freckletonj / timetrack-free

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -N "" -f .secret/timetrack.key

General Todo


  • return appropriate errors
  • safe-exceptions
  • ExceptT
  • ServantError



  • access control
  • credentials add appropriate dn?
  • goog/facebook auth? <- lowest risk/compliance + easy for customers?
  • sessions and tokens


last seen ticket # : 12


[ ] 6 - refactor, rearchitect, implement code quality stuff, cyclomatic complexity?, stylish haskell, linter...

  • try a cyclomatic complexity lib
  • rubik/argon

stack exec -- argon -m2 src

        127:1 makePool - A (3)
        84:1 crudGet - A (2)
        96:1 crudUpdate - A (2)
        77:3 fromPersistValue - A (3)
        66:3 parseJSON - A (2)
        59:1 authenticate - A (3)
        107:1 loginRoute - A (3)
        76:1 testAuthRoute - A (2)
        93:1 makeJWT - A (2)
        98:9 addExp - A (2)
        82:1 parseResAccessToken - A (3)
        111:1 providerMap - A (3)
        65:1 getAccessToken - A (2)
        29:1 addPerson - A (2)
        31:5 go - A (2)
        77:1 callbackFn - A (4)
        102:1 testGhTokenRoute - A (4)
        49:1 insertProvider - A (3)
        185:1 mkJWK - A (3)
        57:1 authorizeFn - A (2)

find src -name '.hs' | xargs graphmod -q | xdot - find src -name '.hs' | xargs graphmod -q --no-cluster | xdot -

  • SourceGraph: fork, accept pull, install


  • NOTES: undo these changes
  • add argon, and homplexity to cabal
  • add deps to stack.yaml
  • downgraded ghc


[X] 1 - user can log in through oauth and get a list of their repos

[X] 2 - user's oauth credentials are saved and api can use them ad lib on user's behalf

[X] 3 - users sign in's can be persisted and authenticated through sessions

[ ] 4 - user workflows can be declared and tested automatically. Perhaps just a simple requests lib, and actually run it on IO. Fixtures are added each time a feature is added, and the db can be torn down/remade each test, prob not too expensively.

[ ] 5 - move tickets to markdown, look into using an org-mode kanban for task tracking? raw org-mode?

[ ] 7 - implement testing.

[ ] 8 - figure out the right way to document stuff, perhaps with motivation from Snoyman?

[ ] 9 - consider haskell propellor for config, docker, passwords, ssh keys, build?, CI?, etc.

[ ] 10 - logging

[ ] 11 - users can only see things they're auth'd and auth'd for

[ ] 12 - wai-extra pretty printer


  • branch names = <repo>-<ticket #>-<branch description>
  • commit titles = <repo>-<ticket #>: <commit description>

Clean Code / Refactoring

  • check

    • -- TODO
    • error
    • return -> pure ?
  • visualization

    • graphmod + xdot
      stack install graphmod
      sudo apt-get install xdot
      find src -name '*.hs' | xargs graphmod -q | xdot -
      find src -name '*.hs' | xargs graphmod -q --no-cluster | xdot -

Not to be Forgotten

  • Persistent UUID

import Data.UUID
UUID sqltype=uuid default=uuid_generate_v4()



Language:Haskell 100.0%