W E B S E R V (c) 2023- by smkatash, jgmaalouf, frame-src / KJF inc. https://github.com/smkatash/42_webserv Licensed under WTFPL (see LICENSE file) *NOTE: this is a 42 Project made by three students at 42 Heilbronn* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTRO: ----------- Implementation of a server in C++ The focus of this project is to implement an HTTP/1.1 compliant server according to the RFC[1]. The server is capable of handling multiple connections through kernel event notification mechanism. Supported methods: - GET - POST - DELETE Supported CGI scripts: - python - perl - php HOW TO USE: ----------- To compile server run: ``` $ cd 42_webserv && make ``` If you use Linux, this will not work because we are using kqueue()[2]; To run server: Run the executable and press enter or: ``` $ ./webserv [optional config.conf] ``` If no config file is specified, a default one is provided in the config directory. RESOURCES: ----------- [1] https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2616 [2] https://habr.com/en/articles/600123/