frandsoh / registers.nvim

®️ NeoVim plugin to preview the contents of the registers

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Show register content when you try to access it in Neovim. Written in Lua.

Requires Neovim 0.7.0+.


  • Non-obtrusive, won't influence your workflow
  • Minimal interface, no visual noise
  • Configurable, there's a setting for almost all aspects of this plugin


The popup window showing the registers and their values can be opened in one of the following ways:

  • Call :Registers
  • Press " in normal or visual mode
  • Press CtrlR in insert mode


Empty registers are not shown by default.


Use the Up and Down or CtrlP and CtrlN or CtrlJ and CtrlK keys to select the register you want to use and press Enter to apply it, or type the register you want to apply, which is one of the following:

" 0-9 a-z : . % # = * + _ /



use {
	config = function()


This configuration lazy-loads the plugin only when it's invoked.

	name = "registers",
	keys = {
		{ "\"",    mode = { "n", "v" } },
		{ "<C-R>", mode = "i" }
	cmd = "Registers",


This plugin can be configured by passing a table to require("registers").setup({}). Configuration options can be found in Neovim's documentation after installing with: :h registers.

Default Values

use {
    config = function()
        local registers = require("registers")
        -- Show these registers in the order of the string
        show = "*+\"-/_=#%.0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz:",
        -- Show a line at the bottom with registers that aren't filled
        show_empty = true,
        -- Expose the :Registers user command
        register_user_command = true,
        -- Always transfer all selected registers to the system clipboard
        system_clipboard = true,
        -- Don't show whitespace at the begin and end of the register's content
        trim_whitespace = true,
        -- Don't show registers which are exclusively filled with whitespace
        hide_only_whitespace = true,
        -- Show a character next to the register name indicating how the register will be applied
        show_register_types = true,
        bind_keys = {
            -- Show the window when pressing " in normal mode, applying the selected register as part of a motion, which is the default behavior of Neovim
            normal    = registers.show_window({ mode = "motion" }),
            -- Show the window when pressing " in visual mode, applying the selected register as part of a motion, which is the default behavior of Neovim
            visual    = registers.show_window({ mode = "motion" }),
            -- Show the window when pressing <C-R> in insert mode, inserting the selected register, which is the default behavior of Neovim
            insert    = registers.show_window({ mode = "insert" }),

            -- When pressing the key of a register, apply it with a very small delay, which will also highlight the selected register
            registers = registers.apply_register({ delay = 0.1 }),
            -- Immediately apply the selected register line when pressing the return key
            ["<CR>"]  = registers.apply_register(),
            -- Close the registers window when pressing the Esc key
            ["<Esc>"] = registers.close_window(),

            -- Move the cursor in the registers window down when pressing <C-n>
            ["<C-n>"] = registers.move_cursor_down(),
            -- Move the cursor in the registers window up when pressing <C-p>
            ["<C-p>"] = registers.move_cursor_up(),
            -- Move the cursor in the registers window down when pressing <C-j>
            ["<C-j>"] = registers.move_cursor_down(),
            -- Move the cursor in the registers window up when pressing <C-k>
            ["<C-k>"] = registers.move_cursor_up(),
            -- Clear the register of the highlighted line when pressing <DeL>
            ["<Del>"] = registers.clear_highlighted_register(),
            -- Clear the register of the highlighted line when pressing <BS>
            ["<BS>"]  = registers.clear_highlighted_register(),
        events = {
            -- When a register line is highlighted, show a preview in the main buffer with how the register will be applied, but only if the register will be inserted or pasted
            on_register_highlighted = registers.preview_highlighted_register({ if_mode = { "insert", "paste" } }),
        symbols = {
            -- Show a special character for line breaks
            newline = "",
            -- Show space characters without changes
            space = " ",
            -- Show a special character for tabs
            tab = "·",
            -- The character to show when a register will be applied in a char-wise fashion
            register_type_charwise = "",
            -- The character to show when a register will be applied in a line-wise fashion
            register_type_linewise = "ˡ",
            -- The character to show when a register will be applied in a block-wise fashion
            register_type_blockwise = "",
        window = {
            -- The window can't be wider than 100 characters
            max_width = 100,
            -- Show a small highlight in the sign column for the line the cursor is on
            highlight_cursorline = true,
            -- Don't draw a border around the registers window
            border = "none",
            -- Apply a tiny bit of transparency to the the window, letting some characters behind it bleed through
            transparency = 10,
        -- Highlight the sign registers as regular Neovim highlights
        sign_highlights = {
            cursorlinesign = "CursorLine",
            signcolumn = "NormalFloat",
            cursorline = "Visual",
            selection = "Constant",
            default = "Function",
            unnamed = "Statement",
            read_only = "Type",
            expression = "Exception",
            black_hole = "Error",
            alternate_buffer = "Operator",
            last_search = "Tag",
            delete = "Special",
            yank = "Delimiter",
            history = "Number",
            named = "Todo",


®️ NeoVim plugin to preview the contents of the registers

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Lua 100.0%