francisco-dlp / tpx3HitParser

Parse Timepix3 raw files to hits, clusters and events

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Getting ready


git clone
cd tpx3HitParser

Recommended way is to use a Python virtualenv, but this is optional.

Python 3

A minimal version of Python 3.8 is needed (due to use of multiprocessing.shared_memory).

python3 -m venv tpx3-py3
source tpx3-py3/bin/activate
pip install pip --upgrade
pip install wheel

Install Python dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt


For CNN event localisation Tensorflow 2.3 is being used. You will need a working NVIDIA CUDA installation. With CUDA Toolkit 10.1 and CUDNN 7.6.5.

Cluster finding library

For maximum speed in cluster finding, we're making use of a compiled library (written in Rust). Included is a pre-compiled version of this (Linux/amd64). If Python is unable to load this (i.e. you're on Windows) there is also a Python/numpy version of this same code. A warning is printed if this version is being used. This version is about 25% slower.

It should be possible to also compile the library for Windows using Rust/Cargo. No special dependencies are being used. See the code at clusters/clfind.


$ ./tpx3HitParser --help
usage: [-h] [-c FILE] --raw FILE [-C] [-E] -o FILE [--overwrite] [--store_hits]
                        [--store_clusters] [--store_events] [--hits_sort_toa 0/1]
                        [--event_sort_toa 0/1] [--cores N] [--max_hits N] [--hits_remove_cross 0/1]
                        [--hits_combine_chips 0/1] [--hits_cross_extra_offset N]
                        [--hits_tot_correct_file FILE] [--hits_toa_phase_correction N]
                        [--hits_tot_threshold N] [--cluster_time_window N] [--cluster_min_size N]
                        [--cluster_max_size N] [--cluster_max_sum_tot N] [--cluster_min_sum_tot N]
                        [--cluster_chunk_size N] [--cluster_matrix_size N] [--event_cnn_model FILE]
                        [--event_cnn_tot_only 0/1] [-a A] [-v]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help                     show this help message and exit
  -c FILE, --config FILE         Specify other config file (default: None)
  -v, --verbose                  Verbose output (default: False)

input arguments:
  --raw FILE                     Read raw .tpx3 (default: None)

parse arguments:
  -C                             Parse clusters (default: False)
  -E                             Parse events (default: False)

output arguments:
  -o FILE, --output FILE         Output HDF5 file (default: None)
  --overwrite                    Overwrite existing HDF5 file (default: False)
  --store_hits                   Store /hits in output file (default: False)
  --store_clusters               Store /clusters in output file (default: False)
  --store_events                 Store /events in output file (default: False)

post processing:
  --hits_sort_toa 0/1            Sort hit data on ToA (default: None)
  --event_sort_toa 0/1           Sort event data on ToA (default: None)

  --cores N                      Number of cores to use (default: 1)
  --max_hits N                   Maximum number of hits to read (0: infinite) (default: 0)
  --hits_remove_cross 0/1        Remove the middle border pixels between the chips (default: True)
  --hits_combine_chips 0/1       Combine the chips to one matrix (default: True)
  --hits_cross_extra_offset N    Extra offset used for the cross pixels per chip when combining the
                                 chips (default: 2)
  --hits_tot_correct_file FILE   ToT correction file, or 0 for no correction (default: 0)
  --hits_toa_phase_correction N  Apply ToA correction. 0=None, 1=Maastricht-Pll30, 2=Basel-Pll30,
                                 3=Pll94 (default: 0)
  --hits_tot_threshold N         Below this ToT threshold hits are not stored (default: 5)
  --cluster_time_window N        Maximum time interval between individual hits to cluster them (in
                                 fine ToA values=1.56ns) (default: 50)
  --cluster_min_size N           Minimum cluster size (default: 2)
  --cluster_max_size N           Maximum cluster size (default: 10)
  --cluster_max_sum_tot N        Maximum cluster sum tot (default: 400)
  --cluster_min_sum_tot N        Minimum cluster sum tot (default: 200)
  --cluster_chunk_size N         Number of hits to consider at once for clustering. (default: 10000)
  --cluster_matrix_size N        Size of the resulting cluster matrix (default: 10)
  --event_cnn_model FILE         CNN model to use for event localisation (default: model-200kv-
  --event_cnn_tot_only 0/1       The specified CNN model uses ToT only (default: False)
  -a A, --algorithm A            Event localisation algorithm to use (default: centroid)


All options are command line options. Defaults for constants are specified in a separate config file default.cfg. You can either edit this file or make your own and specify this with the --config option.


(c) Maastricht University


MIT License


Paul van Schayck (


Parse Timepix3 raw files to hits, clusters and events


Language:Python 96.6%Language:Rust 3.4%