forward / neography

A thin Ruby wrapper to the Neo4j Rest API

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Welcome to Neography

Neography is a thin Ruby wrapper to the Neo4j Rest API, for more information:

If you want to the full power of Neo4j, you will want to use JRuby and the excellent Neo4j.rb gem at by Andreas Ronge

Complement to Neography are the:

An alternative is the Architect4r Gem at by Maximilian Schulz

Neography in the Wild

Getting started with Neography


gem install 'neography'

After that, in your ruby script:

require 'rubygems'
require 'neography'

in order to access the functionality.


for use:

for development:


Just add gem ‘neography’ to your Gemfile and run bundle install.

The following tasks will be available to you:

rake neo4j:install                           # Install Neo4j to the neo4j directory under your project
rake neo4j:install[community,1.6.M03]        # Install Neo4j Community edition, version 1.6.M03
rake neo4j:install[advanced,1.5]             # Install Neo4j Advanced edition, version 1.5
rake neo4j:install[enterprise,1.5]           # Install Neo4j Enterprise edition, version 1.5
rake neo4j:start                             # Start Neo4j
rake neo4j:stop                              # Stop Neo4j
rake neo4j:restart                           # Restart Neo4j
rake neo4j:reset_yes_i_am_sure               # Wipe your Neo4j Database

Windows users will need to run in a command prompt with Administrative Privileges in order to install Neo4j as a Service.

If you are not using Rails, then add:

require 'neography/tasks'

to your Rakefile to have access to these tasks.


@neo ={:protocol => 'http://', 
                            :server => 'localhost', 
                            :port => 7474, 
                            :directory => '',  # use '/<my directory>' or leave out for default
                            :authentication => 'basic', # 'basic', 'digest' or leave out for default
                            :username => 'your username', #leave out for default
                            :password => 'your password',  #leave out for default
                            :log_file => 'neography.log',
                            :log_enabled => false,
                            :max_threads => 20,
                            :cypher_path => '/cypher',
                            :gremlin_path => '/ext/GremlinPlugin/graphdb/execute_script'})

Quick initializer (assumes basic authorization if username is given):

@neo ="")

To Use:

@neo =                                 # Inialize using all default parameters 

@neo.get_root                                              # Get the root node
@neo.create_node                                           # Create an empty node
@neo.create_node("age" => 31, "name" => "Max")             # Create a node with some properties
@neo.create_unique_node(index_name, key, unique_value,     # Create a unique node 
                       {"age" => 31, "name" => "Max"})     # this needs an existing index

@neo.get_node(node2)                                       # Get a node and its properties
@neo.delete_node(node2)                                    # Delete an unrelated node
@neo.delete_node!(node2)                                   # Delete a node and all its relationships

@neo.reset_node_properties(node1, {"age" => 31})           # Reset a node's properties
@neo.set_node_properties(node1, {"weight" => 200})         # Set a node's properties
@neo.get_node_properties(node1)                            # Get just the node properties
@neo.get_node_properties(node1, ["weight","age"])          # Get some of the node properties
@neo.remove_node_properties(node1)                         # Remove all properties of a node
@neo.remove_node_properties(node1, "weight")               # Remove one property of a node
@neo.remove_node_properties(node1, ["weight","age"])       # Remove multiple properties of a node

@neo.create_relationship("friends", node1, node2)          # Create a relationship between node1 and node2
@neo.create_unique_relationship(index_name, key, value,    # Create a unique relationship between nodes 
                        "friends", new_node1, new_node2)   # this needs an existing index

@neo.get_relationship(rel1)                                # Get a relationship
@neo.get_node_relationships(node1)                         # Get all relationships
@neo.get_node_relationships(node1, "in")                   # Get only incoming relationships
@neo.get_node_relationships(node1, "all", "enemies")       # Get all relationships of type enemies
@neo.get_node_relationships(node1, "in", "enemies")        # Get only incoming relationships of type enemies
@neo.delete_relationship(rel1)                             # Delete a relationship

@neo.reset_relationship_properties(rel1, {"age" => 31})    # Reset a relationship's properties
@neo.set_relationship_properties(rel1, {"weight" => 200})  # Set a relationship's properties
@neo.get_relationship_properties(rel1)                     # Get just the relationship properties
@neo.get_relationship_properties(rel1, ["since","met"])    # Get some of the relationship properties
@neo.remove_relationship_properties(rel1)                  # Remove all properties of a relationship
@neo.remove_relationship_properties(rel1, "since")         # Remove one property of a relationship
@neo.remove_relationship_properties(rel1, ["since","met"]) # Remove multiple properties of a relationship

@neo.list_node_indexes                                     # gives names and query templates for all defined indices
@neo.create_node_index(name, type, provider)               # creates an index, defaults are "exact" and "lucene"
@neo.add_node_to_index(index, key, value, node1)           # adds a node to the index with the given key/value pair
@neo.remove_node_from_index(index, key, value, node1)      # removes a node from the index with the given key/value pair
@neo.remove_node_from_index(index, key, node1)             # removes a node from the index with the given key
@neo.remove_node_from_index(index, node1)                  # removes a node from the index
@neo.get_node_index(index, key, value)                     # exact query of the node index with the given key/value pair
@neo.find_node_index(index, key, value)                    # advanced query of the node index with the given key/value pair
@neo.find_node_index(index, query )                        # advanced query of the node index with the given query
@neo.list_relationship_indexes                             # gives names and query templates for relationship indices
@neo.create_relationship_index(name, "fulltext", provider) # creates a relationship index with "fulltext" option
@neo.add_relationship_to_index(index, key, value, rel1)    # adds a relationship to the index with the given key/value pair
@neo.remove_relationship_from_index(index, key, value, rel1) # removes a relationship from the index with the given key/value pair
@neo.remove_relationship_from_index(index, key, rel1)      # removes a relationship from the index with the given key
@neo.remove_relationship_from_index(index, rel1)           # removes a relationship from the index
@neo.get_relationship_index(index, key, value)             # exact query of the relationship index with the given key/value pair
@neo.find_relationship_index(index, key, value)            # advanced query of the relationship index with the given key/value pair
@neo.find_relationship_index(index, query)                 # advanced query of the relationship index with the given query
@neo.execute_script("g.v(0)")                              # sends a Groovy script (through the Gremlin plugin)
@neo.execute_script("g.v(id)", {:id => 3})                 # sends a parameterized Groovy script (optimized for repeated calls)
@neo.execute_query("start n=node(0) return n")             # sends a Cypher query (through the Cypher plugin)
@neo.execute_query("start n=node(id) return n", {:id => 3}) # sends a parameterized Cypher query (optimized for repeated calls)

@neo.get_path(node1, node2, relationships, depth=4, algorithm="shortestPath") # finds the shortest path between two nodes 
@neo.get_paths(node1, node2, relationships, depth=3, algorithm="allPaths")    # finds all paths between two nodes
@neo.get_shortest_weighted_path(node1, node2, relationships,   # find the shortest path between two nodes
                                weight_attr='weight', depth=2, # accounting for weight in the relationships
                                algorithm='dijkstra')          # using 'weight' as the attribute

nodes = @neo.traverse(node1,                                              # the node where the traversal starts
                      "nodes",                                            # return_type "nodes", "relationships" or "paths"
                      {"order" => "breadth first",                        # "breadth first" or "depth first" traversal order
                       "uniqueness" => "node global",                     # See Uniqueness in API documentation for options.
                       "relationships" => [{"type"=> "roommates",         # A hash containg a description of the traversal
                                            "direction" => "all"},        # two relationships. 
                                           {"type"=> "friends",           # 
                                            "direction" => "out"}],       # 
                       "prune evaluator" => {"language" => "javascript",  # A prune evaluator (when to stop traversing)
                                             "body" => "position.endNode().getProperty('age') < 21;"},
                       "return filter" => {"language" => "builtin",       # "all" or "all but start node"
                                           "name" => "all"},
                       "depth" => 4})  

# "depth" is a short-hand way of specifying a prune evaluator which prunes after a certain depth. 
# If not specified a depth of 1 is used and if a "prune evaluator" is specified instead of a depth, no depth limit is set.

@neo.batch [:get_node, node1], [:get_node, node2]                        # Gets two nodes in a batch
@neo.batch [:create_node, {"name" => "Max"}], 
           [:create_node, {"name" => "Marc"}]                            # Creates two nodes in a batch
@neo.batch [:set_node_property, node1, {"name" => "Tom"}], 
           [:set_node_property, node2, {"name" => "Jerry"}]              # Sets the property of two nodes
@neo.batch [:create_unique_node, index_name, key, value, 
             {"age" => 33, "name" => "Max"}]                             # Creates a unique node
@neo.batch [:get_node_relationships, node1, "out",  
           [:get_node_relationships, node2, "out"]                       # Get node relationships in a batch
@neo.batch [:get_relationship, rel1],
           [:get_relationship, rel2]                                     # Gets two relationships in a batch
@neo.batch [:create_relationship, "friends",
             node1, node2, {:since => "high school"}],
           [:create_relationship, "friends",
             node1, node3, {:since => "college"}]                        # Creates two relationships in a batch
@neo.batch [:create_unique_relationship, index_name,               
             key, value, "friends", node1, node2]                        # Creates a unique relationship
@neo.batch [:get_node_index, index_name, key, value]                     # Get node index
@neo.batch [:get_relationship_index, index_name, key, value]             # Get relationship index

@neo.batch [:create_node, {"name" => "Max"}], 
           [:create_node, {"name" => "Marc"}],                           # Creates two nodes and index them
           [:add_node_to_index, "test_node_index", key, value, "{0}"],
           [:add_node_to_index, "test_node_index", key, value, "{1}"],
           [:create_relationship, "friends",                             # and create a relationship for those
             "{0}", "{1}", {:since => "college"}],                       # newly created nodes
             "test_relationship_index", key, value, "{4}"]               # and index the new relationship

@neo.batch *[[:create_node, {"name" => "Max"}], 
             [:create_node, {"name" => "Marc"}]]                         # Use the Splat (*) with Arrays of Arrays

See for Neo4j Batch operations documentation.

Please see the specs for more examples.


nodes = @neo.create_nodes(5)                                              # Create 5 empty nodes
nodes = @neo.create_nodes_threaded(5)                                     # Create 5 empty nodes using threads
nodes = @neo.create_node_nodes([{"age" => 31, "name" => "Max"},
                                {"age" => 24, "name" => "Alex"})          # Create two nodes with properties
nodes = @neo.create_node_nodes_threaded([{"age" => 31, "name" => "Max"},
                                         {"age" => 24, "name" => "Alex"}) # Create two nodes with properties threaded
nodes = @neo.get_nodes([17,86,397,33])                                    # Get four nodes by their id

one_set_nodes = @neo.create_nodes(3) 
another_node = @neo.create_node("age" => 31, "name" => "Max")
nodes = @neo.get_nodes([one_set_nodes, another_node])                     # Get four nodes

Phase 2

Trying to mimic the Neo4j.rb API.

Now we are returning full objects. The properties of the node or relationship can be accessed directly ( The Neo4j ID is available by using node.neo_id .

@neo2 = ({:server => ''})

Neography::Node.create                                               # Create an empty node
Neography::Node.create("age" => 31, "name" => "Max")                 # Create a node with some properties
Neography::Node.create(@neo2, {"age" => 31, "name" => "Max"})        # Create a node on the server defined in @neo2
Neography::Node.create({"age" => 31, "name" => "Max"}, @neo2)        # Same as above, but different order

Neography::Node.load(5)                                              # Get a node and its properties by id
Neography::Node.load(existing_node)                                  # Get a node and its properties by Node
Neography::Node.load("http://localhost:7474/db/data/node/2")         # Get a node and its properties by String

Neography::Node.load(@neo2, 5)                                       # Get a node on the server defined in @neo2
Neography::Node.load(5, @neo2)                                       # Same as above, but different order

n1 = Node.create
n1.del                                                               # Deletes the node
n1.exist?                                                            # returns true/false if node exists in Neo4j

n1 = Node.create("age" => 31, "name" => "Max")
n1[:age] #returns 31                                                 # Get a node property using [:key]  #returns "Max"                                              # Get a node property as a method
n1[:age] = 24                                                        # Set a node property using [:key] = = "Alex"                                                     # Set a node property as a method
n1[:hair] = "black"                                                  # Add a node property using [:key] =
n1.weight = 190                                                      # Add a node property as a method
n1[:name] = nil                                                      # Delete a node property using [:key] = nil = nil                                                        # Delete a node property by setting it to nil

n2 = Neography::Node.create
new_rel = Neography::Relationship.create(:family, n1, n2)            # Create a relationship from my_node to node2
new_rel.start_node                                                   # Get the start/from node of a relationship
new_rel.end_node                                                     # Get the end/to node of a relationship
new_rel.other_node(n2)                                               # Get the other node of a relationship
new_rel.attributes                                                   # Get the attributes of the relationship as an array

existing_rel = Neography::Relationship.load(12)                      # Get an existing relationship by id
existing_rel.del                                                     # Delete a relationship

Neography::Relationship.create(:friends, n1, n2)
n1.outgoing(:friends) << n2                                          # Create outgoing relationship
n1.incoming(:friends) << n2                                          # Create incoming relationship
n1.both(:friends) << n2                                              # Create both relationships

n1.outgoing                                                          # Get nodes related by outgoing relationships
n1.incoming                                                          # Get nodes related by incoming relationships
n1.both                                                              # Get nodes related by any relationships

n1.outgoing(:friends)                                                # Get nodes related by outgoing friends relationship
n1.incoming(:friends)                                                # Get nodes related by incoming friends relationship
n1.both(:friends)                                                    # Get nodes related by friends relationship

n1.outgoing(:friends).incoming(:enemies)                             # Get nodes related by one of multiple relationships
n1.outgoing(:friends).depth(2)                                       # Get nodes related by friends and friends of friends
n1.outgoing(:friends).depth(:all)                                    # Get nodes related by friends until the end of the graph
n1.outgoing(:friends).depth(2).include_start_node                    # Get n1 and nodes related by friends and friends of friends

n1.outgoing(:friends).prune("position.endNode().getProperty('name') == 'Tom';")
n1.outgoing(:friends).filter("position.length() == 2;")

n1.rel?(:friends)                                                    # Has a friends relationship
n1.rel?(:outgoing, :friends)                                         # Has outgoing friends relationship
n1.rel?(:friends, :outgoing)                                         # same, just the other way
n1.rel?(:outgoing)                                                   # Has any outgoing relationships
n1.rel?(:both)                                                       # Has any relationships
n1.rel?(:all)                                                        # same as above
n1.rel?                                                              # same as above

n1.rels                                                              # Get node relationships
n1.rels(:friends)                                                    # Get friends relationships
n1.rels(:friends).outgoing                                           # Get outgoing friends relationships
n1.rels(:friends).incoming                                           # Get incoming friends relationships
n1.rels(:friends,:work)                                              # Get friends and work relationships
n1.rels(:friends,:work).outgoing                                     # Get outgoing friends and work relationships

n1.all_paths_to(n2).incoming(:friends).depth(4)                      # Gets all paths of a specified type
n1.all_simple_paths_to(n2).incoming(:friends).depth(4)               # for the relationships defined
n1.all_shortest_paths_to(n2).incoming(:friends).depth(4)             # at a maximum depth
n1.path_to(n2).incoming(:friends).depth(4)                           # Same as above, but just one path.

n1.shortest_path_to(n2).incoming(:friends).depth(4).rels             # Gets just relationships in path
n1.shortest_path_to(n2).incoming(:friends).depth(4).nodes            # Gets just nodes in path

See Neo4j API for:


A couple of examples borrowed from Matthew Deiters’s Neo4jr-social:

Phase 2 way of doing these:


To run testing locally you will need to have two instances of the server running. There is some good advice on how to set up the a second instance on the neo4j site. Connect to the second instance in your testing environment, for example:

if Rails.env.development?
  @neo  ={:port => 7474})
elsif Rails.env.test?
  @neo  ={:port => 7475})

Install the test-delete-db-extension plugin, as mentioned in the docs, if you want to use the Rest clean_database method to empty your database between tests. In Rspec, for example, put this in your spec_helper.rb:

config.before(:each) do

To Do

  • Batch functions

  • Phase 2 Index functionality

  • More Tests

  • More Examples

  • Mixins ?


<img src=“” />

Please create a new issue if you run into any bugs. Contribute patches via pull requests.


If you are just starting out, or need help send me an e-mail at Check you my blog at where I have more Neography examples.



A thin Ruby wrapper to the Neo4j Rest API

License:MIT License


Language:Ruby 100.0%