foxxyz / loupedeck

Node.js API for Loupedeck Controllers

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Loupedeck: Node.js Interface


Unofficial Node.js API for Loupedeck Live, Loupedeck Live S, Loupedeck CT and Razer Stream controllers.

Loupedeck Live Interface Razer Stream Controller Interface Razer Stream Controller X Interface Loupedeck Live S Interface Loupedeck CT Interface


  • Reading button presses
  • Reading knob turns
  • Reading touch events
  • Setting button colors
  • Setting screen brightness
  • Vibrating device
  • Writing screen graphics


  • Node 18+
  • Supported Device
    • Loupedeck Live
    • Loupedeck Live S
    • Loupedeck CT
    • Razer Stream Controller ("RSC")
    • Razer Stream Controller X ("RSCX")

This library has been tested with firmware versions 0.1.3, 0.1.79, 0.2.5, 0.2.8 and 0.2.23. Other versions may work.


npm install loupedeck

By default, loupedeck uses RGB565 (16-bit) buffers for drawing (with small exceptions, see below). To enable a more pleasant API that allows for drawing using Canvas API callbacks, also install canvas:

npm install canvas

Usage Examples

Note: Ensure Loupedeck software is not running as it may conflict with this library

Automatic Discovery

import { discover } from 'loupedeck'

// Detects and opens first connected device
const device = await discover()

// Observe connect events
device.on('connect', () => {'Connection successful!')

// React to button presses
device.on('down', ({ id }) => {`Button pressed: ${id}`)

// React to knob turns
device.on('rotate', ({ id, delta }) => {`Knob ${id} rotated: ${delta}`)

Manual Instantiation

import { LoupedeckLiveS } from 'loupedeck'

const device = new LoupedeckLiveS({ path: '/dev/tty.usbmodem101', autoConnect: false })
await device.connect()'Connection successful!')

device.on('down', ({ id }) => {`Button pressed: ${id}`)

For all examples, see the examples folder. Running some examples requires canvas to be installed (see above).

📝 API Docs

discover() : Promise<LoupedeckDevice>

Find the first connected Loupedeck device and return it.

Returns an instance of LoupedeckLive, LoupedeckLiveS, LoupedeckCT, RazerStreamController, RazerStreamControllerX, or throws an Error in case none or unsupported devices are found.

Class LoupedeckLive

Implements and supports all methods from the LoupedeckDevice interface.

new LoupedeckLive({ path : String?, host : String?, autoConnect : Boolean? })

Create a new Loupedeck Live device interface.

Most use-cases should omit the host/path parameter, unless you're using multiple devices or know specifically which IP or device path you want to connect to. Either use path OR host, never both.

  • path: (Firmware 0.2.X only) Serial device path (example: /dev/cu.ttymodem-1332 or COM2) (default: autodiscover)
  • host: (Firmware 0.1.X only) Host or IP address to connect to (example: (default: autodiscover)
  • autoConnect: Automatically connect during construction. (default: true) Set to false if you'd prefer to call connect(). yourself.
  • reconnectInterval: How many milliseconds to wait before attempting a reconnect after a failed connection (default: 3000) Set to false to turn off automatic reconnects.

Class LoupedeckCT

Same interface as LoupedeckLive.

Class LoupedeckLiveS

Same interface as LoupedeckLive.

Class RazerStreamController

Same interface as LoupedeckLive.

Class RazerStreamControllerX

Same interface as LoupedeckLive.

Does not implement vibration or button colors.

Interface LoupedeckDevice

Shared device interface. Do not instantiate this manually, use one of the above classes instead or the discover() function.

All incoming messages are emitted as action events and can be subscribed to via device.on().

LoupedeckDevice.list({ ignoreSerial : Boolean?, ignoreWebsocket : Boolean?} = {}) : Promise<Array>

Static method to scan for and return a list of all detected devices. This includes ones which are already opened.

  • ignoreSerial: Ignore devices which operate over serial (Firmware 0.2.X) (default: false)
  • ignoreWebsocket: Ignore devices which operate over websocket (Firmware 0.1.X) (default: false)

Device info can be directly passed on to the constructor below.

Event: 'connect'

Emitted when connection to the device succeeds. Includes an info object containing:

  • address: Connection address (E.G. serial path or websocket address)

Event: 'disconnect'

Emitted when a device disconnects for any reason. First argument for the event is an Error object in case of an abnormal disconnect (otherwise undefined).

Event: 'down'

Emitted when a button or knob is pressed down.


Event: 'rotate'

Emitted when a knob is rotated.


Event: 'touchstart'

Emitted when any part of the screen is touched for the first time.


  • changedTouches: Array of new touches created during this event
  • touches: Array of all currently held touches on screen

Event: 'touchmove'

Emitted when a touch moves across the screen.


  • changedTouches: Array of touches changed during this event
  • touches: Array of all currently held touches on screen

Event: 'touchend'

Emitted when a touch is no longer detected.


  • changedTouches: Array of touches removed during this event
  • touches: Array of all currently held touches on screen (if any)

Event: 'up'

Emitted when a button or knob is released.


device.close() : Promise

Close device connection.

Returns Promise which resolves once the device has been closed.

device.connect() : Promise

Manually connect. Resolves on success.

device.drawBuffer({ id : String, width : Number, height : Number, x? : Number, y? : Number, autoRefresh? : Boolean }, buffer : Buffer) : Promise

Draw graphics to a particular area using a RGB16-565 pixel buffer.

Lower-level method if drawKey() or drawScreen() don't meet your needs.

  • id: Screen to write to [left, center, right, knob] (left and right available on Loupedeck Live / RSC only) (knob available on Loupedeck CT only)
  • width: Width of area to draw
  • height: Height of area to draw
  • x: Starting X offset (default: 0)
  • y: Starting Y offset (default: 0)
  • autoRefresh: Whether to refresh the screen after drawing (default: true)
  • buffer: RGB16-565 Buffer. Should be width * height * 2 bytes long, with each pixel represented by 2 bytes (5 bits red, 6 bits green, 5 bits blue) in little-endian (LE). Note: Loupedeck CT knob screen is the only exception, it uses big-endian (BE)

Returns a Promise which resolves once the command has been acknowledged by the device.

device.drawCanvas({ id : String, width : Number, height : Number, x? : Number, y? : Number, autoRefresh? : Boolean }, callback : Function) : Promise

Draw graphics to a particular area using the Canvas API. Requires canvas to be installed.

Lower-level method if drawKey() or drawScreen() don't meet your needs.

  • id: Screen to write to [left, center, right, knob] (left and right available on Loupedeck Live / RSC only) (knob available on Loupedeck CT only)
  • width: Width of area to draw
  • height: Height of area to draw
  • x: Starting X offset (default: 0)
  • y: Starting Y offset (default: 0)
  • autoRefresh: Whether to refresh the screen after drawing (default: true)
  • callback: Function to handle draw calls. Receives the following arguments:
    1. context: 2d canvas graphics context
    2. width: Width of drawing area
    3. height: Height of drawing area

Returns a Promise which resolves once the command has been acknowledged by the device.

device.drawKey(key : Number, buffer/callback : Buffer/Function) : Promise

Draw graphics to a specific key.

Second argument can be either a RGB16-565 buffer or a callback. Width and height of callback will typically be 90, as keys are mostly 90x90px (RSCX being the exception - those keys are 96x96px).

  • key: Key index to write to ([0-11] on Loupedeck Live/Loupedeck CT/RSC, [0-14] on Loupedeck Live S and RSCX)
  • buffer: RGB16-565 Buffer
  • callback: Function to handle draw calls. Receives the following arguments:
    1. context: 2d canvas graphics context
    2. width: Width of drawing area
    3. height: Height of drawing area

Returns a Promise which resolves once the command has been acknowledged by the device.

device.drawScreen(screenID : String, buffer/callback : Buffer/Function) : Promise

Draw graphics to a specific screen. Screen sizes are as follows:

Loupedeck CT:

  • left: 60x270px
  • center: 360x270px
  • right: 60x270px
  • knob: 240x240px (Note: uses big-endian byte order!)

Loupedeck Live / Razer Stream Controller:

  • left: 60x270px
  • center: 360x270px
  • right: 60x270px

Loupedeck Live S:

  • center: 480x270px

Razer Stream Controller X:

  • center: 480x288px

Second argument can be either a RGB16-565 buffer or a callback.

  • screenID: Screen to write to [left, center, right, knob] (left and right available on Loupedeck Live and Razer Stream Controller only) (knob available on Loupedeck CT only)
  • buffer: RGB16-565 Buffer (BE for knob, LE otherwise)
  • callback: Function to handle draw calls. Receives the following arguments:
    1. context: 2d canvas graphics context
    2. width: Width of drawing area
    3. height: Height of drawing area

Returns a Promise which resolves once the command has been acknowledged by the device.

device.getInfo() : Promise

Request device information. Returns a promise resolving to object containing:

  • serial: Device serial number
  • version: Firmware version

If the device is not connected, the promise will reject.

device.setBrightness(brightness : Number) : Promise

Set screen brightness.

  • brightness: Float between (0, 1) (0 would turn the screen off, 1 for full brightness)

Returns a Promise which resolves once the command has been acknowledged by the device.

device.setButtonColor({ id : String, color : String }) : Promise

Set a button LED to a particular color. (Unavailable on RSCX)

Returns a Promise which resolves once the command has been acknowledged by the device.

device.vibrate(pattern? : byte) : Promise

Make device vibrate. (Unavailable on RSCX)

Returns a Promise which resolves once the command has been acknowledged by the device.

Touch Objects

Touch objects are emitted in the touchstart, touchmove, and touchend events and have the following properties:

  • id: Unique touch identifier
  • x: Screen X-coordinate ([0, 480])
  • y: Screen Y-coordinate ([0, 270])
  • target:
    • screen: Identifier of screen this touch was detected on ([left, center, right, knob]) (center only on Loupedeck Live S, knob only on Loupedeck CT)
    • key: Index of key touched ([0-11] on Loupedeck Live/CT/RSC, [0-14] on Loupedeck Live S/RSCX)

Contributing & Tests

  1. Install development dependencies: npm install
  2. Run tests: npm test


Big thanks go out to Max Maischein's earlier work in Perl on this topic.




Node.js API for Loupedeck Controllers

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%