fpopic / linux-egradjani

Steps on how to set up the Croatian e-Građani app for identification (Chrome/Firefox) and signing documents (LibreOffice) on Linux (Ubuntu).

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Steps on how to set up the Croatian e-Građani app for identification (Chrome/Firefox) and signing documents (LibreOffice) on Linux (Ubuntu 21.04.)

Linux requirements

  1. Install smart-card reader tooling

    # if on Ubunt 22.04 LTS keep only `pcsc-tools` `opensc` packages and try without others
    # in case modutil is missing install `libnss3-tools` as well  
    sudo apt-get install -y libccid ccid pcsc-tools opensc
  2. Start the service

    sudo systemctl start pcscd.service
    sudo systemctl enable pcscd.service

e-egradjani requirements

To use your ID certificates, you must activate your eOI, and check eid.hr for steps.

There you should find the latest linux .deb package. For the previous versions check here.


  1. Download eidmiddleware app that contains all services, certificates, etc.

    sudo dpkg -i eidmiddleware_vX.Y.Z_amd64.deb 
  2. Create a new local NSS db

    rm -rf $HOME/.pki/nssdb
    mkdir -p $HOME/.pki/nssdb
    # if on Ubunt 22.04 LTS skip this command
    sudo chmod 777 /etc/pam_pkcs11/nssdb
    certutil -d $HOME/.pki/nssdb -N --empty-password
    sudo chmod 777 $HOME/.pki/nssdb/pkcs11.txt
  3. Add the named module HR eID to NSS module database with PKCS #11 implementation libfile

    modutil \
      -dbdir sql:$HOME/.pki/nssdb \
      -add "HR eID" -libfile /usr/lib/akd/eidmiddleware/pkcs11/libEidPkcs11.so \
      -mechanisms FRIENDLY \

    Flag -mechanisms FRIENDLY is required to work on Chromium/Chrome, check here for details.

    Alternative path for newer versions seems to be /usr/lib/akd/certiliamiddleware/pkcs11/libEidPkcs11.so so try changing path if this is not working for you.

  4. Check whether HR eID is added to NSS db

    modutil -dbdir sql:$HOME/.pki/nssdb/ -list
  5. Turn on Client and Signer apps.


  1. Go to gov.hr and login with eOsobna option
    • Chrome:

      drawing drawing
    • Firefox:


Signing documents

To sign documents using LibreOffice go to

LibreOffice > Tools > Options > Security > Certificate... >  Select NSS path

and navigate to folder $HOME/.pki/nssdb and press OK and restart LibreOffice. Go to

File > Digital Signatures > Digital Signatures... > Sign Document...

and pop-ups for Signature/Identification will appear.



Inspect the content of eidmiddleware:

$ tree /usr/lib/akd/eidmiddleware/

├── certificates
│   ├── AKDCARoot.pem   <---------------- ca root certificate
│   └── HRIDCA.pem  <---------------- ca certificate
├── Client  <---------------- identification app
├── lib
│   ├── libp11.so.2
│   ├── libpkcs11.so
│   ├── libQt5Core.so.5
│   ├── libQt5DBus.so.5
│   ├── libQt5Gui.so.5
│   ├── libQt5PrintSupport.so.5
│   ├── libQt5Widgets.so.5
│   └── libQt5XcbQpa.so.5
├── License.bin
├── pkcs11
│   ├── libEidPkcs11.so  <---------------- pkcs11 driver
│   └── libEidPkcs11.so.lic
├── plugins
│   ├── imageformats
│   │   ├── libqjp2.so
│   │   └── libqjpeg.so
│   ├── platforms
│   │   └── libqxcb.so
│   └── printsupport
│       └── libcupsprintersupport.so
├── qt.conf
└── Signer <---------------- signer app

I use FER (university usb card reader) ACR38U-A1.

$ modutil -dbdir sql:$HOME/.pki/nssdb/ -list

Listing of PKCS #11 Modules
  1. NSS Internal PKCS #11 Module
	   uri: pkcs11:library-manufacturer=Mozilla%20Foundation;library-description=NSS%20Internal%20Crypto%20Services;library-version=3.49
	 slots: 2 slots attached
	status: loaded

	 slot: NSS Internal Cryptographic Services
	token: NSS Generic Crypto Services
	  uri: pkcs11:token=NSS%20Generic%20Crypto%20Services;manufacturer=Mozilla%20Foundation;serial=0000000000000000;model=NSS%203

	 slot: NSS User Private Key and Certificate Services
	token: NSS Certificate DB
	  uri: pkcs11:token=NSS%20Certificate%20DB;manufacturer=Mozilla%20Foundation;serial=0000000000000000;model=NSS%203

  2. HR eID
	library name: /usr/lib/akd/eidmiddleware/pkcs11/libEidPkcs11.so
	   uri: pkcs11:library-manufacturer=AKD;library-description=AKD%20eID%20Middleware%20PKCS11;library-version=1.7
	 slots: 5 slots attached
	status: loaded

	 slot: ACS ACR 38U-CCID 00 00  <---------------- my usb card reader (when you plug in your ID you should see here two tokens: `AKD eID Card (Identification)` and `AKD eID Card (Signature)`)
	  uri: pkcs11:

	 slot: Virtual Slot 2
	  uri: pkcs11:

	 slot: Virtual Slot 3
	  uri: pkcs11:

	 slot: Virtual Slot 4
	  uri: pkcs11:

	 slot: Virtual Slot 5
	  uri: pkcs11:

Firefox supports UI to add certificates and secured devices

Download and import manually certificates to Firefox

  • /usr/lib/akd/eidmiddleware/certificates/* (Firefox > View Certificates > Import)
  • /usr/lib/akd/eidmiddleware/pkcs11/libEidPkcs11.so (Firefox > Security Devices > Load)




Steps on how to set up the Croatian e-Građani app for identification (Chrome/Firefox) and signing documents (LibreOffice) on Linux (Ubuntu).