foxyfool / Social-Backend

a RESTful API using Node.js, Express, and MongoDB, focusing on managing posts, likes, and comments.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This small project demonstrates the development of a RESTful API using Node.js, Express, and MongoDB, focusing on managing posts, likes, and comments. Key functionalities include creating posts, liking/unliking posts, and adding comments, all through designated API endpoints. Postman was used to interact with the API for testing and updating likes/comments on posts.

Technologies Learned and Used:

Node.js: Utilized as the server-side JavaScript runtime environment. Express.js: Used to build the RESTful API with routing and middleware capabilities. MongoDB: Employed as the NoSQL database for storing post, like, and comment data. Mongoose: A MongoDB object modeling tool used for schema creation and interacting with the MongoDB database. Postman: Served as the API client for testing API endpoints and performing CRUD operations on posts, likes, and comments. Middleware: Implemented middleware functions for tasks like authentication, error handling, and data validation. RESTful API Design: Designed API endpoints following RESTful principles for intuitive and predictable interaction. Asynchronous JavaScript (async/await): Utilized to handle asynchronous operations such as database queries and HTTP requests, ensuring non-blocking execution. Environment Variables (dotenv): Employed for managing environment-specific configurations and sensitive data like database credentials. Overall, this project provided hands-on experience in building a simple yet functional RESTful API with CRUD operations, authentication, and authorization, leveraging popular technologies in the Node.js ecosystem. It demonstrates basic interactions with a MongoDB database and showcases the role of Postman in API development and testing.


a RESTful API using Node.js, Express, and MongoDB, focusing on managing posts, likes, and comments.


Language:JavaScript 100.0%