fpletz / PyVatsim

Python library to access Vatsim data through the Live Data Links

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

What is PyVatsim?

PyVatsim is a Python library to interact with data from Vatsim's live datafeed, currently located at: http://data.vatsim.net/. It implements Python objects to access the underlying Vatsim data in a Pythonic way, and also parses certain data into developer friendly formats (e.g., timestamp strings into Python datetime objects).

Because Vatsim's datafeed is updated every ~15 seconds, PyVatsim supports configurable caching of data from the datafeed so that each access method does not fetch the datafeed (although a "force update" override exists if needed).


This project is in alpha state. It currently offers full functionality to access the Vatsim live data (with time-based caching support), but further work is needed in the areas of: documentation, error handling, caching, configurability, testing.


The easiest way to install is via pip.

pip install pyvatsim

Alternatively, you can use the pyvatsim folder or liveapi.py as a package or single-file module, respectively. Make sure you have the necessary 3rd-party libraries installed with pip (at the moment, only requests is required).

How to Develop

Clone the repo and create a new Python virtual environment using requirements.txt, which should look something like:

git clone https://github.com/kengreim/PyVatsim.git
cd pyvatsim
python3 -m venv venv
pip install -r requirements.txt



Full Documentation


Known Issues and Noteworthy Considerations

  • Vatsim only supplies departure time (in flightplans) in HHMM format. This could be in the past or future and could be yesterday, today or tomorrow.
    • Currently, we assume that all departure times belong to the current day for the purposes of converting the deptime string to a Python datetime object.
    • In the future, we can look for a "DOF" string in the remarks to get the right date. However, in looking at the data, this is not always realsitic (e.g., you will find flightplans with DOF remarks for a date that was months ago)
    • In general, it is best to not rely on the departure time, as they are generally not used on the network

Possible Todos

  • Add support for Vatsim's REST API, which is separate from the live data
  • Potentially create utils functions in a separate namespace from the API functions. For example:
    • Pilot's distance from filed departure airport and arrival airport
    • List of all pilots within a GeoJSON-defined boundary
    • List of all pilots within a given distance to a given point


Create API object

Use default caching periods (60 seconds for METARs and 15 seconds for network data)

import pyvatsim
api = pyvatsim.VatsimLiveAPI()

Create API object with different cache TTLs

Configurable with the DATA_TTL and METAR_TTL arguments, which speciy how long network data and METAR data should be cached (in seconds), respectively

import pyvatsim
# 1 min network data cache and 5 min METAR cache
api = pyvatsim.VatsimLiveAPI(DATA_TTL=60, METAR_TTL=300)

Retrieve all pilots, controllers or ATISes and iterate through them

pilots() returns a dictionary of Pilot instances with each Pilot.cid as the dictionary key

controllers() returns a dictionary of Controller instances with each Controller.cid as the dictionary key

atises() returns a dictionary of ATIS instances with each ATIS.callsign as the dictionary key (cid is not unique as one user can host multiple ATISes)

p = api.pilots()
for cid, pilot in p.items():
    print('%s at altitude %d' % (pilot.callsign, pilot.altitude))

c = api.controllers()
for cid, controller in c.items():
    print('%s online at %s with controller information: %s' % (controller.callsign, controller.frequency, controller.text_atis))

a = api.atises()
for callsign, atis in a.items():
    print('Information %s at %s is %s' % (atis.atis_code, callsign[:4], atis.text_atis))

Retrieve a list of pilots, controllers or ATISes based on multiple CIDs

cids argument expects either a single integer or a list of integers.

pilots(cid) returns a dictionary of Pilot instances based on exact CID matches, or None if no matches are found

controllers(cid) returns a dictionary of Controller instances based on exact CID matches, or None if no matches are found

atises(cid) returns a dictionary of ATIS instances based on exact CID matches, or None if no matches are found

p = api.pilots(cids=[123456, 234567, 345678])
for cid, pilot in p.items():
    # Do something here

c = api.controllers(cids=[123456, 234567, 345678])
for cid, controller in c.items():
    # Do something here

a = api.atises(cids=[123456, 234567, 345678])
for callsign, atis in a.items():
    # Do something here

Retrieve a list of pilots, controllers or ATISes based on one or more string regular expressions

callsigns argument expects either a single string or a list of strings. callsigns argument will be ignored if cids argument is provided, as in the example above.

pilots(callsigns) will evaluate each string as a Python regular expression and return a dictionary of Pilot instances where the Pilot's callsign matches one of the given callsign regular expressions (using re.search), or None if no matches are found

controllers(callsigns) will evaluate each string as a Python regular expression and return a dictionary of Controller instances where the Controller's callsign matches one of the given callsign regular expressions (using re.search), or None if no matches are found

atises(callsigns) will evaluate each string as a Python regular expression and return a dictionary of ATIS instances where the ATIS's callsign matches one of the given callsign regular expressions (using re.search), or None if no matches are found

p = api.pilots(callsigns=['UAL123', 'UAL', 'SWA'])
for cid, pilot in p.items():
    # Do something here

# Note that last item uses regex to match OAK_CTR, OAK_41_CTR, OAK_44_CTR, etc. but not OAK_GND
c = api.controllers(callsigns=['SFO', 'SJC', 'OAK.*_CTR'])
for cid, controller in c.items():
    # Do something here

# Note that the last item would match KMCO_ATIS, KMCO_D_ATIS and KMCO_A_ATIS if any or all were online
a = api.atises(callsigns=['KSFO', 'KLAX', r'KMCO\S*ATIS'])
for callsign, atis in a.items():
    # Do something here

Retrieve a single pilot, controller or ATIS by Vatsim CID or callsign

cid argument expects an integer. callsign argument expects a string. . If both cid and callsign arguments are provided, only cid will be used.

pilot() returns a single Pilot instance based on exact CID or callsign string match (both are unique on the Vatsim network for Pilots) or None

controller() returns a single Controller instance based on exact CID or callsign string match (both are unique on the Vatsim network for Controllers) or None

atis() returns a single ATIS instance based on exact callsign string match or None. Note that CID is not used for a single ATIS as a single CID can host multiple ATISes

p1 = api.pilot(cid=123456)
p2 = api.pilot(callsign='UAL123')

c1 = api.controller(cid=123456)
c2 = api.controller(callsign='SFO_TWR')

a1 = api.atis('KSFO_ATIS')

Retrieve all METARs

metars() returns a dictionary of Metar instances with each Metar.field (4-character ICAO string) as the dictionary key

m = api.metars()
for field, metar in m.items():
    print('Condition for %s is %s' % (field, metar.condition))

Retrieve a subset of METARs

fields argument expects a string or a list of strings

metars(fields) will evaluate each string as a Python regular expression and return a dictionary of Metar instances where the Metar's field string matches one of the given field regular expressions (using re.search), or None if no matches are found

m = api.metars(['KSFO', 'KLAX', 'KSJC'])
for field, metar in m.items():
    # Do something

Retrieve a single METAR

field argument expects a string

metar(field) returns a single Metar instance based on exact field string match or None

m = api.metar('KSFO')

Access information about a pilot and their flightplan

p = api.pilots()
for cid, pilot in p.items():
    if pilot.flight_plan is not None:
        print('%s departed from %s and is going to %s at current altitude %i' % (pilot.callsign, pilot.flight_plan.departure, pilot.flight_plan.arrival, pilot.altitude))
        print('%s is at current altitude %i with no flight plan' % (pilot.callsign, pilot.altitude))

Get information about a controller

c = api.controllers()
for cid, controller in c.items():
    print('%s controlling position %s on %s' % (controller.name, controller.callsign, controller.frequency))

Force a request to fetch fresh data, or force a request to use cached data

update_mode is an optional argument to all functions. It defaults to UpdateMode.NORMAL which will check if the cache is stale (based on the TTL set when the VatsimLiveAPI instance was created), and update if needed. UpdateMode.FORCE will bypass the stale check and fetch the latest data. UpdateMode.NOUPDATE will return cached data only

c = api.controllers(update_mode=pyvatsim.UpdateMode.FORCE)
c = api.controllers(update_mode=pyvatsim.UpdateMode.NOUPDATE)


PyVatsim is licensed under the MIT License.


Python library to access Vatsim data through the Live Data Links

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%