fpletz / project-overview

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Project Overview (WIP)

Clicking on the project name will guide you to the repository of the project.

Looking for Developers:
Whilst we are always looking for developers and are very happy with contributions to our open-source projects, we have decided to categorize these projects according to their current need of new developers.

Projects marked with ✅ indicate that the team working on this is actively looking for new developers that are willing to join the core development team.

Projects marked with ❌ indicate that the team isn't actively looking for new members, however are grateful for any open-source contributions that are made. Please note that this icon doesn't mean that there is no work to be done. Open-source commits are as stated previously, always welcome!


Project Status Contact(s) Looking for Developers
Trainingcenter Frontend / Backend AD NG
Homepage V4 (1) AD PH ✅ (Laravel)
Stats Zentrum mit API CD PH

(1) This project is intentionally private, as it contains paid assets from a purchased theme. If you wish to contribute, please contact the specified manager of the project to receive access.


Project Status Contact(s) Looking for Developers
Airspace Booking AD LK


Project Status Contact(s) Looking for Developers
Tourensystem - JS, FS
Eventsystem AD JS, FS


All the below users can also be contacted via the VATSIM Germany Forum. The provided contact methods below can be used in addition and are - if specified - to be the preferred method of contact.

NG  - Nikolas G.    | git[at]vatger.de
PH  - Paul H.       | git[at]vatger.de
MF  - Moritz F.     | nav[at]vatger.de
LK  - Leon K.       | nav[at]vatger.de
PH  - Phil H.       | -
JS  - Julian S.     | -
FS  - Fionn S.      | -

Status Codes

CD - Concept Development    | The project's core features are being planned
AD - Active Development     | Features are being developed
T  - Testing                | The application's features are being tested in a closed environment
OB - Open Beta              | The application is available to everyone, however is still in development
RR - Ready for Release      | The application's features are finished. Waiting for deployment

Completed Projects

Project Links
TS3-Bot Repository
LoA Viewer Repository Website
Solo Endorsements Repository Website
