foteinidd / helloworld

Hello, world in different programming languages

Repository from Github https://github.comfoteinidd/helloworldRepository from Github https://github.comfoteinidd/helloworld


Hello, world in different programming languages


Create a file hello.xx of the language you want to write program in and save as programming_language_name/hello.xx example: c/hello.c or python/

  • Create a simple "Hello, World" Program in a language of your choice

  • Make a pull request for your work and wait for it to be merged!

Getting started

  • Fork this repository (Click the Fork button in the top right of this page, click your Profile Image)
  • Clone your fork down to your local machine
git clone
  • Create a branch
git checkout -b branch-name
  • Make your changes
  • Commit and push
git add .
git commit -m 'Commit message'
git push origin branch-name
  • Create a new pull request from your forked repository (Click the New Pull Request button located at the top of your repo)
  • Wait for your PR review and merge approval!

Create a Hello, World! Program

Add a xx/hello.xx file to the root directory in any language of your choice! Here is an example:

# LANGUAGE: Python
# AUTHOR: Chinmay Shah

print('Hello, World!')

Name the file hello.xx. example , or hello.c and save it as python/ or c/hello.c.

Reference links

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Hello, world in different programming languages

License:MIT License


Language:C++ 51.4%Language:Java 22.4%Language:C 21.3%Language:Python 5.0%