franciscobautista / lgenerator

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This Laravel 5 package provides a fully customizable CRUDs generators to speed up your development process. These generators include:

  • makefast:crudstructure
  • makefast:scaffold
  • makefast:navtab
  • makefast:remove

This is a derivative of the original version of J. Way, this includes the adaptation specifically for the generation of scaffolds.

If you are looking for a "generic" generator is recommended to use way/generators


Begin by installing this package through Composer. Edit your project's composer.json file to require fragale/lgenerators.

"require": {
	"laravel/framework": "5.0.*",
	"fragale/lgenerators": "1.0.*"
"minimum-stability" : "dev"

Next, update Composer from the Terminal:

composer update

Once this operation completes, the final step is to add the service provider. Open app/config/app.php, and add a new item to the providers array.


That's it! You're all set to go. Run the artisan command from the Terminal to see the new makefast commands.

php artisan

Note that the package use psr-4


IMPORTANT !!! This package requires Twitter Bootstrap 3 If your project still is not using Twitter Bootstrap 3 (TWBS), do not worry, the package includes the dependence necessary for Bootstrap is downloaded to your project. In this case after run *** composer update ** just make this to create an asset entry for TWBS in your /public directory:

in the console:


cd application_instalation/ (**where is your composer.json**)
mkdir public/assets/plugins
mkdir public/assets/plugins/bootstrap
cd public/assets/plugins/bootstrap/
ln -s ../../../../vendor/twbs/bootstrap/dist ./bootstrap


create a directory into `application_instalation/public/assets/plugins/bootstrap/bootstrap`
copy the entire dir: `application_instalation/vendor/twbs/bootstrap/dist` into `application_instalation/public/assets/plugins/bootstrap/bootstrap`

then you may see:

	├── ...	
	└── public/
		└── assets/
			└── plugins/
				└── bootstrap/
					└── bootstrap/
						├── css/
						│   ├── bootstrap.css
						│   ├──
						│   ├── bootstrap.min.css
						│   ├── bootstrap-theme.css
						│   ├──
						│   └── bootstrap-theme.min.css
						├── js/
						│   ├── bootstrap.js
						│   └── bootstrap.min.js
						└── fonts/
						    ├── glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot
						    ├── glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg
						    ├── glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf
						    ├── glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff
						    └── glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff2             		 		   			  

(for more info and docs see

Crud Structure

After installation, the first thing you have to do is generate the structure of work for the CRUDs generator .

    php artisan makefast:crudstructure

This command will create a directory structure into your /application_instalation directory

After this creation, the artisan will copy a serie of templates into

	├── app/
	│	├── ...											
	│	├── Http/
	│	│	└── Controllers/
	│	│	    ├── ...
	│	│		└── cruds/
	│	│	   	  	└── BaseCRUDController.php
	│	├── ...
	│	└── cruds/
	│	  	└── BaseCRUDModel.php
	├── ...
	├── config/
	│	└── cruds/
	│		└── settings.php	
	└── resources/
		├── ...
		├── templates/
		│	└── cruds/
		│		├── controller/
		│		│   └── controller.template.blade.php
		│		├── customs/
		│		├── model/
		│		│   └── model.template.blade.php
		│		└── views/
		│			├── master-detail/
		│			│   ├── detail_tables.template.blade.php
		│			│   ├── detail_tables_item.template.blade.php
		│			│   └── master_record.template.blade.php
		│			├── create.template.blade.php 
		│			├── edit.template.blade.php
		│			├── show.template.blade.php
		│			└── create.template.blade.php
		└── views/					
			├── ...		
			├── cruds/			
			└── system/
				├── ...			
				└── cruds/
					├── header_cruds.php 
					├── footer_cruds.php
					├── header_index_panel.blade.php
					├── partial_header_cruds.blade.php					
					├── partial_notifications.blade.php					
					├── notifications_layout.blade.php	
					└── second_column_cruds.blade.php				


Of course, to have a CRUD, you should have a table in the database.

Do you have one? does not? Then you can create this as an example to learn how to use the generator, of course you can try your own tables.

Just begin:

  • create a file into database/migrarions called 2015_04_01_000000_create_employees_table.php

  • copy and paste this code: (warning: add the php tag at the begin of the file)


	use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
	use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;

	class CreateEmployeesTable extends Migration {

	 * Run the migrations.
	 * @return void
		public function up()
			Schema::create('employees', function(Blueprint $table)
				$table->enum('gender', ['f', 'm']);






	 	* Reverse the migrations.
	 	* @return void
		public function down()

  • run the migration
php artisan migrate
  • you are ready to try... let's go


The scaffolding is an skeleton for a serie of classes related to an resource, for our example the resource is the employees table

then try to generate the CRUDs for the employees table, advance slowly, we use only some fields for now.

Run this command:

php artisan makefast:scaffold employees --fields="first_name:string[64], last_name:string[64], gender:string[1]"

after this, check what happened:

The generator will be created some files and structures

  1. the controller
  2. the model
  3. the CRUD views

	├── app/
	│	├── ...											
	│	├── Http/
	│	│	└── Controllers/
	│	│	    ├── ...
	│	│		└── cruds/
	│	│			├── ...
	│	│	   	  	└── EmployeesController.php  (1)
	│	├── ...
	│	└── cruds/
	│		├── ...
	│	  	└── Employee.php  (2)
	├── ...
	└── resources/
		├── ...
		└── views/					
			├── ...		
			└── cruds/
				├── ...
				└── employees/			(3)			
					├── create.blade.php 
					├── edit.blade.php 
					├── index.blade.php 
					└── show.blade.php 

  1. also the routes.php will be modified adding the route to the new resource.

  2. now you can check the results on the browser going to

¿troubles? probably you are getting an error message at this point. This occurs because the views are using a layout (you might change this later), but if you do not have a defined layout might use this as an example:

  • create a file in resources/views/layouts with the name default.blade.php
  • copy and paste this code into the file:

		<!DOCTYPE html>
		<html lang="en">
			<link href="{{ asset('assets/plugins/bootstrap/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css') }}" rel="stylesheet" />
			<link href="{{ asset('assets/plugins/bootstrap/bootstrap/css/bootstrap-theme.min.css') }}" rel="stylesheet"> 
				<div id="page-container">
					<div class="container-fluid">
						<div class="row">
						  	<div class="{{$col_full}}">
				<script src="{{ asset('assets/plugins/bootstrap/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js') }}"></script>
  1. save and try again going to

Removing a resource

To remove a resource, simply run makefast:remove

for example to remove the employees from your proyect just run:

php artisan makefast:remove employees --auto --dirs
Adding aditional code

All models are extending the class BaseCRUDModel defined in file app/cruds/BaseCRUDModel.php

Also you should append code to your models.

for example to add code to our example model you can do this:

  • create a file in /app/resources/templates/cruds/customs/employees/ named append_to_model.php
  • put this code into the file: (warning: add the PHP tag at the begin of the file)


    public function getFullNameAttribute()
    	return $this->first_name . ' ' . $this->last_name;

  • now remove the resource
  • run the generator again
  • check the results into the model Employee.php

feel free to add your own code in your models

Adding rules

The rules for the field validation are defined in the model file at app/cruds/Employee.php (for our example resource)

Also you should add your own validation rules.

for example you can do this:

  • create a file in /app/resources/templates/cruds/customs/employees/ named rules.php
  • put this code into the file: (warning: add the PHP tag at the begin of the file)


	public static $rules = array(
		'first_name' => 'required',
		'last_name' => 'required',
		'gender' => 'required'

  • now remove the resource
  • run the generator again
  • check the results into the model Employee.php

feel free to add your own rules in your models

Master-detail generation

Master-detail presentations allow you to navigate a webpage based on a specific table, and at the same time for each selected record (master record) see the associated records from other related tables (details).

please let me continue with our example resource employees

imagine now that the employees have family (his childrens, parents, brothers, etc.) and they are represented by the table families

to continue learning how to generate this feature, please make this migration:

  • create a file into database/migrarions called 2015_04_01_000000_create_families_table.php

  • copy and paste this code: (warning: add the php tag at the begin of the file)


	use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
	use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;

	class CreateFamiliesTable extends Migration {

		 * Run the migrations.
		 * @return void
		public function up()
			Schema::create('families', function(Blueprint $table)
				$table->enum('gender', ['f', 'm']);




				//Employees link



		 * Reverse the migrations.
		 * @return void
		public function down()

  • run the migration
php artisan migrate

Now you have two tables, employees and families.

As you can see, families are related with employees table by the employee_id field, then you need to add the relationship at the model

continue ...

  • modify the file /app/resources/templates/cruds/customs/employees/append_to_model.php
  • copy and paste this code :


	// the relationship with families table 
	public function families()
		return $this->hasMany('App\cruds\Family');

	// the above example
    public function getFullNameAttribute()
    	return $this->first_name . ' ' . $this->last_name;

With the above, the relation from employees-families are created, now we need to create the relation families-employees

  • create a file in /app/resources/templates/cruds/customs/families/ named append_to_model.php
  • put this code into the file:


	// the relationship with employees table 
	public function employee()
		return $this->belogsTo('App\cruds\Employee');

  • create a .json file in /app/resources/templates/cruds/customs/employees/ named views_definitions.json
  • put this code into the file:

		"description": "Employees table views definitions",
	    "detail_tables": [
	            "description": "Families table",
	            "model": "families"
	    ]    ,
	    "master_record_field": [
	            "display": "$lc->master_record->fullname"

  • now remove the resource employes end re-generate it
php artisan makefast:remove employees --auto --dirs
php artisan makefast:scaffold employees --fields="first_name:string[64], last_name:string[64], gender:string[1]"
  • generate the families CRUD
php artisan makefast:scaffold families --fields="first_name:string[64],last_name:string[64]"
  • check the results into the models Employee.php and Family.php

  • also two new files are created, you can check it on:

	├── ...
	└── resources/
		├── ...
		└── views/					
			├── ...		
			└── cruds/
				├── ...
				└── employees/		
					├── master-detail/						
					│	├── employees_detail_tables.blade.php 
					│	└── employees_master_records.blade.php 
					└── ... 

To view the results at the browser
  • create some records in the employees table
  • go to show view
  • open the families relation link

Changing some settings

Some behaviors and preferences as icons, classes, column sizes, etc. can be changed from:

	├── config/
	│	└── cruds/
	│		└── settings.php

Of course, also you can modify same preferences but for a resource only, in this case you may add for example:

	├── config/
	│	└── cruds/
	│		├── employees/	
	│		│	└── settings.php		**employee resource settings only**
	│		└── settings.php  			**general setting**

Customizing the views generation

the documentation is comming soon...

Excel and OpenOffice exportation

the documentation is comming soon...

PDF reports generation

the documentation is comming soon...


to generate and regenerate your application CRUDs, you can write a bash file with this code:

	echo "Generando los CRUDs de la aplicacion ..."

	php artisan makefast:remove employees --auto --dirs
	php artisan makefast:scaffold employees --fields="first_name:string[64],last_name:string[64],gender:string[1]"

	php artisan makefast:remove families --auto --dirs
	php artisan makefast:scaffold families --fields="first_name:string[64],last_name:string[64]"

save the file and name it as makeapp or how you preffer and set executable permissions

sudo chmod 755 makeapp

then when you need to re-build the application, just run the makeapp script. ;)

(for WIN users, it can be a .bat file)


feel free to modify any template under /resources/templates/cruds, be carefully with the layouts

make a backup of the project before install this lgenerator

I am writing the documentation... please be patient

I need partners to contribute to this project in some respects: My native language is Spanish, then you might find some syntax errors in paragraphs that I wrote in English, if you want to contribute ... great.

I also need :

  • to make video tutorials in English and Spanish.
  • check the code
  • check the performance





License:MIT License


Language:PHP 100.0%