franklesniak / ads-b-setup

Instructions to set up a "passive aircraft radar" that receives ADS-B signals from aircraft and display them on a map

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ADS-B Receiver Setup Instructions

Step-by-step instructions for setting up a "passive aircraft radar" that receives ADS-B signals from aircraft and displays their positions and other information on a map

Supported Hardware and Software

This guide covers the following hardware-software combinations:

Supported ADS-B/Aircraft Tracking Standards

This guide focuses on Mode S-ES-based ADS-B transmissions, which are transmitted at 1090 MHz. Accordingly, the bill of materials and instructions assume the reader is building an ADS-B receiver that is solely focused on receipt of that frequency. If you are building a US-based receiver that should receive 978 MHz UAT, then you will need to deviate from the bill of materials and instructions below accordingly.

Supported Computers

The following computers are supported by this guide:

  • Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W

Note: Other Raspberry Pi computers should work just fine; however, the authors recommend a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W because it is one of the more power-efficient models and it is sufficiently performant for everything we will be doing in this guide!

Note 2: If you are purchasing a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W and plan to attach a GPS HAT now or in the future, you may want to purchase one with pre-soldered headers. Alternatively, you may buy headers and solder it yourself!

Supported Operating Systems

  • Raspberry Pi OS Lite (32-bit), Debian version 12 (bookworm), deployed using Raspberry Pi Imager

Note: Other versions of Raspberry Pi OS such as the "with desktop" release should also work. However, running the desktop environment is unnecessary and will use more resources. You may also use another Debian-based release such as Ubuntu; however, doing so is not supported by this guide.

Note 2: Other deployment methods (outside of the Raspberry Pi Imager, e.g., Etcher) will work. However, if you deploy using another method, you may need to connect a keyboard and monitor to the Raspberry Pi to complete its initial setup and get the device onto the network. This is because Raspberry Pi transitioned away from its simple text-based configuration files and is in an interim state with sparse documentation where it is not as straightforward to automate the out-of-box configuration. Raspberry Pi OS will support cloud-init in the future, which will streamline configuration.

Supported "Technician's Computer" Operating Systems

The "technician's computer" is a computer different than the one that will be used to run emulation software. It is used to bootstrap the overall setup process and it is where some configuration activities are performed.

  • Windows 11

Note: Other technician's computer operating systems will certainly work; however, this guide is not written for them.

Supported Locales

The authors are based in the United States of America, speak English (US), use an English (US) keyboard layout, and are in the Central US time zone. Accordingly, the products listed and the instructions in this repository will be US and English-centric. However, it is possible to complete these steps using alternative languages, locales, etc.

Bill of Materials

Base Materials

The following materials apply to all builds:

  • A Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W with pre-soldered headers: Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W with pre-soldered headers from
    • Note: A GPIO header is useful if you are constructing a portable setup (e.g., for use in vehicles or while camping). You may also purchase a GPIO header and solder it yourself if needed. Most Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W retailers do not sell them with the header pre-soldered.
  • An "OTG" adapter cable (micro USB (male) to USB (female)): UGREEN Micro USB 2.0 OTG Cable On The Go Adapter Male Micro USB to Female USB - Affiliate Link
  • A microSD card is used to store the software of the Raspberry Pi and boot the operating system. Example: SanDisk Extreme 64GB microSDXC UHS-I Card with A2 Performance Rating - Affiliate Link
    • Pretty much any microSD card will do as long as the capacity is greater or equal to 8 GB.
    • If you purchase from Amazon, we highly recommend ensuring that the microSD card is shipped and sold by Amazon. At the time of writing, the one linked above is the least expensive reputable microSD card that is. So, even though 64GB is overkill, this would be our current recommendation!
    • Some models of Raspberry Pi also support USB storage or even NVMe storage. However, faster storage is completely unnecessary for this build---it costs more and uses more power, which could be problematic for some use cases.
  • Optional, but recommended: a case for the Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W: Pimoroni Pibow Zero 2 W case

You're not done! More materials are required! Please add items from options 1, 2, 3, or 4 below.

Option 1: Simplest Setup - Stationary, Only Outdoor As-Needed, Proof of Concept

Option 2: Indoor ADS-B Receiver

Option 3: Portable ADS-B Receiver - Vehicle, Camping, or Other Travel Usage

Option 4: Permanent Outdoor Setup

Required Hardware Accessories/Tools

In addition to the above bill of materials, you will need some additional hardware to support the build of your ADS-B receiver.

Prepare the "Technician's Computer"

Before beginning the ADS-B receiver setup process, you will need to download and install some software.

Download and Install Required Software

  1. Download and install Raspberry Pi Imager. This software is used to write the Raspberry Pi OS image to a microSD card.

    Link: Raspberry Pi Imager

  2. Confirm your system has OpenSSH installed. If it doesn't, install it. This software is used to remote into the Raspberry Pi system once it is online. It allows us to copy-paste commands to expedite the setup process and make it less error-prone.

    • On the newest versions of Windows, OpenSSH is installed by default.
    • To confirm it's installed, open Settings > System > Optional features
      • If you can't find Optional Features under settings: try opening Settings > Apps > Optional Features.
      • Once you are in Optional Features, review the list of installed optional features and see if OpenSSH Client is installed.
    • If it isn't installed:
      • At the top, next to Add an optional feature, click View features.
      • Check the checkbox for OpenSSH Client. Click Next.
      • Continue with the installation.

    Note: you can use a different SSH client if you prefer

Prepare the Raspberry Pi Before Loading FlightAware's Software

Solder a GPIO header onto the Raspberry Pi

If you are building a portable ADS-B receiver (e.g., for in-vehicle, camping, or other travel usage), and if your Raspberry Pi did not come with a GPIO header installed, please solder a GPIO header on the Raspberry Pi.

The GPIO is a 20 x 2 pin array along the long side of the Raspberry Pi.

Note: you can skip this step if you are not building a portable ADS-B receiver.

Prepare the microSD Card with a Raspberry Pi OS Lite Image

  1. On the technician's computer, start Raspberry Pi Imager and prepare to write the image to the microSD card:
    • Insert your microSD card into the technician's computer's microSD card reader and open Raspberry Pi Imager.
    • In Raspberry Pi Imager, select Choose Device, then choose Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W.
    • Select Choose OS, select Raspberry Pi OS (other), then choose Raspberry Pi OS Lite (32-bit).
    • Select Choose Storage, then choose the attached microSD card.
    • Click Next.
  2. Apply operating system customizations:
    • When asked, Would you like to apply OS customisation settings?, choose Edit Settings.
    • Check the checkbox for Set hostname. Change the raspberrypi to another name, e.g., adsbreceiver.
    • Check the checkbox for Set username and password.
      • The default username is pi by convention; the authors recommend using pi. However, you may use something different if you wish.
      • Enter a strong password that you will remember
    • Check the checkbox for Configure wireless LAN. Then, enter the SSID (network name) and password for the wireless network. For Wireless LAN country, backspace GB and type the two-letter ISO country code for the country where the Raspberry Pi will be used. For the United States, type US.
    • Check the checkbox for Set locale settings. Select the dropdown for Time zone and choose the best time zone for your location (if it isn't already). Select the dropdown for Keyboard layout and choose the best keyboard layout. For US usage, the keyboard layout should be us.
    • Click the Services tab at the top.
    • Check the checkbox for Enable SSH and leave Use password authentication selected.
    • Click Save
    • Back on the Would you like to apply OS customisation settings?, choose Yes.
  3. Start writing the image to the microSD card:
    • Select Yes to confirm that all data on the microSD card will be erased.
    • Wait for the process to complete.
    • When it completes and the Write Successful dialog appears, click Continue.
    • Close Raspberry Pi Imager when done.

Assemble the Raspberry Pi Into Its Case

  1. Remove the microSD card from the microSD card reader and insert it into the Raspberry Pi.
  2. Remove the Pimoroni Pibow from its paper bag.
  3. Each piece of acrylic that comprises the Pimoroni Pibow case will have a plastic wrapping attached to it. Peel the plastic wrapping away from each piece and discard it.
  4. Three of the acrylic pieces will be numbered: 0, 1, and 2. Starting with piece 0, stack piece 1 on top such that the 1 is right over the 0. The numbers should be in the upper left.
  5. Place the thinner piece of clear acrylic in the middle of piece 1 such that it is laying on top of piece 0. The long rectangular cut-away should be at the top, and the lower right should have two smaller rectangles.
  6. Place the Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W on top of the thin piece of clear acrylic such that it fits into the center of piece 1. The top edge of the Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W should be even with the top edge of piece 1
  7. Place piece 2 on top of piece 1 such that the 2 is on top of the 1.
  8. Place the thicker, clear piece of acrylic over piece 2 such that the white USB and power symbols are over the micro USB ports in the lower right.
  9. Insert the nylon bolts into the outermost four corners of the Pibow.
  10. Carefully flip the Pibow over. Thread the nuts onto each bolt and hand-tighten them.

Determine the Current List of IP Addresses

  1. Ensure that the technician's computer is connected to the same wireless network that the Raspberry Pi will be.
  2. Start PowerShell, then run the following commands:
Invoke-Expression (Invoke-RestMethod '')
$results1 = Ping-Subnet

Keep PowerShell open while you complete the following steps.

Power On the Raspberry Pi

  1. Connect a power cable to the Raspberry Pi. After a few moments, it will power on. The Raspberry Pi will take a few minutes to complete its initialization process.

Connect to the Raspberry Pi Using SSH

  1. If you haven't already waited a few minutes, please do! The Raspberry Pi will take at least three minutes to boot up and connect to the wireless network - maybe more!

  2. Once you believe the Raspberry Pi is connected, try pinging it using its hostname. For example, try: ping adsbreceiver.local and see if you get a response.

    • If you get a Ping request could not find host <hostname>. Please check the name and try again., then the Raspberry Pi is not yet booted up - or it failed to connect to the network. Wait a bit and try again!
  3. If you have not successfully pinged the Raspberry Pi using its name after waiting 5-10 minutes, try running the following PowerShell command on the technician's computer: $results2 = Ping-Subnet

    • Compare $results1 and $results2 to find the new IP address that appeared in $results2. The new IP address should be the Raspberry Pi. To display, for example, $results2, simply type $results2 in PowerShell.
  4. At the PowerShell prompt or a Command Prompt, type:

    ssh -l pi adsbreceiver.local

    where pi is the user name that you entered during the customization process and adsbreceiver.local is the hostname of the Raspberry Pi or its IP address.

  5. You should receive a warning message that the authenticity of the host can't be established. Type yes and press Enter.

  6. Enter the password that you assigned during the customization process.

You should now be connected to the Raspberry Pi via a terminal window!

Enable Automatic Operating System Updates

  1. At the terminal prompt, type the following commands:

    sudo apt update
    sleep 2
    sudo apt -y install unattended-upgrades

    The update may take a few minutes to complete.

  2. At the terminal prompt, type:

    sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow unattended-upgrades

  3. When asked if you want to Automatically download and install stable updates?, use the arrow key to highlight Yes, then press Enter.

  4. If you receive a message that a new version of the 50unattended-upgrades file is available, use the keyboard's arrow keys to highlight the option to install the package maintainer's version, then press Enter.

  5. At the terminal prompt, type:

    sudo editor /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades

  6. Use the arrow keys to navigate downward to the section Unattended-Upgrade::Origins-Pattern

  7. If it exists, comment out the line:


    by inserting // in front of it.

  8. Next, if it exists, comment out the line:


    by inserting // in front of it.

  9. As needed, add the following lines above the line with the closing brace (};):

    "origin=Raspberry Pi Foundation,codename=${distro_codename},label=Raspberry Pi Foundation";
  10. Next, use the arrow keys to scroll down to find the line that contains Unattended-Upgrade:Automatic-Reboot. Modify it to remove the //, which uncomments the line. Change the false to a true. The line should now read:

    Unattended-Upgrade:Automatic-Reboot "true";

  11. Use the arrow keys to scroll down to find the line that contains Unattended-Upgrade:Automatic-Reboot-WithUsers. Modify it to remove the //, which uncomments the line. Ensure that the setting is configured to true. The line should now read:

    Unattended-Upgrade::Automatic-Reboot-WithUsers "true";

  12. Use the arrow keys to scroll down to find the line that contains Unattended-Upgrade::Automatic-Reboot-Time. Modify it to remove the //, which uncomments the line. If desired, change the time to something other than 2:00 AM. For example, to reboot at 4:00 AM, modify the line to look like:

    Unattended-Upgrade::Automatic-Reboot-Time "04:00";

  13. If the Raspberry Pi will primarily be used on cellular Internet, use the arrow keys to scroll down to find the line that contains Unattended-Upgrade::Skip-Updates-On-Metered-Connections. Modify it to remove the //, which uncomments the line. Change the true to a false. The line should now read:

    Unattended-Upgrade::Skip-Updates-On-Metered-Connections "false";

  14. Press Ctrl + O to save the file. Press Enter to confirm the file name. Finally, press Ctrl + X to exit.

Run an Initial Check for Updates and Verify That It's Working

  1. At the terminal prompt, type:

    sudo apt-get update
    sleep 2
    sudo unattended-upgrade --dry-run

    The command will take several minutes to complete.

  2. Finally, type:

    cat /var/log/unattended-upgrades/unattended-upgrades.log

    And review the log output to ensure that packages are listed for update/upgrade

Update the Raspberry Pi, Including its Firmware

Note: these steps assume that you are installing the latest stable firmware release (recommended). If, for some reason, you need to install a beta firmware instead of the latest stable release, check out the rpi-update project.

  1. At the terminal prompt, type the following commands:

    sudo apt update
    sleep 2
    sudo apt -y full-upgrade

    The update may take a long time to complete.

  2. When the process completes, type the following command:

    sudo reboot now

Reconnect to the Raspberry Pi Using SSH

  1. Wait a few minutes for the Raspberry Pi to reboot.

  2. At the PowerShell prompt or a Command Prompt, type:

    ssh -l pi adsbreceiver.local

    where pi is the user name that you entered during the customization process and adsbreceiver.local is the hostname of the Raspberry Pi or its IP address.

  3. Enter the password that you assigned during the customization process.

Install and Configure the FlightAware Software

Install PiAware

  1. Download and install the FlightAware APT repository package, which tells apt (Raspberry Pi OS's package manager) how to find FlightAware's software packages in addition to the packages provided by Raspberry Pi OS/Debian. Do this by running the following two commands at the terminal prompt:

    sudo dpkg -i flightaware-apt-repository_1.2_all.deb
  2. Install PiAware by running the following commands at the terminal prompt:

    sudo apt update
    sleep 2
    sudo apt -y install piaware

Configure PiAware to Update Automatically and Allow Manual Updates, Too

At the terminal, run the following commands:

sudo piaware-config allow-auto-updates yes
sudo piaware-config allow-manual-updates yes

Install dump1090 and/or dump978

  1. At the terminal, run the following command:

    sudo apt -y install dump1090-fa

  2. If you intend to use a dual software-defined radio setup to also receive 978 MHz, install dump978 by running the following command:

    sudo apt install dump978-fa

    Note: if you are not located in the United States, or if do not intend to support 978 MHz UAT, skip this step.

  3. Shut down the Raspberry Pi by running the following command:

    sudo shutdown now

    Wait approximately one minute for the shutdown to complete, then remove the power from the Raspberry Pi.

For Portable ADS-B Receiver Setups: Add the GPS HAT

Note: the steps in this section only apply to people building a portable ADS-B receiver (e.g., for in-vehicle, camping, or other travel usage). If you are not building a portable receiver, skip this section!

Install the GPS HAT

The following are the "rough" steps to physically assemble the Ozzmaker BerryGPS HAT. Please refer to the Ozzmaker documentation for a more complete set of instructions.

  1. Solder the 10-pin GPIO header to the bottom of the BerryGPS board.
  2. Insert the 25mm nylon screws (purchased separately from the BerryGPS as noted in the bill of materials) into the top of the BerryGPS HAT.
  3. Carefully flip the BerryGPS HAT upside-down, laying it on top of a static-proof bag/mat.
  4. Carefully insert exactly nine nylon washers onto each bolt.
  5. Carefully install the BerryGPS HAT onto the Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W, ensuring that the HAT's GPIO header inserts itself correctly onto the ten left-most pins of the GPIO header on the Raspberry Pi.
  6. Once done, carefully thread the nylon nuts onto the bolts.
  7. Use a precision Phillips screwdriver to tighten the nylon bolts onto the nuts, being careful not to overtighten them.

Connect the GPS Antenna

  1. On the uFL to SMA "pigtail" that came with the GPS antenna, connect the uFL end (small connector) to the GPS HAT.
  2. Flip the switch from Int to Ext.
  3. Connect the GPS antenna to the SMA connector on the "pigtail".

Connect the Software-Defined Radio, Antenna, and Related Equipment

The steps in this section depend on the "option" that you selected in the Bill of Materials section, above.

Connect Option 1: Simplest Setup - Stationary, Only Outdoor As-Needed, Proof of Concept

  1. Connect the Raspberry Pi to the software-defined radio:
    • Connect the micro USB end of the "OTG" adapter cable (micro USB (male) to USB (female)) to the USB port on the Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W.
    • Connect the software-defined radio to the full-size USB port.
  2. Connect the antenna to the software-defined radio:
    • Connect the SMA end of the N (male) to SMA (male) to the software-defined radio.
    • Connect the antenna to the N connector on the cable.
  3. Connect the power to the Raspberry Pi to boot it up. Wait a couple of minutes for it to start.

Connect Option 2: Indoor ADS-B Receiver

  1. Connect the Raspberry Pi to the software-defined radio:
    • Connect the micro USB end of the "OTG" adapter cable (micro USB (male) to USB (female)) to the USB port on the Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W.
    • Connect the software-defined radio to the full-size USB port.
  2. Connect and power the filtered pre-amp:
    • Connect the RX port on the filtered pre-amp to the male SMA-to-male SMA coupler purchased with the filtered pre-amp.
    • Connect the other end of the coupler to the software-defined radio.
    • Connect one end of the USB-C charging cable to the filtered pre-amp.
    • Connect the other end of the USB-C charging cable to the USB charger and plug it in. The filtered pre-amp should light up.
  3. Connect the antenna:
    • Assemble the antenna by screwing the antenna into its magnetic base
    • Connect the antenna to the ANT port on the filtered pre-amp
  4. Connect the power to the Raspberry Pi to boot it up. Wait a couple of minutes for it to start.

Connect Option 3: Portable ADS-B Receiver - Vehicle, Camping, or Other Travel Usage

Note: at this point, the GPS HAT and GPS antenna should already be connected.

  1. Connect the Raspberry Pi to the software-defined radio:
    • Connect the micro USB end of the "OTG" adapter cable (micro USB (male) to USB (female)) to the USB port on the Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W.
    • Connect the software-defined radio to the full-size USB port.
  2. Connect and power the filtered pre-amp:
    • Connect the RX port on the filtered pre-amp to the male SMA-to-male SMA coupler purchased with the filtered pre-amp.
    • Connect the other end of the coupler to the software-defined radio.
    • Connect one end of the USB-C charging cable to the filtered pre-amp.
    • Connect the other end of the USB-C charging cable to the power bank. The filtered pre-amp should light up.
    • Optional: connect the power bank to a wall or vehicle charger (or to solar, if applicable) to keep the battery topped off while it powers the equipment.
  3. Connect the antenna:
    • Assemble the antenna by screwing the antenna into its magnetic base
    • Connect the antenna to the ANT port on the filtered pre-amp
  4. Connect the micro-USB cable to the Raspberry Pi and the other end to the power bank to boot up the Raspberry Pi. Wait a couple of minutes for it to start.

Connect Option 4: Permanent Outdoor Setup

Note: this guide cannot cover the specifics of every outdoor installation; instead, it aims to show the general connectivity sequence.

Note 2: this guide does not include explicit instructions for bonding the antenna setup to an electrical ground. This is critical for lightning safety! For more information on this concept, check out: Grounding and Bonding for the Radio Amateur - affiliate link.

  1. Connect the Raspberry Pi to the software-defined radio:
    • Connect the micro USB end of the "OTG" adapter cable (micro USB (male) to USB (female)) to the USB port on the Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W.
    • Connect the software-defined radio to the full-size USB port.
  2. Connect the software-defined radio to the band-pass signal filter.
  3. Connect the bias-tee:
    • Connect the band-pass signal filter to the male SMA-to-male SMA coupler.
    • Connect the other end of the coupler to the RF port on the bias-tee.
    • Connect the micro-USB power supply to the bias-tee.
  4. Place the aforementioned equipment into a weatherproof/dustproof enclosure.
  5. Route one end of the SMA male to SMA male LMR-400 into the enclosure and connect it to the RF+DC end of the bias-tee.
  6. Route the other end of the cable to where your antenna will be placed. Mount the second weatherproof/dustproof enclosure in this area. Then, route the cable into the enclosure.
  7. Attach the end of the cable to the RX end of the filtered pre-amp.
  8. Attach the SMA end of the SMA male to N male jumper cable to the ANT end of the filtered pre-amp.
  9. Attach the N connector to the antenna.
  10. Connect the power to the Raspberry Pi to boot it up. Wait a couple of minutes for it to start.

For Portable ADS-B Receiver Setups: Complete the GPS Setup

Adjust the Serial Port Configuration

  1. Reconnect to the Raspberry Pi Using SSH

    • Wait a few minutes for the Raspberry Pi to reboot.

    • At the PowerShell prompt or a Command Prompt, type:

      ssh -l pi adsbreceiver.local

      where pi is the user name that you entered during the customization process and adsbreceiver.local is the hostname of the Raspberry Pi or its IP address.

    • Enter the password that you assigned during the customization process.

  2. At the terminal prompt, run the following command:

    sudo raspi-config

  3. In raspi-config, use the arrow keys to select Interface options. Press Enter.

  4. Use the arrow keys to select Serial Port. Press Enter.

  5. When asked Would you like a login shell to be accessible over serial?, use the arrow keys to select No, then press Enter.

  6. When asked Would you like the serial port hardware to be enabled?, use the arrow keys to select Yes, then press Enter.

  7. Press Enter to confirm.

  8. Use the arrow keys to select Finish, then press Enter.

  9. When asked Would you like to reboot now?, use the arrow keys to select Yes, then press Enter.

  10. Wait a couple minutes for the Raspberry Pi to reboot.

Install gpsd

  1. Reconnect to the Raspberry Pi Using SSH

    • Wait a few minutes for the Raspberry Pi to reboot.

    • At the PowerShell prompt or a Command Prompt, type:

      ssh -l pi adsbreceiver.local

      where pi is the user name that you entered during the customization process and adsbreceiver.local is the hostname of the Raspberry Pi or its IP address.

    • Enter the password that you assigned during the customization process.

  2. At the terminal prompt, run the following command:

    sudo apt -y install gpsd-clients gpsd

    This command will take a very long time to complete.

Configure gpsd

  1. At the terminal prompt, run the following command:

    sudo editor /etc/default/gpsd

  2. Use the arrow keys to navigate to the line that reads:


    Change this line to read:


  3. Use the arrow keys to navigate to the line that reads:


    Change this line to read:


  4. Press Ctrl + O to save the file. Press Enter to confirm the file name. Finally, press Ctrl + X to exit.

  5. Reboot the Raspberry Pi by typing the following in the terminal prompt:

    sudo reboot now

  6. Wait a couple of minutes for the Raspberry Pi to complete its reboot.

Configure PiAware to Use GPS

  1. Reconnect to the Raspberry Pi Using SSH

    • At the PowerShell prompt or a Command Prompt, type:

      ssh -l pi adsbreceiver.local

      where pi is the user name that you entered during the customization process and adsbreceiver.local is the hostname of the Raspberry Pi or its IP address.

    • Enter the password that you assigned during the customization process.

  2. At the terminal prompt, run the following command:

    sudo piaware-config use-gpsd yes

  3. Reboot the Raspberry Pi by typing the following in the terminal prompt:

    sudo reboot now

Claim the PiAware on FlightAware's Website

Create a FlightAware Account

If you haven't already, start the process by going to and creating a new account.

If you already have an account, then sign in.

Claim the ADS-B Receiver for Your Account

If it hasn't already been a couple of minutes since the Raspberry Pi rebooted, wait a couple of minute to let the process complete.

While on the same network as the Raspberry Pi ADS-B receiver, visit FlightAware's claim page to complete the process of associating the Raspberry Pi with your account.

It's that easy!


Instructions to set up a "passive aircraft radar" that receives ADS-B signals from aircraft and display them on a map

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