francbartoli / pgReplicationTutorial

This repository contains files for the PostgreSQL Binary Replication tutorial.

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This repository contains files for the PostgreSQL Binary Replication tutorial.

This tutorial has been updated with PostGIS for FOSS4G 2014

These files are required to perform the hands-on exercises. Importantly, there is significant setup required in order to do the hands-on exercises which needs to happen before the tutorial starts, so please read the below.

All steps through Vagrant Up should be completed before getting to the tutorial


Laptop Harware:

  • running Linux, OSX, or Windows XP or later
  • 64-bit (32-bit may be possible, see below)
  • at least 1GB of RAM, 2GB or more preferred
  • 300MB free disk space

Software and Wetware:

  • terminal program capable of ssh
  • familiarity with the bash/linux command line
  • familiarity with one or more command-line text editors
  • vagrant and virtualbox (see below)

Installing the Base Software

First, you will need to install Vagrant and VirtualBox if you do not already have them. If you do already have them, please make sure that you have at least these minimum versions:

  • Vagrant 1.4.1 or later
  • VirtualBox 4.2 or later

Otherwise, you're going to need to install them. Fortunately, both have downloads for most OSes and extensive documentation. And when you get used to them, you'll find Vagrant an invaluable tool for testing.

Vagrant Installation:

VirtualBox Installation:

Installing the Virtual Machine Image

Once you've installed Vagrant and VirtualBox, you'll need to get an operating system image, or "box". Please download one of the following large files:

If you have a 64-bit laptop:

If you have a 32-bit laptop:

Then run the following command from the folder where you downloaded it:

  • 64-bit: vagrant box add precise
  • 32-bit: vagrant box add precise

Installing Tutorial Exercises

Install the tutorial exercises on your machine one of two ways:

Preferred Method: Git Checkout from the Github repo. The repository is here:, and you can clone it by:

git clone

Alternate Method: if you're not comfortable with git, download the tarball from:

This will require the programs "tar" and "gzip" to expand, as follows:

tar -p -xvf pgReplication.tgz

We apologize for not providing a "zip" formatted archive, but zip does not preserve file permissions, which would cause issues.

The ReplicationTutorial directory should be placed somewhere you have disk space available.

Vagrant Up

The first time you do vagrant up, it will require an internet connection with significant bandwidth and around 1/2 hour. As such, you should do it at home, before you get to the conference or the tutorial.

Open your terminal program. Navigate to pgReplicationTutorial/vagrant directory. Type the following:

vagrant up

This will download the "precise64" box (VM), install a bunch of software on it, and start it up. Verify that you can log into it with:

vagrant ssh

Now log out with "exit". Shut down the VM, but leave it set up in preparation for the tutorial:

vagrant suspend

Other Files In This Package

The pgReplicationTutorial package also contains the following files in the Tutorial directory:


This is a set of commands which you will be running during the hands-on exercises for the tutorial. These are provided in a text file so that you can copy & paste, instead of trying to read every letter and dash from the instructor's screen.


These are copies of the slides for the tutorial.


0.3 Version produced for FOSS4G 2014. Includes information about replicating PostGIS. Interactive "play" demonstrations have have been removed due to their time-consuming nature.

0.2 Initial version produced for DjangoCon 2013.


The pgReplicationTutorial is Copyright 2013-2014 Josh Berkus and PostgreSQL Experts Inc.

All slides, text, instructions and similar content in this tutorial are licensed [Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0] (

Code exercises and sample databases are licensed under the [Gnu Public License Version 2] (

All other rights reserved.


This repository contains files for the PostgreSQL Binary Replication tutorial.