freall / vstools

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

How to build

The instructions should help you build the Qt Visual Studio Tools from scratch.

Get the sources

Use Git to check out the Qt Visual Studio Tools sources that are hosted at:

Build a static Qt

Building the Qt Visual Studio Tools from sources requires a static build of Qt (version 5.6.0
or newer). Supported compilers are MSVC 2013 or newer, GCC 4.7 or newer, and Clang 3.1 or newer.

See the Qt documentation for the prerequisites and steps to build Qt from sources.

Recommended configuration options:
configure -prefix %CD%\qtbase -release -static -static-runtime -opensource -nomake examples -nomake tests

Recommended (n)make options: (n)make module-qtbase

Build the Qt Visual Studio Tools

Change the directory into 'src' and run 'qmake && make' (or 'mingw32-make', 'nmake' ...) to build
the Qt Visual Studio Tools command line applications. Once finished, open the solution QtVsTools.sln
in Visual Studio. Choose "Build"->"Transform All T4 Templates", Accept the following dialog and
build the solution.

To debug the resulting VSIX, select the 'QtVsTools' node, right click and choose 'Properties|Debug'.
Update 'Start Action|Start external program:' to point to your Visual Studio 'devenv.exe' application.
Update 'Start Options|Command line arguments:' with '/rootSuffix Exp'. Note: The implemented post
build targets will only work reliable if you use the 'Exp' hive of Visual Studio.

Build the qtdeclarative integration (vsqml.dll)

The QtVSTools solution contains one C++ project that implements the integration with qtdeclarative.
This exposes QML services, like parsing and debugging, to C# code via platform invoke calls to
vsqml.dll. Building this library also requires a static build of Qt. For details, please refer to
the README file in 'src/vsqml'.

Build the Qt Visual Studio Tools documentation

Run 'qmake && make docs' (or 'mingw32-make docs', 'nmake docs' ...) from the root directory to
build the Qt Visual Studio Tools documentation. You need to have 'qdoc' and friends built already.

See the Qt documentation for the prerequisites and steps to build Qt documentation from sources.

Product name or Publisher name update

Open the file 'source.extension.vsixmanifest_TT' inside the 'src\config\$(VisualStudioVersion)'
directory and update the 'DisplayName' tag's value or the 'Identity' tag's 'Publisher' attribute.
Important: Updating the information requires also updating the MsBuild 'AfterTargets' information
inside the 'qtvstools.afterbuild.targets' file in the 'src\config' directory.

Version number update

1. In the QtVSTools solution, open the 'version.targets' file and update the version.

2. Select the menu option 'Build' > 'Transform All T4 Templates'.
   --> The updated version number is propagated into the remaining source files.

3. Rebuild the solution.

Support for newer Visual Studio Versions

Add a new directory in 'src\config' matching '$(VisualStudioVersion)' by copying one of the existing

Minimum changes to the 'qtvstools.targets' file:

Update the 'Project' tag's 'ToolsVersion' attribute to match the new VS tools version.
Update the 'DefineConstants' tag's value to match the new VS version.
Update the 'ItemGroup' tag's 'Condition' attribute to match the new VS version.
Update the 'Reference' tag's 'Include' attribute to match the new VS version, most likely the following:
    - Microsoft.VisualStudio.ExtensionsExplorer.UI
    - Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.{VersionNumber}
    - Microsoft.VisualStudio.VCCodeModel
    - Microsoft.VisualStudio.VCProjectEngine

Minimum changes to the 'source.extension.vsixmanifest' file:

Update the 'Identity' tag's 'Id' attribute with a new GUID.

How to locally test the Qt Visual Studio Tools update

Inside the src\config directory, edit the file and modify the following tags:

    <updated>2016-11-11T10:51:55Z</updated>   Use the current date and time, keep the 'T' and 'Z'
    <id>{ Product ID }</id>                   Set to the Product ID that can be found in the 'source.extension.vsixmanifest' file,
                                              for example: <id>QtVsTools.30112013-cd02-4fd0-89bd-e36f85abe16a</id>
    <Version>{ Version }</Version>            Set to the Version that can be found in the 'source.extension.vsixmanifest' file,
                                              for example: <Version>2.0.0</Version>

Copy the XML file and the VSIX package inside a new folder side by side and open the
'Tools | Options | Extensions and Updates' settings dialog in Visual Studio. Add a new entry in the
Additional Extension Gallery, like this:

    Url: file://path/to/your/atom.xml




Language:C# 81.2%Language:C++ 18.3%Language:C 0.3%Language:QMake 0.1%Language:QML 0.0%