forrestchu / WebRTC-Experiment

WebRTC video conferencing, screen sharing, file sharing, pre-recorded media streaming, part of screen sharing, group text chat, hangout, broadcasting, audio only calls, RTCDataChannel, SIP over WebSocket etc. All these WebRTC experiments are JavaScript only experiments. Nothing to install; no requirement. Just copy HTML/JavaScript code and use in any site; free of cost!

Home Page:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Realtime/Working WebRTC Experiments

  1. It is a repository of uniquely experimented WebRTC demos; written by Muaz Khan!
  2. No special requirement! Just Chrome (for desktop and android) or Firefox!
  3. These demos/experiments are entirely client-side; i.e. no server installation needed!



Library Name Short Description Documentation Demos
RTCMultiConnection.js An ultimate wrapper library for RTCWeb APIs Documentation Demos
DataChannel.js An ultimate wrapper library for RTCDataChannel APIs Documentation Demos
MediaStreamRecorder.js MediaStreamRecorder Documentation Demos
RecordRTC.js A library for audio/video recording Documentation Demos
AudioVideoRecorder.js Audio+video recording using MediaRecorder API Documentation Demos
SdpSerializer.js An easiest way to modify SDP Documentation Demos
RTCall.js A library for voice (i.e. audio-only) calls Documentation Demos
meeting.js A library for audio/video conferencing Documentation Demos


Important Experiments
Experiment Name Short Description Source Code Demo
Pre-recorded Media Streaming Stream video files in realtime; same like webcam streaming! Source Demo
Part of Screen Sharing Share a region of the screen; not the entire screen! Source Demo
Plugin-free Screen Sharing Share the entire screen Source Demo
One-Way Broadcasting Same like radio stations; transmit audio/video/screen streams in one-way direction. Though, it is browser-to-browser streaming! Source Demo
Audio-only Calls Realtime, plugin-free, voice-only calls Source Demo


Useful Experiments
Experiment Name Previous Demos New Demos
video-conferencing / multi-user (group) video sharing Demo / Source Demo / Source Code
file sharing / multi-user (group) files hangout Demo / Source Demo / Source Code
text chat / multi-user (group) text chat Demo / Source Demo / Source Code


One-to-Many style of WebRTC Experiments
Experiment Name Previous Demos New Demos
video-broadcasting Demo / Source Demo / Source Code
audio-broadcasting Demo / Source Demo / Source Code


One-to-One style of WebRTC Experiments
Experiment Name Demo Source Code
One-to-one WebRTC video chat using WebSocket Demo Source
One-to-one WebRTC video chat using Demo Source


Single-Page / One-Page / Client Side
Experiment Name Demo Source Code
Switch streams from screen-sharing to audio+video. (Renegotiation) Demo Source
Share screen and audio/video from single peer connection! Demo Source
Text chat using RTCDataChannel APIs Demo Source
Simple video chat Demo Source
Sharing video - using for signaling Demo Source
Sharing video - using WebSockets for signaling Demo Source
Audio Only Streaming ---- Source


Experiments to share tab/screen
Experiment Name Previous Demos New Demos
Plugin-free screen sharing / share the entire screen Demo / Source Demo / Source Code
Tab sharing / using tabCapture APIs Demo / Source ----


Experiments to share region/part of the screen
Experiment Name Demo Source Code
Share part-of-screen using RTCDataChannel APIs Demo Source
Share part-of-screen using Firebase Demo Source
A realtime chat using RTCDataChannel Demo Source
A realtime chat using Firebase Demo Source


Demos using MediaStreamRecorder.js library
Experiment Name Demo Source Code
Audio Recording Demo Source
Video/Gif Recording Demo Source


Demos using DataChannel.js library
Experiment Name Demo Source Code
DataChannel basic demo Demo Source
Auto Session Establishment Demo Source
Share part-of-screen using DataChannel.js Demo Source
Private Chat Demo ----


Experimental (Non-Functional)
Experiment Name Demo Source Code
Attaching Remote Media Streams Demo Source
mozCaptureStreamUntilEnded for pre-recorded media streaming Demo Source
Remote audio stream recording Demo Source


Demos using RTCMultiConnection.js library
Experiment Name Demo Source Code
All-in-One test Demo Source
Video Conferencing Demo Source
Multi-Session Establishment Demo Source
RTCMultiConnection-v1.3 testing demo Demo Source
Video Broadcasting Demo Source
File Sharing + Text Chat Demo Source
Audio Conferencing Demo Source
Join with/without camera Demo Source
Screen Sharing Demo Source
One-to-One file sharing Demo Source
Manual session establishment + extra data transmission Demo [Source](](
Manual session establishment + extra data transmission + video conferencing Demo Source
Customizing Bandwidth Demo Source
Users ejection and presence detection Demo Source
RTCMultiConnection-v1.3 and ---- Source


Demos using RTCMultiConnection-v1.4 library
Experiment Name Demo Source Code
All-in-One test Demo Source
Renegotiation & Mute/UnMute/Stop Demo Source
Video-Conferencing Demo Source
Multi-streams attachment Demo Source


Documents for newcomers/newbies/beginners
A few documents for newbies and beginners
RTCMultiConnection Documentation
DataChannel Documentation
RTCPeerConnection Documentation
How to use RTCPeerConnection.js?
RTCDataChannel for Beginners
How to use RTCDataChannel? - single code for both canary and nightly
WebRTC for Beginners: A getting stared guide!
WebRTC for Newbies


DataChannel.js / A library for RTCDataChannel APIs
<script src=""> </script>

<input type="text" id="chat-input" disabled style="font-size: 2em; width: 98%;"><br />
<div id="chat-output"></div>

    var chatOutput = document.getElementById('chat-output');
    var chatInput = document.getElementById('chat-input');
    chatInput.onkeypress = function(e) {
        if (e.keyCode != 13) return;
        chatOutput.innerHTML = 'Me: ' + this.value + '<hr />' + chatOutput.innerHTML;
        this.value = '';

    var channel = new DataChannel('Session Unique Identifier');

    channel.onopen = function(userid) {
        chatInput.disabled = false;
        chatInput.value = 'Hi, ' + userid;

    channel.onmessage = function(message, userid) {
        chatOutput.innerHTML = userid + ': ' + message + '<hr />' + chatOutput.innerHTML;

    channel.onleave = function(userid) {
        chatOutput.innerHTML = userid + ' Left.<hr />' + chatOutput.innerHTML;


RTCMultiConnection.js / A library for all WebRTC APIs
<script src=""> </script>
<button id="init">Open New Connection</button><br />
    var connection = new RTCMultiConnection();

    connection.session = {
        audio: true,
        video: true

    connection.onstream = function(e) {

    connection.onstreamended = function(e) {
        if (e.mediaElement.parentNode) e.mediaElement.parentNode.removeChild(e.mediaElement);

    var session_unique_idetifier = 'Session Unique Identifier';


    document.getElementById('init').onclick = function() {
        this.disabled = true;;


MediaStreamRecorder.js / Cross-Browser Library to record MediaStream
<script src=""> </script>
var mediaConstraints = {
    audio: true

navigator.mozGetUserMedia(mediaConstraints, onMediaSuccess, onMediaError);

function onMediaSuccess(stream) {
    var mediaRecorder = new MediaStreamRecorder(stream);
    mediaRecorder.mimeType = 'audio/ogg';
    mediaRecorder.ondataavailable = function (blob) {
        // POST/PUT "Blob" using FormData/XHR2

        // or read as DataURL
        var reader = new FileReader();
        reader.onload = function (e) {
            var dataURL =;

function onMediaError(e) {
    console.error('media error', e);


SdpSerializer.js / An easiest way to modify SDP
<script src=""></script>
var serializer = new SdpSerializer(sdp);

// remove entire audio m-line;

// change order of a payload type in video m-line;

// inject new-line after a specific payload type; under video m-line'a=ptime:10');

// remove a specific payload type; under video m-line;

// want to add/replace a crypto line?'a=crypto:0 AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80 inline:AAAAA');

// want to remove a crypto line?;

// want to set direction?'sendonly');

// want to get direction?;

// want to remove entire audio or video track?
// usually, in video m-line:
// 0-track is always "video" stream
// 1-track will be screen sharing stream (if attached)

// get serialized sdp
sdp = serializer.deserialize();


How to record video using RecordRTC?
<script src=""></script>
var recorder = RecordRTC({
	video: HTMLVideoElement

/* start recording video */

/* stop recording video and save recorded file to disk */
recorder.stopVideo(function(recordedFileURL) {;

RecordRTC Documentation


How to record audio using AudioVideoRecorder?

    // MediaStream object
    stream: MediaStream,

    // mime-type of the output blob
    mimeType: 'audio/ogg',

    // set time-interval to get the blob
    interval: 5000,

    // get access to the recorded blob
    onRecordedMedia: function (blob) {
        // POST/PUT blob using FormData/XMLHttpRequest

        // or readAsDataURL
        var reader = new FileReader();
        reader.onload = function (e) {
            hyperlink.href =;



AudioVideoRecorder Documentation


Browser Support

WebRTC Experiments works fine on following web-browsers:

Browser Support
Firefox Stable / Aurora / Nightly
Google Chrome Stable / Canary / Beta / Dev
Android Chrome Beta

= over Node.js / Demo
WebSocket over Node.js / Demo



WebRTC Experiments are released under MIT licence . Copyright (c) 2013 Muaz Khan.


WebRTC video conferencing, screen sharing, file sharing, pre-recorded media streaming, part of screen sharing, group text chat, hangout, broadcasting, audio only calls, RTCDataChannel, SIP over WebSocket etc. All these WebRTC experiments are JavaScript only experiments. Nothing to install; no requirement. Just copy HTML/JavaScript code and use in any site; free of cost!
