fossasia / pslab-firmware

Firmware for PSLab Open Hardware Platform

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Implement entry point for functional blocks

CloudyPadmal opened this issue · comments

When user turns on PSLab device, we should have two paths for them to move forward

  • Normal mode
  • Standalone mode

Implement a logical pathway to manage these two path entries depending on requirements.

  • Normal mode: UART communication
  • Standalone mode: read from SD card and set instruments

Now we have a bootloader in PSLab firmware. If users have production ready .HEX files, using Unified Bootloader app, they can upgrade/change the current firmware instantly.

What if: if we have two hex files,

  • one for normal mode
  • one for standalone mode where it handles SDcard operations and data logging.

Because these two modes are not usually switched between very frequently, I can assume a user might be able to upload the correct firmware hex file using bootloader (which will take 5 seconds).

This will also simplify the firmware architecture.