francofabio / simple-search-expression

Simple Java library to parse search expression like used in gmail.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

#simple-search-expression Build Status

This is a Java library to parse search expression like used in gmail.

My english is terrible, therefore, any revision will be welcome

##What is it? The simple search expression is a string literal that defines a search criteria using the fields and values.

Example 1


In this example, the simple search expression defines that user want search for all records whose name is or contains John. Like operation

Example 2


In this example, the search expression defines that user want search for all records whose age is between 18 and 31. Interval operation

Example 3

name:john age:18-31

This example joins two simple expression. The logical operator applied is and.
The search expression defines that user want search for all records whose name contains john (like operation) and age is between 18 and 31 (interval operation).

Example 4


In this example, the search expression defines that user want search for all records whose id is 100 or 350 or 500. In operation

##The expression The simple search expression is defined as a simple string, using colon as field and value separator.
It is possible to use an expression without informing the field. In this case, must be specified in the execution plan of the search expression (SimpleSearchExpressionPlan) the rules to resolve default fields.
Currently only the operators LIKE, EQUALS, INTERVAL and IN are supported.
The definition of operator depends on the field type and/or expression value. ####Operators The simple search expression supports LIKE, EQUALS, INTERVAL (-) and IN (,) operators, but the operator to apply on the expression, depends on the field type.

####Default operator resolver by field type

Type Operator Comments
java.lang.String LIKE By default string not support other relational operators.
java.lang.Number EQUALS When comma (,) is present in expression, the IN operator is used. When (-) is present in expression, the INTERVAL operator is used.
java.util.Date EQUALS When comma (,) is present in expression, the IN operator is used. When (-) is present in expression, the INTERVAL operator is used.
Others EQUALS When comma (,) is present in expression, the IN operator are used. Interval (-) operator is not supported.

The default operator can be changed, passing to SimpleSearchExpressionField constructor the default operator desired.
To define a custom operator resolver, pass to plan constructor the custom operator resolver.

##How to use? To use this library, you need install the package in your maven local repository:

mvn install

And add this dependency in your pom.xml

    <version>1.0.1</version> <!-- or a last version -->

This library yet is not available in maven central repository, it is coming son.
If you not use maven. You can also build the jar and add in classpath of the Java app.
To build jar package, you need install maven and execute the command:

mvn clean package

The jar package is available in target/ directory.

##Quick start Parse simple search expression.

//This is a search expression for find a record where id is 10
String simpleSearchExpression = "id:10";
SimpleSearchExpressionField idExprField = new SimpleSearchExpressionField("id", Integer.class);
SimpleSearchExpressionPlan searchPlan = new SimpleSearchExpressionPlan(idExprField);
SimpleSearchParser simpleSearchParser = new SimpleSearchParser(searchPlan);
//Parse simple search expression and returns the expression representation with id field, value 10 and operation EQUALS
SimpleSearchExpression searchExpr = simpleSearchParser.parse(simpleSearchExpression);

The above example is not very useful, it is most useful when used together with a persistence library.

###MongoDB To use simple search expression with mongodb, you have add the dependency of the mongodb driver library in your pom or classpath.


    <version>2.11.3</version> <!-- The min version to use -->

Now, using mongodb expression builder.


import com.mongodb.DBObject;
import com.mongodb.MongoClient;
import com.mongodb.DB;
import com.mongodb.DBCollection;
import com.mongodb.DBCursor;


//This is a search expression for find all records where name contains john galt
String simpleSearchExpression = "name:john galt";
SimpleSearchExpressionPlan searchPlan = new SimpleSearchExpressionPlan(new SimpleSearchExpressionField("name", String.class));
SimpleSearchParser simpleSearchParser = new SimpleSearchParser(searchPlan);
SimpleSearchExpression searchExpr = simpleSearchParser.parse(simpleSearchExpression);

//Build a mongodb query
DBObject query = new SimpleSearchMongoDBBuilder().build(searchExpr);

MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient("localhost", 27017);
DB db = mongoClient.getDB("mydb");
DBCollection personCollection = db.getCollection("person");
//Execute search query in mongodb
DBCursor cursor = db.find(query);

###Java Persistence API - JPA To use simple search expression with JPA, you have add the dependency of a persistence provider in your pom or classpath. The builder for JPA only supports JPQL (JPA Query Language). JPA Criteria yet is not supported.

Now, using JPA (JPQL) expression builder.


import javax.persistence.Query;


//This is a search expression for find all records where name contains john galt
String simpleSearchExpression = "name:john galt";
SimpleSearchExpressionPlan searchPlan = new SimpleSearchExpressionPlan(new SimpleSearchExpressionField("name", String.class));
SimpleSearchParser simpleSearchParser = new SimpleSearchParser(searchPlan);
SimpleSearchExpression searchExpr = simpleSearchParser.parse(simpleSearchExpression);

//Build a JPQL where clause
JPQLWhereClause whereClause = new SimpleSearchJPQLBuilder().build(searchExpr);

//Joins the from and where clauses
String jpql = whereClause.join("from Person");
Query jpaQuery = em.createQuery(jpql, Person.class);
//Set parameter values in query

List<Person> result = jpaQuery.getResultList();

##Using defaults field resolving The simple search expression supports field resolving according to the contents of the search expression. To use defaults field resolving, pass to SimpleSearchExpressionPlan constructor a Map containing the rules to resolve field according to the search expression.


final Map<String, String> defaults = new HashMap<String, String>() {
        //if the value of the search did not match any of the rules, so we will use the standard field set by the key __default__
        put("__default__", "name");
        //Match numbers with length 1 to 10. 
        put("id", "^[0-9]{1,10}$");
List<SimpleSearchExpressionField> fields = Arrays.asList(new SimpleSearchExpressionField("id", Integer.class), new SimpleSearchExpressionField("name", String.class));
SimpleSearchExpressionPlan simpleSearchPlan = new SimpleSearchExpressionPlan(defaults, fields);
SimpleSearchParser simpleSearchParser = new SimpleSearchParser(simpleSearchPlan);

When parse the expression john, the name field are resolved.

SimpleSearchExpression simpleSearchExpr = simpleSearchParser.parse("john");

The simpleSearchExpr contains one operation for field name with relational operator LIKE and value john.

When parse the expression 198900, the id field are resolved.

SimpleSearchExpression simpleSearchExpr = simpleSearchParser.parse("198900");

The simpleSearchExpr contains one operation for field id with relational operator EQUALS and value 198900.


Simple Java library to parse search expression like used in gmail.


Language:Java 100.0%