freakhill / steve

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custom_mark10 digraph steve { rankdir=LR; size="8,5" node [shape = doublecircle]; Neutral PKB LWV RWV ALB SWY DCK FLK DOWN; node [shape = circle];
// stances
//subgraph clusterFromNeutral {
//    rank = same; Neutral; PKB; LWV; RWV; ALB; SWY; DCK; FLK;

// switch to stances
Neutral -> PKB [ label = "f3+4" ];
Neutral -> LWV [ label = "3" ];
Neutral -> RWV [ label = "4" ];
Neutral -> ALB [ label = "3+4" ];
Neutral -> SWY [ label = "b3 or b4" ];
Neutral -> DCK [ label = "f3 or f4" ];
Neutral -> FLK [ label = "b3+4" ];

// from neutral stance!
"b+1" [ label "b+1 (i13)" ];
"qcf+1" [ label "qcf+1 (i16)" ];
"df+1,2~1" [ label "df+1,2~1 (i13)" ];
"1,2,1" [ label "1,2,1 (i10)" ];
"1,d+1" [ label "1,d+1 (i10)" ];
"1,1,d+1" [ label "1,1,d+1 (i10)" ];
"2,1" [ label "2,1 (i12)" ];
"f+2,1" [ label "f+2,1 (i21)" ];
Neutral -> "b+1";
Neutral -> "qcf+1";
Neutral -> "df+1,2~1";
Neutral -> "1,2,1";
Neutral -> "1,d+1",
Neutral -> "1,1,d+1";
Neutral -> "2,1";
Neutral -> "f+2,1";
"b+1" -> FLK [ label = "b -1/+9/CS" ];
"qcf+1" -> FLK [ label = "b -3/KND/KND" ];
"df+1,2~1" -> FLK [ label = "b 0/+4/CS" ];
"1,2,1" -> FLK [ label = "b -1/+5/+5" ];
"1,d+1" -> FLK [ label = "b 0/+6/+11" ];
"1,1,d+1" -> FLK [ label = "b 0/+6/+11" ];
"2,1" -> FLK [ label = "b +3/+14GB/+14" ];
"f+2,1" -> FLK [ label = "b +1/+5/+5" ];

// from LWV
"LWV 1,f+1,1" [ label = "1,f+1,1 (i23)";
LWV -> "LWV 1,f+1,1";
"LWV 1,f+1,1" -> FLK [ label = "b +4/+8/CS" ];

// from PAB
"PAB b+1,1,2,1" [ label = "b+1,1,2,1 (i18)" ];
PAB -> "PAB b+1,1,2,1";
"PAB b+1,1,2,1" -> FLK [ label = "b -3/KND/KND" ];

// from FLK
"FLK 1" [ label = "1 (i12)" ];
"FLK 1,1" [ label = "1,1 (i12)" ];
"FLK 1,1,1" [ label = "1,1,1 (i12)" ];
"FLK 1,d+1" [ label = "1,d+1 (i12) high,(d)high 0/KND/CS" ];
"FLK 1,f+1" [ label = "1,f+1 (i12) high,(d)mid -5/0/KND" ];
"FLK b+2" [ label = "b+2 (i19) pc8~13 -10/KND/KND high, right-steppable" ];
"FLK 2" [ label = "2 (i23) 0/KND/KND" ];
"FLK 1+2" [ label = "1+2 (i12) Trhow" ];
FLK -> "FLK 1";
FLK -> "FLK 1,1";
FLK -> "FLK 1,1,1";
FLK -> "FLK 1,d+1";
FLK -> "FLK 1,d+1";
FLK -> "FLK 1,f+1";
FLK -> "FLK b+2";
FLK -> "FLK 2";
FLK -> "FLK 1+2";
"FLK 1,d+1" -> { "DMG db+2"; "DMG f,F+2"; };
"FLK 1" -> FLK [ label = "b -1/+10/+10" ];
"FLK 1,1" -> FLK [ label = "b -3/+5/+5" ];
"FLK 1,1,1" -> FLK [ label = "b -4/+4/+4" ];
"FLK 1" -> ALB [ label = "b+3+4" ];
"FLK 1" -> "ALB 2" [ label = "b+3+4,2 CH combo" ];
"FLK 1,1" -> ALB [ label = "b+3+4" ];
"FLK 1,1,1" -> ALB [ label = "b+3+4" ];
"FLK 1,f+1" -> "DMG f,F+2" [ label = "on 2nd hit CH" ];
"FLK b+2" -> "DMG f,F+2" [ label = "on hit" ];
"FLK b+2" -> "DMG FLK b+2";
"FLK 2" -> "DMG db+2";
"FLK 1+2" -> "OKI df+1+2" [ label = "meaty -12/KND/KND" ];
"FLK 1+2" -> "OKI db+2" [ label = "avoid with left-roll right" ];
"FLK 1+2" -> "OKI d+1+2" [ label "catch all" ];

// from ALB
"ALB 2" [ label = "2" ];

// ==============================================
// ==============================================
node [ shape = box ];
"DMG db+2" [ label = "db+2" ];
"DMG f,F+2" [ label = "f,F+2 (floor breaks)" ];

// ==============================================
// ==============================================
node [ shape = box3d ];
"DMG FLK b+2" [ label = "FLK b+2, DCK1+2,2,b+3+4~db~n,1 (iWS1) f+1,1~b (FLK), DCKf+2 S! (<- extended duck and dash) df+1+2" ];

// ==============================================
// OKI!
// ==============================================
node [ shape = component ];
"OKI df+1+2" [ label = "df+1+2" ];
"OKI db+2" [ label = "db+2" ];
"OKI d+1+2" [ label = "d+1+2" ];

} custom_mark10
