it is injected. (unless it is defined by using setPdoOne()
$pdoOne=new PdoOne("mysql","","root","abc.123","sakila","");

// 3) option 3
// If the global function pdoOne() exists, then it is used for obtain the instance.
function pdoOne() {
    global $pdo;
    if ($pdo===null) {
        $pdo=new PdoOne('mysql','','root','abc.123','sakila');
    return $pdo;

$actorActorRepo::get(2); // it will read the actor with the pk=2 and it will return as an array.
$actors=$actorArray=ActorRepo::select(); // it returns all the rows.

Alternatively, you could generate the php file automatically as follow:

php pdoone.php -database mysql -server -user root -pwd abc.123 -db sakila -input "Actor" -output classcode >ActorRepo.php

Note: the code lacks of php-tags, namespace and use but everything else is here.


It will take a query and will return a php code with the query formatted.


php pdoone.php -database mysql -server -user root -pwd abc.123 -db sakila -input "select * from actor" -output selectcode

It will generate the next code:

 /** @var array $result=array(["actor_id"=>0,"first_name"=>'',"last_name"=>'',"last_update"=>'']) */


It will generate an associative array (with default values) based in the query or table selected.

php pdoone.php -database mysql -server -user root -pwd abc.123 -db sakila -input "select * from actor" -output arraycode

It will return:

// ["actor_id"=>0,"first_name"=>'',"last_name"=>'',"last_update"=>'']


It will return the result of the query as a json

php pdoone.php -database mysql -server -user root -pwd abc.123 -db sakila -input "select * from actor" -output json

It will return:

[{"actor_id":"1","first_name":"PENELOPE","last_name":"GUINESS","last_update":"2006-02-15 01:34:33"}
,{"actor_id":"2","first_name":"NICK","last_name":"WAHLBERG","last_update":"2006-02-15 01:34:33"}
,{"actor_id":"3","first_name":"ED","last_name":"CHASE","last_update":"2006-02-15 01:34:33"}


It will return the result of the query as a json

php pdoone.php -database mysql -server -user root -pwd abc.123 -db sakila -input "select * from actor" -output csv

It will return:

1,"PENELOPE","GUINESS","2006-02-15 01:34:33"
2,"NICK","WAHLBERG","2006-02-15 01:34:33"
3,"ED","CHASE","2006-02-15 01:34:33"
4,"JENNIFER","DAVIS","2006-02-15 01:34:33"


Alternatively to the CLI, the library has an interface visual. It does all the operation of the CLI.

How to run the UI?

Simply call the method render()


use eftec\PdoOne;
use mapache_commons\Collection;

include "../vendor/autoload.php";

$dao=new PdoOne("test","","dummy","dummy","dummy"); // we need any connection.


There is an example in the folder examples/testui.php


This library also allows to create and use it as an ORM. To use it as an ORM, you must create the classes.

What is an ORM?

Let's say the next example

$result=$pdoOne->runRawQuery('select IdCustomer,Name from Customers where IdCustomer=?',1); 

You can also runs using the Query Builder


What if you use the same table over and over. You can generate a new class called CustomerRepo and calls the code as


While it is simple but it also hides part of the implementation. It could hurts the performance but it adds more simplicity and consistency.

Building and installing the ORM

There are several ways to generate a Repository code, it is possible to generate a code using the CLI, the GUI or using the next code:

$pdo=new PdoOne('mysql','','root','abc.123','sakila');
$table=$pdo->generateCodeClass('Tablename','repo'); // where Tablename is the name of the table to analyze. it must exsits.
echo $clase;

The code generated looks like this one

class TableNameRepo extends _BasePdoOneRepo
// ....

Creating the repository class

This method is not recommended. Uses the method to create multiple classes.

There are several ways to create a class, you could use the UI, the CLI or directly via code.

It is an example to create our repository class

$class = $pdoOne->generateCodeClass('Customer'); // The table Customer must exists in the database
file_put_contents('CustomerRepo.php',$clase); // and we write the code into a file.

It will build our Repository class.

use eftec\PdoOne;
use eftec\_BasePdoOneRepo;

class CustomerRepo extends _BasePdoOneRepo
$class = $pdoOne->generateCodeClass('Customer','namespace\anothernamespace'); 

It will generate the next class

namespace namespace\anothernamespace;    
use eftec\PdoOne;
use eftec\_BasePdoOneRepo;

class CustomerRepo extends _BasePdoOneRepo

Creating multiples repositories classes

In this example, we have two classes, messages and users

// converts all datetime columns into a ISO date.

    ['messages'=>'MessageRepo','users'=>'UserRepo'] // the tables and their name of classes
    ,'BaseClass' // a base class.
    ,'namespace1\repo' // the namespaces that we will use
    ,'/folder/repo' // the folders where we store our classes
    ,false // [optional] if true the we also replace the Repo classes
    ,[] // [optional] Here we could add a custom relation of conversion per column.
    ,[] // [optional] Extra columns. We could add extra columns to our repo.
    ,[] // [optional] Columns to exclude.    
var_dump($errors); // it shows any error or an empty array if success.

It will generate the next classes:

📁 folder
       📃AbstractMessageRepo.php   [namespace1\repo\AbstractMessageRepo] NOT EDIT OR REFERENCE THIS FILE
       📃MessageRepo.php         [namespace1\repo\MessageRepo] EDITABLE
       📃AbstractUserRepo.php     [namespace1\repo\AbstractUserRepo] NOT EDIT OR REFERENCE THIS FILE
       📃UserRepo.php               [namespace1\repo\UserRepo]  EDITABLE
       📃BaseClass.php              [namespace1\repo\BaseClass] NOT EDIT OR REFERENCE THIS FILE      
  • Abstract Classes are classes with all the definitions of the tables, indexes and such. They contain the whole definition of a class.
    • This class should be rebuild if the table changes. How? You must run the method generateAllClasses() again.
  • Repo Classes are classes that works as a placeholder of the Abstract class. These classes are safe for edit, so we could add our own methods and logic.
    • Note: if you run generateAllClasses() again, then those classes are not touched unless we force it (argument $forced) or we delete those files.
  • Base Class is a unique class (per schema) where it contains the definition of all the tables and the relations between them.
    • This class should be rebuild if the table changes. How? You must run the method generateAllClasses() again.

Creating all repositories classes

We could automate even further

$allTablesTmp=$pdoOne->objectList('table',true); // we get all the tables from the current schema.
foreach($allTablesTmp as $table) {
   $allTables // tables=>repo class
    ,'MiniChat' // a base class.
    ,'eftec\minichat\repo' // the namespaces that we will use
    ,'/folder/repo' // the folders where we store our classes
echo "Errors (empty if it is ok:)";

Using the Repository class.

For started, the library must know to know where to connect, so you must set an instance of the PdoOne and there are 3 ways to instance it.

You could do it by creating a function called pdoOne()

function pdoOne() {
   $pdo=new PdoOne('mysql','','root','abc.123','sakila');

Or creating a global variable called $pdoOne

$pdoOne=new PdoOne('mysql','','root','abc.123','sakila');

Or injecting the instance into the class using the static method Class::setPdoOne()

$pdo=new PdoOne('mysql','','root','abc.123','sakila');
TableNameRepo::setPdoOne($pdo); // TableNameRepo is our class generated. You must inject it once per all schema.

DDL Database Design Language

The next commands usually are executed alone (not in a chain of methods)

Method Description Example
createTable() Creates the table and indexes using the definition inside the Repo TablaParentRepo::createTable();
createForeignKeys() Create all foreign keys of the table TablaParentRepo::createForeignKeys();
dropTable() Drop the table TablaParentRepo::dropTable();
truncate() Truncate the table TablaParentRepo::truncate();
validTable() Validate if the table hasn't changed $ok=TablaParentRepo::validTable();
// We don't have a method to alter a table.
$ok=TablaParentRepo::validTable(); // it returns true if the table matches with the definition stored into the clas

Nested Operators

The nested operators are methods that should be in between of our chain of methods.

ClassRepo::op()::where()::op() is ✅

ClassRepo::op()::op()::where() will left the chain open ❌

For example:

// select * 
//        from table 
//        inner join table2 on t1=t2 
//        where col=:arg
//        and col2=:arg2
//    group by col
//        having col3=:arg3
//    order by col
//    limit 20,30
    ->innerjoin('table2 on t1=t2')
    ->where('col=:arg and col2:=arg2',[20,30]) 
    // it also works with ->where('col=:arg',20)->where('col2'=>30)
    // it also works with ->where('col=?',20)->where('col2=?'=>30)
    ->toList(); // end of the chain
Method Description Example
where() It adds a where to the chain TablaParentRepo::where()
order() It adds a order by to the chain TablaParentRepo::order()
group() it adds a group by to the chain TablaParentRepo::group()
limit() It limits the results TablaParentRepo::limit()
innerjoin() It adds a inner join to the query TablaParentRepo::innerjoin()
left() It adds a left join to the query TablaParentRepo::left()
right() It adds a right join to the query TablaParentRepo::right()

DQL Database Query Language

We have different methods to generate a DQL (query) command in our database.

If the operation fails, they return a FALSE and they could trigger an exception.

The next methods should be at the end of the chain. Examples:

ClassRepo::op()::op()::toList() is ✅

ClassRepo::op()::toList()::op() will trigger an exception ❌

Command Description Example
toList() Returns an array of elements $data=TableNameRepo::toList(); // select * from tablerepo
$data=TableNameRepo::where('a1=?',[$value])::toList(); // select * from tablerepo where a1=$value
first() Returns a simple row $data=TableNameRepo::first($pk); // select * from tablerepo where pk=$pk (it always returns 1 or zero values)
$data=TableNameRepo::where('a1=?',[$value])::first(); // it returns the first value (or false if not found)
exist() Returns true if a primary key exists $data=TableNameRepo::exist($pk); // returns true if the object exists.
count() Returns the number of rows in a query $data=TableNameRepo::count($conditions);

DML Database Model Language

The next methods allow to insert,update or delete values in the database.

Method Description Example
insert It inserts a value into the database. It could returns an identity $identity=TablaParentRepo::insert($obj);
update It updates a value into the database. TablaParentRepo::update($obj);
delete It deletes a value from the database. TablaParentRepo::delete($obj);
deletebyId It deletes a value (using the primary key as condition) from the database. TablaParentRepo::deleteById($pk);
// where obj is an associative array or an object, where the keys are the name of the columns (case sensitive)

Validate the model

It is possible to validate the model. The model is validated using the information of the database, using the type of the column, the length, if the value allows null and if it is identity (auto numeric).

$obj=['IdUser'=>1,'Name'='John Doe']; 
UserRepo::validateModel($obj,false,['_messages']); // returns true if $obj is a valid User.


A recursive array is a array of strings with values that it could be read or obtained or compared. For example, to join a table conditionally. PdoOne does not use it directly but _BasePdoOneRepo uses it (_BasePdoOneRepo is a class used when we generate a repository service class automatically).


// some operations that involves recursive
if($this->hasRecursive('table1')) {
    $this->innerJoin('table1 on table.c=table1.c');
if($this->hasRecursive('table1.table2')) {
    $this->innerJoin('table1 on table1.c=table2.c');
$r=$this->toList(); // recursive is resetted.


It sets a recursive array.

This value is resets each time a chain methods ends.


It gets the recursive array.


It returns true if recursive has some needle.

If $this->recursive is ['*'] then it always returns true.

$this->hasRecursive('anything'); // it always returns true.

Benchmark (mysql, estimated)

Library Insert findPk hydrate with time
PDO 671 60 278 887 3,74
PdoOne 774 63 292 903 4,73
LessQL 1413 133 539 825 5,984
YiiM 2260 127 446 1516 8,415
YiiMWithCache 1925 122 421 1547 7,854
Yii2M 4344 208 632 1165 11,968
Yii2MArrayHydrate 4114 213 531 1073 11,22
Yii2MScalarHydrate 4150 198 421 516 9,537
Propel20 2507 123 1373 1960 11,781
Propel20WithCache 1519 68 1045 1454 8,228
Propel20FormatOnDemand 1501 72 994 1423 8,228
DoctrineM 2119 250 1592 1258 18,139
DoctrineMWithCache 2084 243 1634 1155 17,952
DoctrineMArrayHydrate 2137 240 1230 877 16,83
DoctrineMScalarHydrate 2084 392 1542 939 18,887
DoctrineMWithoutProxies 2119 252 1432 1960 19,822
Eloquent 3691 228 708 1413 12,155

PdoOne adds a bit of ovehead over PDO, however it is simple a wrapper to pdo.


Pending for OCI (Oracle)

  • getDefTableExtended
  • getDefTable
  • sqlsrv_getType
  • getDefTableKeys (Partial!)
  • getDefTableFK
  • typeDict
  • objectExist
  • objectList
  • columnTable
  • createSequence
  • getSequence
  • createTable
  • createFK
  • limit
  • getPK

Error FAQs

Uncaught Error: Undefined constant eftec_BasePdoOneRepo::COMPILEDVERSION

It means that you are updated PdoOne, and you are using one class generated by the ORM. This class must be re-generated.


In a nutshell:

  • Every major version means that it could break old code. I.e. 1.0 -> 2.0

  • Every minor version means that it adds a new functionality i.e. 1.5 -> 1.6 (new methods)

  • Every decimal version means that it patches/fixes/refactoring a previous functionality i.e. 1.5.0 -> 1.5.1 (fix)

  • 2.15 2021-07-24

  • 2.14.3 2021-06-15

    • [fix] [orm] setCache()::first() and setCache()::count() didn't work correctly. fixed.
    • Query now supports factoryNull()
  • 2.14.2 2021-06-13

    • [fix] [orm] useCache() and setRelation() do not chain correctly, fixed.
    • [fix] [orm] useCache() doubled the cache. fixed.
  • 2.14.1 2021-06-09

    • [fix] custom_exception_handler when the error returned does not have an argument, or the argument is not an array.
  • 2.14 2021-06-04

    • _BasePdoOneRepo now works more closely with the class PdoOneQuery, so each query is a different instance.

    • [fix] PdoOne dateConvertInput() does not crashes when the value is not a date.

    • [fix] PdoOne throwError() does not stack errors but still triggers the last error (if any).

    • [changes] ❗ PdoOne aggregate functions (sum,min,max,avg) now returns a value instead of generating a query.

      • $result=$pdo->sum('xxx')->firstScalar(); // before
        $result=$pdo->sum('xxx'); // now
    • [fix] PdoOne generateCodeArray() used for the generation of classes, returns the correct name when it is set.

    • [changes] _BasePdoOneRepo: reset(),getQuery(),dropTable(),useCache(),limit(),newQuery(),order(),innerjoin(),left(),right()

    • [changes] PdoOneQuery: Multiples changes.

  • 2.13.1 2021-05-22

    • [fix] [orm] the method where() and limit() generated a new query every time, so the command ClaseRepo::recursive()::where() failed generated two queries instead of one.
  • 2.13 2021-04-17

    • [debug] More changes to how it shows error messages.
    • /_BasePdoOneRepo updated to version 5.0 (binary 5).
  • 2.12 2021-04-17

    • [debug] Change how it shows the errors. Now it uses a custom error handle (it could be disabled with setting $this->customError=false)
  • 2.11.1 2021-04-17

    • [fix] Mysql extension now knows the type int24 (plus other types of variables).
    • [fix] Regresion, some removed { } caused a bug when they are followed by []
    • [code]
  • 2.11 2021-04-17

    • [code] Lots of cleanups. Removed unneeding { }. Merged common code in branches.
  • 2.10.3 2021-04-14

    • [fix] BasePdoOne fixed method getRecursive(), it generated a new query, and now it reuses a query (if any).
    • It also returns the query
  • 2.10.2 2021-04-06

    • Fixed
  • 2.10.1 2021-04-05

    • Fixed the generation of the ORM in the use of where(), limit() and dependencies()
  • 2.10 2021-04-04

    • Some CLI cleanups.
  • 2.9.4 2021-03-22

    • ORM: _BasePdoOneRepo is updated to BINARYVERSION=4. If you are using the ORM, then you should rebuild all ORM classes.
    • CORE: Query chains creates a new instance of PdoOneQuery instead of a instance of PdoOne, so it is possible to define multiples chains without interfering each others.
    • ORM: Fixed a problem with the base class. Now the Base class contains the constant COMPILEDVERSION
    • ORM: Fixed a problem with the model and the method toArray()
  • 2.9.3 2021-02-22

    • fix a bug with useCache() when we use with where()
  • 2.9.2 2021-02-18

    • fixed a bug with createSequence()
  • 2.9.1 2021-02-16

    • Fixed debugFile() when the file is unable to open.
  • 2.9 2021-02-16

    • BasePdoOneRepo::getPdoOne() validates if the static class uses the right version. It is only done once (when it creates the instance of pdoOne), so it must not affects the performance.
    • You should re-generate all ORM classes generated (if you are generated one)
  • 2.8 2021-02-13

    • Updated _BasePdoOneRepo to 4.13. You should re-generate all ORM classes generated (if you are generated one)
  • 2.7.1 2021-01-21

    • Oracle is still a WIP (OCI)
  • 2.7 2021-01-10

    • Many changes, compatibility with PHP 8.0
    • Fixed a bug with cache where it keeps the cache of previous runs.
    • Note: $PdoOne->useCache considers = false (no cache) and everything else as use cache. Nulls are not allowed.
    • Note: Previous generated code must be rebuilt it again.
  • 2.6.3 2020-10-16

    • Internal, Changed beginTry() and endTry(). Now, if an operation that uses beginTry() and endTry() fails, then the error is throw in endTry().
  • 2.6.2 2020-10-09

    • The default argument of _first (code generated) is PdoOne::NULL instead of null because null is a valid value
  • 2.6.1 2020-09-24

    • update _BasePdoOneRepo to 4.12.1
    • Preliminary support to Oracle OCI (only raw operations)
    • _BasePdoOneRepo() insert now allows using nulls
    • _BasePdoOneRepo() first() the "where" uses the name of the table.
  • 2.6 2020-09-17

    • the methods insert(),update(),delete() and insertObject() flushes the cache if it is called with useCache() , example: $this->usecache('','customers')->insert(); // delete the group cache customers.
  • 2.5 2020-09-13

    • update _BasePdoOneRepo to 4.12
    • new method setCache()
    • updated method useCache(). Now it allows '*' to use the same tables assigned by from() and joins()
  • 2.4.1 2020-09-13

    • The code generated now the method first() returns false if it doesn't found any value, instead of an empty array.
  • 2.4 2020-09-06

    • update _BasePdoOneRepo to 4.11
    • The code generated now store the column of the identity SELF::IDENTITY;
    • _BasePdoOneRepo now converts objects to array recursively (array)$obj only converts the first level.
  • 2.3 2020-09-06

    • new method getDefTableExtended() that returns extended information about the table (motor,description,collation and schema)
    • method truncate() has a new argument $forced. Now, it is possible to force truncate (for example, when the table has FK)
    • new method resetIdentity() that reset the identity/autonumeric of a table (if any)
    • Updated _BasePdoOneRepo
    • The code generated now allows setting values using the factory()
    • The code generated now reset the recursivity when we use the method factory()
  • 2.2.6 2020-09-03

    • Updated _BasePdoOneRepo
    • Method validateDefTable() works with table
  • 2.2.5 2020-08-30

    • Fixed a bug with the method dateConvert(). The conversion from date -> any other format misses the time.
  • 2.2.3 2020-08-23

    • _BasePdoOneRepo update to 4.8.2. Solved a fix returning a ONETOMANY field.
  • 2.2.2 2020-08-17

    • _BasePdoOneRepo update to 4.8.2. It solved a problem with insert,update,delete and merge when the input is an object.
  • 2.2.1 2020-08-16

    • Fixed a bug when the system is unable to convert the date. Now, it returns false.
    • BasePdoOneRepo update to 4.8.1, if the transaction is open, then it doesn't nest a new transaction.
  • 2.2 2020-08-14

    • New method setUseInternalCache() and flushInternalCache() where we could set an internal cache. The internal cache stores results and they are keep into memory. For example
$rows=$this->select('*')->from('table')->where(['i'=>1])->toList(); // read from the database
// ...
$rows2=$this->select('*')->from('table')->where(['i'=>1])->toList(); // read from memory
// ...
$rows3=$this->select('*')->from('table')->where(['i'=>2])->toList(); // read from the database because the query is in 
                                                                     // memory but the parameters are different 

echo $this->internalCacheCounter; 
  • The internal cache is tested with runRawQuery (if returns an array), toList(), meta() and first()

  • 2.0.1 2020-08-12

    • Fixed a bug with the generated code with linked relation manytoone and onetonone.
  • 2.0 2020-08-11

    • Core: The arguments are rebuild from scratch. Now, arguments are more natural and we don't need to specify the type. It also allows many other different kind of combinations.
    • Before: $this->runRawQuery($sql,['i',20,'s','hello]);
    • Now: $this->runRawQuery($sql,[20,'hello']);
    • Also (named): $this->runRawQuery($sql,['col1'=>20,'col2'=>'hello']);
    • Since it is a core change, then former code that uses the version 1.x could not be compatible without changing all references to methods that use arguments specifying the types.
      • runRawQuery()
      • set()
      • select()
      • where()
      • insert()
      • update()
      • delete()
      • toMeta()
  • 1.55.1 2020-08-05

    • In the generation of the code, changed is_array() by isset()
  • 1.55 2020-8-05

    • Updated generation of code. Now, the relations manytoony and onetoone returns linked values. Linked values are values that are linked (one of them is a pointer to the other value).
    • Fixed: the relation onetoone, the field refcol now uses the right column.
  • 1.54 2020-8-02

    • connect does not set attribute directly. Mysql and sql server sets different arguments.
    • generateCodeClass has an additional argument and it generares an extra field.
    • generateAllClasses has an additional field (allows adds new fields)
    • generateAbstractCodeclass has an additional field (allows adds new fields)
    • BasePdoOneRepo updated to 4.8. Now it uses new functionalities.
      • It allows custom input and output conversions.
      • Input and output conversions code is generated at compile time instead to evaluates at runtime.
      • It allows toList() and first() to returns extra columns. Those columns are also added to the model-class
  • 1.53 2020-7-27

    • Method connect() sets PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES to false
  • 1.52 2020-7-19

    • Updated method generateCodeArray()
    • Updated method generateCodeClass()
    • Updated method generateCodeClassRepo()
    • Updated method generateModelClass()
    • new method generateAbstractModelClass()
  • 1.51 2020-7-18

    • class BasePdoOneRepo updated to 4.7. Now it supports arrays and objects
    • Updated method generateCodeArray()
    • Updated method generateCodeClass()
    • Updated method generateCodeClassRepo()
    • new method generateModelClass() It generates model from tables
  • 1.50 2020-7-04

    • Updated method generateCodeArray()
    • Updated method generateCodeClass()
    • Updated method generateCodeClassRepo()
  • 1.49 2020-6-19

    • New method generateAllClasses()
  • 1.48 2020-6-15

    • dateTextNow() now returns a human readable format
    • New method dateNow() that returns a date in a normal format.
    • BasePdoOne::count() now works with setRecursive()
  • 1.47 2020-6-14

    • The flow ->where()->update() now works when "where()" uses named arguments.
    • Fixed a bug with the next query ->where('a1=:Argument',[])
    • Added the method PdoOneEncryption::hash() and added the method PdoOne::hash() to wrap the first method.
    • Added the field PdoOneEncryption:$hashType And PdoOne uses as the default hash algorythm.
    • The method RunRawQuery() now accept named arguments.
  • 1.46 2020-6-13

    • _BasePdoOneRepo updated to 4.6
    • Now generation of code has a Base class, so it is possible to name each independiently of the table.
  • 1.45.1 2020-6-11

    • Method generateCodeClass now creates ONETOMANY relation if the case of the table does not match.
  • 1.45 2020-6-7

    • Added method generateCodeClassRepo()
    • Modified method generateCodeClass()
  • 1.44.2 2020-6-3

    • Solved a problem with BasePdoOneRepo
  • 1.44.1 2020-6-2

    • Solved a small bug on BasePdoOneRepo
  • 1.44 2020-5-31

    • Updated BasePdoOneRepo to 4.4. Now it catches errors or returns false.
  • 1.43 2020-5-31

    • Updated BasePdoOneRepo to 4.3. Now it works with conversions. It doesn't convert fields from where , but it converts results, insert and update.
    • BasePdoOneRepo 4.3 also restricts the columns to insert and update.
    • BasePdoOneRepo 4.3 also uses a long definition of columns.
  • 1.42 2020-5-29

    • Updated BasePdoOneRepo to 4.2. Now it works with cache
    • New method buildUniqueID()
  • 1.41.2 2020-5-29

    • Updated BasePdoOneRepo to 4.1.1 In the method _first(), if argument is null then it doesn't query the value.
  • 1.41.1 2020-5-28

    • Added more phpdoc for generateCodeClass()
  • 1.41 2020-5-28

    • Updated BasePdoOneRepo to 4.0.1. It allows to specify a prefix in classes.
    • generateCodeClass() allows to specificy a prefix different from 'Repo'.
  • 1.40.1 2020-5-27

    • Updated BasePdoOneRepo to 4.0.1 It allows long namespaces. It also adds an alias to the first table.
  • 1.40 2020-05-21

    • Updated BasePdoOneRepo 4.0
  • 1.39 2020-05-12

    • Updated _BasePdoOneRepo to version 4.0
    • Solved a problem with getDefTableFK (mysql and sqlsrv)
    • new field (database_identityName)
    • Solved a problem with getPK (sqlsrv)
  • 1.38 2020-05-10

    • updated _BasePdoOneRepo to version 4.0
  • 1.37 2020-05-03

    • added method setNoReset()
  • 1.36 2020-05-03

    • added method hasRecursive()
  • 1.35.1 2020-04-30

    • autoload.php delete (it's a trash file)
  • 1.35 2020-04-28

    • _BasePdoOneRepo 2.3 added relation ONETOMANY
    • generateCodeClass() supports for _BasePdoOneRepo 2.3
  • 1.34.2 2020-04-27

    • Updated other components.
    • left(), right() and innerjoin() don't replace where() anymore
  • 1.34.1 2020-04-27

    • _BasePdoOneRepo 2.2.1 fixed.
  • 1.34 2020-04-27

    • _BasePdoOneRepo 2.2 now it allows load relation many by one.
    • sniffer is removed. Using Php Inspections ​(EA Extended)​
  • 1.33 2020-04-15

    • _BasePdoOneRepo version 2.1
    • new method hasWhere()
    • generateCodeArray() has a new argument (recursive)
    • toList(), first(), firstScalar(), toMeta(), toListSimple() and all related method throws error more close to the method.
    • Travis has been removed (tests are done locally in my machine. Why? It's because travis is not fully compatible with sqlsrv)
  • 1.32.1 BasePdoOneRepo added version 2.0

  • 1.32 2020-04-12

    • The class generated now extends _BasePdoOneRepo
      • It implements the default commands: insert,select,update,delete,create table,truncate.
    • Security: user/password is deleted from memory after connection.
    • Mysql:createSequence() functions are now marked as "MODIFIES SQL DATA" and "NOT DETERMINISTIC"
    • Added more test, including test for SQLSRV.
  • 1.31.1 2020-04-11

    • CLI: Primary key is not required anymore.
    • new method createFK();
    • Foreign keys are not created separately of other keys.
    • new method camelize()
    • new method isQuery()
    • new method filterKey()
    • new method getDefTableFK()
  • 1.31 2020-04-11

    • new method tableSorted()
  • 1.30 2020-04-10

    • Class separated in 3 new service class
    • lib/ext/PdoOne_Mysql.php = Service class for Mysql (mysql)
    • lib/ext/PdoOne_Sqlsrv.php = Service class for Sql Server (sqlsrv)
    • lib/ext/PdoOne_TestMockup.php = Service class for mockup test (test)
    • lib/ext/PdoOne_IExt.php = Interface for all services.
    • the /examples folder is not delivered by default. It allows to reduce the number of size. Use composer --prefer-source to get the examples
  • 1.29 2020-04-10

    • createTable() now allows more features
    • new method validateDefTable()
    • a new UI render()
  • 1.28.1 2020-04-06

    • cli now supports sqlsrv
  • 1.28 2020-04-06

    • method toMeta() now allows arguments.
    • The library now has a cli interface and a generation of code
    • new method isCli()
    • new method cliEngine()
    • new method getParameterCli() protected
    • new method removeTrailSlash() protected
    • new method fixCsv() protected
    • new method generateCodeSelect() protected
    • new method generateCodeArray() protected
    • new method generateCodeClass() protected
  • 1.24 2020-03-26

    • builderReset() is now public
  • 1.23.1 2020-03-10

    • Fixed a problem with the cache
  • 1.23 2020-03-10

    • method toMeta()
  • 1.22 2020-02-08

    • method invalidateCache()
    • changed the interface IPdoOneCache
  • 1.21 2020-02-07

    • method setCacheService() and getCacheService()
    • method useCache()
  • 1.20 2020-jan-25

    • Many cleanups.
    • update() and delete() now allows to set the query.
    • new method addDelimiter() to add delimiters to the query (i.e. 'table' for mysql and [table] for sql server)
  • 1.19 2020-jan-15

    • getSequence() now has a new argument (name of the sequence, optional)
    • createSequence() has a new argument (type of sequence) and it allows to create a sequential sequence.
    • objectexist() now is public and it allows to works with functions
    • Bug fixed: objectExist() now works correctly (used by tableExist())
    • new DDL methods drop(), dropTable() and truncate()
  • 1.16 2020-jan-14

    • new method toListKeyValue()
  • 1.15 2019-dec-29

    • Fix small bug if the argument of isAssoc() is not an array.
  • 1.14 2019-dec-26

    • method where() works with associative array
  • 1.13 2019-dec-26

    • new method count()
    • new method sum()
    • new method min()
    • new method max()
    • new method avg()
    • method select now allows null definition.
    • obtainSqlFields() discontinued
  • 1.12 2019-oct-20 Added argument (optional) ->toList($pdomodel) Added method ->toListSimple()

  • 1.11 2019-oct-01 1.11 It is still compatible with php 5.6.Added to composer.json

  • 1.10 2019-oct-01 1.10 Added method dateConvert(). Added trace to the throw.

  • 1.9 2019-aug-10 1.8 republished

  • 1.8 2019-aug-10 Added a date format. Methods dateSql2Text() and dateText2Sql()

  • 1.7 2019-jun-23 Added some benchmark. It also solves a problem with the tags. Now: table.field=? is converted to table.field=?

  • 1.6 2019-jun-22 affected_rows() returns a correct value.

  • 1.5 2019-may-31 some cleanups. columnTable() returns if the column is nullable or not.

  • 1.4 2019-may-30 insertobject()

  • 1.3 2019-may-23 New changes

  • 1.2 2019-may-22 New fixed.

  • 1.1 2019-may-21 Some maintenance

  • 1.0 2019-may-21 First version


It simplifies the use of PDO in PHP by adding three methods: a simple wrapper between PDO, a query builder and an ORM.

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 100.0%