francoishill / grunt-process-includes

Make use of JSON files to specify your included your JS and CSS files and use this plugin to process this file and automatically generate task setups for grunt-contrib-concat as well as generate an HTML file with the <script> or <link> include tags.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

grunt-process-includes v0.2.1

Make use of JSON files to specify your included your JS and CSS files and use this plugin to process this file and automatically generate task setups for grunt-contrib-concat as well as generate an HTML file with the <script> or <link> include tags.

The task generateExpandedJsonFile will generate a flattened file to be used by the other tasks.

It will also auto determine which files are coffee and which scss.

Getting Started

This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.2

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-process-includes --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


This plugin was designed to work with Grunt 0.4.x. If you're still using grunt v0.3.x it's strongly recommended that you upgrade, but in case you can't please use v0.3.2.

Usage Examples

processIncludes: {
	generateExpandedJsonFile: {
		options: {
			task: 'generateExpandedJsonFile',
			includedJsSections: SECTIONS_TO_INCLUDE_JS,
			includedCssSections: SECTIONS_TO_INCLUDE_CSS,
			baseCoffeeDir: 'static_source/coffee',
			baseScssDir: 'static_source/scss',
			clonedCoffeeFolder: CLONED_COFFEE_FOLDER,
			clonedScssFolder: CLONED_SCSS_FOLDER,
			compiledJsDir: COMPILED_JS_FOLDER,
			compiledCssDir: COMPILED_CSS_FOLDER,
			jsFilePlaceholders: JS_PLACEHOLDERS,
			cssFilePlaceholders: CSS_PLACEHOLDERS,
			combinedJsFolder: COMBINED_JS_FOLDER,
			combinedCssFolder: COMBINED_CSS_FOLDER,
			minifiedCombinedJsFolder: MINIFIED_COMBINED_JS_FOLDER,
			minifiedCombinedCssFolder: MINIFIED_COMBINED_CSS_FOLDER,
			expandedIncludesJsonFile: EXPANDED_INCLUDES_JSON_FILE,
	cloneCoffeeAndScss: {
		options: {
			task: 'cloneCoffeeAndScss',
	generateMd5IncludeJsHtmlFile: {
		options: {
			task: 'generateMd5IncludeJsHtmlFile',
			useCombinedPath: !commandlineDevMode,
			htmlOutputFilePath: 'views/base/generated_includes_js.gohtml',
	generateMd5IncludeCssHtmlFile: {
		options: {
			task: 'generateMd5IncludeCssHtmlFile',
			useCombinedPath: !commandlineDevMode,
			htmlOutputFilePath: 'views/base/generated_includes_css.gohtml',
	generateCsvOfIncludedFileSizeMap: {
		options: {
			task: 'generateCsvOfIncludedFileSizeMap',
			destinationCsvFilePath: 'static_source/includedFilesSizes.csv',

Example of one of the includesJsFiles

	"sections": [
			"name": "lib",
			"baseDir": "static_source/",
			"fileGroups": [
					"name": "common",
					"files": [
			"name": "app",
			"baseDir": "static_source/",
			"fileGroups": [
					"name": "beforeModules",
					"files": [

Snippet of the file generated and used in the background

	"concat_task_setup": {
		"dest_js_lib": {
			"options": {
				"banner": "/*! <%= %> <%=\"yyyy-mm-dd\") %> */\n",
				"preserveComments": false
			"task_is_js": true,
			"task_is_css": false,
			"task_minified_dest": "static/js/combined.min/lib.js",
			"src": ["static_source/libs/jquery/2.0.3/jquery.js", "static_source/libs/jquery-cookie/1.4.0/jquery.cookie.js"],
			"dest": "static/js/combined/lib.js"
		"dest_js_app": {
			"options": {
				"banner": "/*! <%= %> <%=\"yyyy-mm-dd\") %> */\n",
				"preserveComments": false
			"task_is_js": true,
			"task_is_css": false,
			"task_minified_dest": "static/js/combined.min/app.js",
			"src": ["static_source/gen_js/common/proto.js", "static_source/gen_js/common/init.js"],
			"dest": "static/js/combined/app.js"
	"loose_files": [{
		"section_name": "lib",
		"group_name": "common",
		"source_file": "static_source/libs/jquery/2.0.3/jquery.js",
		"cloned_path": null,
		"final_path": "static_source/libs/jquery/2.0.3/jquery.js",
		"is_placeholder_file": false,
		"is_js": true,
		"is_css": false,
		"is_coffee": false,
		"is_scss": false,
		"is_preprocessed": false
	}, {
		"section_name": "lib",
		"group_name": "common",
		"source_file": "static_source/libs/jquery-cookie/1.4.0/jquery.cookie.js",
		"cloned_path": null,
		"final_path": "static_source/libs/jquery-cookie/1.4.0/jquery.cookie.js",
		"is_placeholder_file": false,
		"is_js": true,
		"is_css": false,
		"is_coffee": false,
		"is_scss": false,
		"is_preprocessed": false


Make use of JSON files to specify your included your JS and CSS files and use this plugin to process this file and automatically generate task setups for grunt-contrib-concat as well as generate an HTML file with the <script> or <link> include tags.

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%