fr33m0nk / structured-task-scope

Structured concurrency in Clojure via StructuredTaskScope

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  • This is an experimentation Structued concurrency with JDK-21 preview feature Structured Task Scope
  • The purpose is to arrive upon most usable abstraction for Structured Task Scope in Clojure
  • May be released as a library if the usability is established.


JDK-21+ is mandatory to be able to use this wrapper/library

In deps.edn, add following:

fr33m0nk/structured-task-scope {:git/url ""
                                :sha "0af6062d15228f13a0ba0aa22e696da195dd81aa"}


  • ScopedValues are introduced to create differing local bindings for Threads (Virtual or Platform)
  • They differ from ThreadLocals as the extent of binding is limited to function invocation and the binding is immutable
  • This is also a good alternate to ^:dynamic Clojure vars
  • JEP Café #16: Java 20 - From ThreadLocal to ScopedValue is a brilliant reference

In REPL, require fr33m0nk.scoped-value

(require '[fr33m0nk.scoped-value :as sv])

(def a-scoped-value (sv/->scoped-value))

Using a-scoped-value for side effect

(defn function-using-scope-value
  (let [processed-string (str (sv/deref a-scoped-value) " Ok")]
    (println processed-string)))

(->> (range 3)
     (pmap #(future
             (sv/run-where! a-scoped-value (str "Hello - " %) function-using-scope-value)))
     (run! deref))


;;Obvious jumbling due to multithreading while printing to screen
Hello - 2 OkHello - 0 OkHello - 1 Ok 

Using a-scoped-value for functional transformation

(defn function-using-scope-value
  (str (sv/deref a-scoped-value) " Ok"))

(->> (range 3)
     (pmap #(future
              (sv/apply-where a-scoped-value (str "Hello - " %) function-using-scope-value)))
     (mapv deref))


["Hello - 0 Ok" "Hello - 1 Ok" "Hello - 2 Ok"]


In REPL, require fr33m0nk.structured-task-scope namespace

(require '[fr33m0nk.structured-task-scope :as sts])


(let [success (atom [])
      error (atom [])
      success-handler #(swap! success conj %)
      failure-handler #(swap! error conj %)
      scope (sts/->structured-scope success-handler failure-handler)]
  (sts/fork-task scope (throw (ex-info "boom" {})))
  (sts/fork-task scope (Thread/sleep 5000) :turtle-wins)
  (sts/fork-task scope (Thread/sleep 5000) :hare-wins)
  (.join scope)
  {:success @success
   :failure @error})


{:success [:hare-wins :turtle-wins],
 :failure [#error{:cause "boom",
                  :data {},
                  :via [{:type clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo,
                         :message "boom",
                         :data {},
                         :at [user$eval2546$fn__2551 invoke "form-init3588532553786133725.clj" 6]}],
                  :trace [[user$eval2546$fn__2551 invoke "form-init3588532553786133725.clj" 6]
                          [clojure.lang.AFn call "" 18]
                          [java.util.concurrent.StructuredTaskScope$SubtaskImpl run "" 889]
                          [java.lang.VirtualThread run "" 309]]}]}

JDK-21 currently also supports following refinements of StructuredTaskScope:


(import '(java.time Instant))

  {:deadline-instant (.plusMillis (Instant/now) 1500)} 
  (sts/fork-task scope (Thread/sleep 1000) :turtle-wins)
  (sts/fork-task scope (Thread/sleep 5000) :hare-wins))




(import '(java.time Instant))

  ;; Below are bindings to the tasks once forked
  ;; These bindings should only be of the forked task as
  ;; currently the macro isn't very intelligent
  [turtle (sts/fork-task scope (Thread/sleep 5000) :turtle-wins)
   hare (sts/fork-task scope (Thread/sleep 5000) :hare-wins)
   ;; forked task bindings can be used inside another forked task
   ;; using bindings `boomer (.get hare)` here will cause `IllegalStateException`
   ;; However, such bindings are fine in body of the macro as the body executes after `(.join scope)` 
   zoomba (sts/fork-task scope (->> [turtle hare]
                                (map #(name (.get %)))))]
  ;; Extra options
  {:throw-on-failure? true
   :deadline-instant (.plusMillis (Instant/now) 7000)}
  ;; do something with bindings after calling `.get` method on subtasks
  (.get zoomba))


("turtle-wins" "hare-wins")

Additional functions/macros

let-fork Evaluates bindings in parallel and returns the result of evaluating body in the context of those bindings. Bindings have to be independent of each other

(sts/let-fork [a (let [sleep-ms 5000] (println "Sleep 1 ") (Thread/sleep sleep-ms) (println "Awake 1") :a)
               b (let [sleep-ms 2000] (println "Sleep 2 ") (Thread/sleep sleep-ms) (println "Awake 2") 10)]
              {a b})


Sleep 1
Sleep 2
Awake 2
Awake 1

{:a 10}


Copyright © 2024 Prashant Sinha

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License version 1.0.


Structured concurrency in Clojure via StructuredTaskScope

License:Eclipse Public License 1.0


Language:Clojure 100.0%