A sample solution for a programming challenge from AGL.
- This is VS2017 solution that runs on .NET Core 2.0.
- It consists of a Console App, a .NET Standard Library and Test Projects.
- It uses XUnit and Moq for unit testing.
- All unit tests are under the "Tests" folder, when viewing the solution on VS2017.
The coding challenge is to build an app that consumes data from a JSON web service and outputs a list of all the cats in alphabetical order under a heading of the gender of their owner. For example:
- Angel
- Molly
- Tigger
- Gizmo
- Jasper
- Notes
- Download this solution to your machine and open the solution file (CatAList.sln) with VS2017.
- Once loaded on VS2017, press Ctrl-F5. This should launch a console app showing the results.
- If the app is unable to connect to the People Web Service, it will show a friendly text message on the console.