fr33m0nk / kafka-cluster-test-utility

A Clojure library designed to simplify the execution of end-to-end tests for applications that use Kafka as message broker or streaming platform.

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Clojars Project

A Clojure library which provides an embedded Kafka cluster consisting of a single Kafka node. It is designed to simplify the execution of end-to-end tests for applications that use Kafka Cluster as message broker or streaming platform. The applications may :

  • consume messages from Kafka topic
  • produce messages to Kafka topic
  • use Kafka streaming API
[net.clojars.fr33m0nk/kafka-cluster-test-utility "1.1.0"]


  • Small, simple library with thin wrapper over Java API
  • Designed for users to provide Kafka dependencies


This library specifies Kafka dependencies as :scope "provided", to enable usage with different versions. Once can add this as well as its dependencies to dev profile in order to keep them out of the packaged jar. That said, it is tested with the following versions of the dependencies:

  :profiles {:uberjar {:aot :all}
             :dev {:dependencies [[net.clojars.fr33m0nk/kafka-cluster-test-utility "0.2.0"]
                                  [org.apache.kafka/kafka_2.13 "2.8.0"]
                                  [org.apache.kafka/kafka-streams "2.8.0"]
                                  [org.apache.kafka/kafka-clients "2.8.0"]
                                  [org.apache.kafka/kafka_2.13 "2.8.0" :classifier "test"]
                                  [org.apache.kafka/kafka-streams "2.8.0" :classifier "test"]
                                  [org.apache.kafka/kafka-clients "2.8.0" :classifier "test"]]}}


This library provides convenience in namespace kafka-cluster-test-utility.core , which can be used in tests.

Usage as a tool to speed up development

(require '[kafka-cluster-test-utility.core :as core])

(core/with-embedded-kafka-cluster ["test-topic"]
                                  (core/send-with-producer "test-topic" (.getBytes "hello dost"))
                                  (core/with-consumer-read-one "test-topic" 2)
                                  (comment (do something))
                                  (comment (do omething more)))

Usage as test fixture

(ns kafka-cluster-test-utility.core-test
  (:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
    [kafka-cluster-test-utility.core :as core]
    [kafka-cluster-test-utility.utility :as utility])
  (:import [org.tensorflow.util.testlog PlatformInfo]))

(use-fixtures :once (core/with-embedded-kafka-cluster-and-topics "test-topic"))

(deftest with-embedded-kafka-cluster-test
         (testing "should produce and consume message from cluster"
                  (let [message {:release "4.19.0"}]
                    (core/send-with-producer "test-topic" (utility/clj-map->bytes PlatformInfo message))
                    (is (= {:release "4.19.0"}
                           (->> (core/with-consumer-read-one "test-topic" 2)
                                (utility/bytes->clj-map PlatformInfo))))))

         (testing "should produce and consume many message from cluster"
                  (let [first-message "Hello 1!"
                        second-message "Hello 2!"
                        third-message "Hello 3!"]
                    (core/send-with-producer "test-topic" (.getBytes first-message))
                    (core/send-with-producer "test-topic" (.getBytes second-message))
                    (core/send-with-producer "test-topic" (.getBytes third-message))
                    (is (= [first-message second-message third-message]
                           (->> (core/with-consumer-read-multiple "test-topic" 2)
                                (map #(String. %))))))))

Contacting me / contributions

Please use the project's GitHub issues page for all questions, ideas, etc. Pull requests welcome.


Distributed under the EPL v2.0. Copyright © 2021 Prashant Sinha.


A Clojure library designed to simplify the execution of end-to-end tests for applications that use Kafka as message broker or streaming platform.

License:Eclipse Public License 2.0


Language:Clojure 100.0%