fox-222 / element-js-sdk

A JavaScript library for buy, sell, make offer on any NFTs. With Element.js, you can easily build your own NFT marketplace. Trade ERC721 or ERC1155 items. You don't have to deploy your own smart contracts or off-chain orderbooks.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A JavaScript library for buy, sell, make offer on any NFTs. With Element.js, you can easily build your own NFT marketplace. Trade ERC721 or ERC1155 items. You don't have to deploy your own smart contracts or off-chain orderbooks.

Published on GitHub and npm


This is the JavaScript SDK for, a marketplace for NFTs.

It allows developers to access the official orderbook, filter it, create buy orders (offers), create sell orders (listings), and complete trades programmatically.

You get started by requesting an API key and instantiating your own sdk. Then you can create orders off-chain or fulfill orders on-chain.


Install element-js-sdk, in your project, run:

npm install --save element-js-sdk

If your project run in browser environment, you need install crypto-browserify, stream-browserify, buffer, and config webpack.config.js:

#install crypto-browserify, stream-browserify, buffer
npm install --save crypto-browserify
npm install --save stream-browserify
npm install --save buffer
#config webpack.config.js
const webpackConfig = {
    resolve: {
        fallback: {
            crypto: require.resolve("crypto-browserify"),
            stream: require.resolve("stream-browserify"),
            buffer: require.resolve('buffer/'),
    plugins: [
        new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
            Buffer: ['buffer', 'Buffer'],

Getting Started

To get started, first request an API key here.

Then, create a new ElementJS client, using your ethers web3Provider or singer:

import { ElementSDK, Network } from 'element-js-sdk'
import { ethers } from 'ethers'

// In Browser
// A Web3Provider wraps a standard Web3 provider, which is what MetaMask injects as window.ethereum into each page.
const singerOrProvider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(window.ethereum); 

// In Node.js
const jsonRpcProvider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider('${providerApiKey}');
const singerOrProvider = new ethers.Wallet(privateKey, jsonRpcProvider);

const sdk = new ElementSDK({
  // Supported networks: Network.ETH, Network.BSC, Network.Polygon, Network.Avalanche
  networkName: Network.ETH, 
  apiKey: YOUR_API_KEY,
  signer: singerOrProvider

Note that the operations: sign orders erc20.approve erc721.setApprovalForAll erc1155.setApprovalForAll done inside this sdk.

Making Listings / Selling Items

To sell an asset, call makeSellOrder.

const order = await sdk.makeSellOrder({
  assetId: assetId,
  assetAddress: assetAddress,
  // Value of the listing, in units of the payment token (or native token if none is specified).
  // The units are wei, and the type is string or number(e.g. 3e19).
  startTokenAmount: '3000000000000000000'

Note that the default assets is ERC-721, for ERC-1155 assets, you can set assetSchema to AssetSchema.ERC1155 and pass a quantity:

const order = await sdk.makeSellOrder({
  // ...
  assetSchema: AssetSchema.ERC1155,
  quantity: 10000,

The default payment token is native token(e.g. ETH on ether chain), if use an ERC20 token, you can set paymentToken to an ERC20 token address.

const order = await sdk.makeSellOrder({
  // ...
  paymentToken: 'xxxx'

The default expiration time is 7 days, you can set expirationTime to specify another expiration time.

// Note that we convert from the JavaScript timestamp (milliseconds to seconds):
const expirationTime = Math.round( / 1000 + 60 * 60 * 24);
const order = await sdk.makeSellOrder({
  // ...
  expirationTime: expirationTime

Creating Dutch Auctions

To create a Dutch Auction, you should set saleKind to SaleKind.DutchAuction and set endTokenAmount to a small amount:

const order = await sdk.makeSellOrder({
  assetId: assetId,
  assetAddress: assetAddress,
  saleKind: SaleKind.DutchAuction,
  startTokenAmount: '3000000000000000000',
  endTokenAmount: '1000000000000000000'

Creating English Auctions

English Auctions are auctions that start at a small amount and increase with every bid. At expiration time, the item sells to the highest bidder.

To create an English Auction, you should set saleKind to SaleKind.EnglishAuction and set endTokenAmount to a bigger amount:

const order = await sdk.makeSellOrder({
  assetId: assetId,
  assetAddress: assetAddress,
  saleKind: SaleKind.EnglishAuction,
  startTokenAmount: '3000000000000000000',
  endTokenAmount: '5000000000000000000'

Making Offers

You can make offers on an asset:

const order = await sdk.makeBuyOrder({
  assetId: assetId,
  assetAddress: assetAddress,
  // Value of the order, in units of the payment token (or wrapped native token if none is specified).
  startTokenAmount: '3000000000000000000'

Note that make offers aren't supported with the native token, so you have to use an ERC20 token, or wrapped native token if none is specified.

Making Collection-Based Offers

You can make offers for any NFT from a specific collection.

const order = await sdk.makeBuyOrder({
  // Note that don't specify the `assetId`
  assetAddress: assetAddress,
  // Value of the order, in units of the payment token (or wrapped native token if none is specified).
  startTokenAmount: '3000000000000000000'

Fetching Orders

To retrieve a list of offers and auction on an asset, you can use an instance of the ElementSDK exposed on the client. Parameters passed into API filter objects are similar to the main api parameters:

import { ElementSDK } from 'element-js-sdk'

const { count, orders } = await sdk.queryOrders({
  asset_contract_address: assetAddress,
  token_id: assetId

The available API filters for the orders endpoint is documented in the OrderQuery interface below, but see the main API Docs for a playground, along with more up-to-date and detailed explanantions.

interface OrderQuery {
  // Filter by smart contract address for the asset category.
  asset_contract_address?: string;
  token_id?: string | number;
  // Filter by a list of token IDs for the order's asset, Needs to be defined together with asset_contract_address.
  token_ids?: Array<string | number>;
  // Filter by the kind of sell order. 0 for fixed-price sales, 1 for declining-price Dutch Auctions, 2 for English Auctions
  sale_kind?: SaleKind;
  // Filter by the side of the order. 0 for buy orders and 1 for sell orders.
  side?: OrderSide;
  // Filter by the order maker's wallet address
  maker?: string;
  // Filter by the order maker's wallet address
  taker?: string;
  // Filter by the address of the smart contract of the payment token that is accepted
  // or offered by the order, Eth and other primary chain currencies are 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
  payment_token?: string;
  // How to sort the orders. Can be created_date for when they were made,
  // or eth_price to see the lowest-priced orders first (converted to their ETH values).
  // eth_price is only supported when asset_contract_address and token_id are also defined.
  order_by?: string;
  // Can be asc or desc for ascending or descending sort. Default value : desc
  direction?: string;
  // Only show orders listed before this timestamp. Seconds since the Unix epoch.
  listed_before?: number | string;
  // Only show orders listed after this timestamp. Seconds since the Unix epoch.
  listed_after?: number | string;
  // Number of orders to return (capped at 50, default is 20). Default value: 20
  limit?: number;
  // Number of orders to offset by (for pagination). Default value: 0
  offset?: number;

Filling Orders

To buy or sell NFT, you need to fill a sell order or buy order. To do that, it's just one call:

const { count, orders } = await sdk.queryOrders({ ... });
const order = orders[0]; // select an order
const transactionReceipt = await sdk.fillOrder({
  order: order

Note that if the order is a Collection-Based Offer, you need specify the assetId:

const assetId = '';
const transactionReceipt = await sdk.fillOrder({
  order: order,
  assetId: assetId

Note that the ERC-1155 assets order can be filled partial, so that, for the ERC-1155 assets order, you need passed in the quantity to be fill:

const quantity = '5000';
const transactionReceipt = await sdk.fillOrder({
  order: order,
  quantity: quantity

Cancel Orders

To cancel an order, call cancelOrder. Note that only the maker of a given order may cancel it.

const { count, orders } = await sdk.queryOrders({ ... });
const order = orders[0]; // select an order
const transactionReceipt = await sdk.cancelOrder({
  order: order

To cancel all orders of the sdk signer, you need to increase a counter named HashNonce. To do that, it's just call like below:

const transactionReceipt = await sdk.cancelAllOrders();


Interested in purchasing for scheduling future orders, or private auctions, element.js can help with that.

Scheduling Future Listings

You can create sell orders that aren't fulfillable until a future date. Just pass in a listingTime (a UTC timestamp in seconds) to your sdk instance:

const order = await sdk.makeSellOrder({
  assetId: assetId,
  assetAddress: assetAddress,
  startTokenAmount: 3e19,
  listingTime: Math.round( / 1000 + 60 * 60 * 24) // One day from now

Note that English Auctions aren't supported with listingTime.

Private Auctions

Now you can make offers and listings that can only be filled by an address of your choosing. This allows you to negotiate a price in some channel and sell for your chosen price on, without having to trust that the counterparty will abide by your terms!

Here's an example of listing a Decentraland parcel for 3 ETH with a specific buyer address allowed to take it. No more needing to worry about whether they'll give you enough back!

// Address allowed to buy from you
const takerAddress = "0x123..."
const order = await sdk.makeSellOrder({
  takerAddress: takerAddress,
  assetId: assetId,
  assetAddress: assetAddress,
  startTokenAmount: 3e19

Learning More

The documentation for developer is available here.

If you need extra help, support is free! You can email us


A JavaScript library for buy, sell, make offer on any NFTs. With Element.js, you can easily build your own NFT marketplace. Trade ERC721 or ERC1155 items. You don't have to deploy your own smart contracts or off-chain orderbooks.

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 94.1%Language:JavaScript 5.9%