foolip / admin

Group administration

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

WICG admininstration repository

This repo is for administration of the community group.


Join the chat at

Instructions for connecting to Gitter over IRC.

Current Proposals

Proposals are visible at the organization level (see all the WICG repositories).

Contributing New Proposals

The following is given as guidance. It's is not a requirement for starting work on a proposal.

Please join the WICG before submitting new proposals.

  1. Join the group: Before bringing the above to the group's attention, join the community group, which means you agree with the terms of the W3C's Community Contributor License Agreement (CLA). It's critical if you first join the group or else key members won't be able to review or discuss your proposal.
  2. State the problem, make a rough proposal: Write an informal description of a limitation with the Web platform and post it to Discourse. This should be something you believe is missing in the platform and would make the lives of developers significantly easier if it were added. It can also be something you've noticed is a recurring development pattern which would benefit from standardization. If you have a rough proposal for a solution, spinning up a public GitHub repo from your own account is probably the best way to disseminate it. It's fine if your proposal is totally rough and informal - include code examples, diagrams, or whatever you think helps explain the problem best. Be sure to examine use cases. This can be informally in the Discourse post, or a short document in the repo. Such a document can help prove to the community that there is indeed a need for a solution that needs standardization (see the Use Cases and Requirements for Standardizing Responsive Images, for example).
  3. Evaluation: As a community, we will use Discourse to evaluate interest and ask for potential editors for the proposal. As soon as sufficient interest is shown in the discourse (notably from potential implementers), the WICG chairs will enable a team of editors to manage the proposal (based on the discourse), and those team members can move ownership of the GitHub repo (if any) to WICG. We will expect all previous contributions to the proposal to have been made by WICG members, or will need explicit CLAs from other contributors - ask the chairs for assistance if needed.
  4. Editing and Refinement: The community should incubate and refine the proposal, through discussion on GitHub issues on the repo (and Discourse, if appropriate) until they feel the proposal has sufficient support and resolution to move to an appropriate Working Group; at that point, the editing team should contact the chairs, and the chairs will help do an "intent to migrate": where we move the spec to a W3C Working group to seek royalty free licensing commitments from W3C members (you know, the "free" in "free and open"). As part of that transition, the WICG should seek an FSA commitment from any contributors to the incubation that choose not to join the WG to which it has been transitioned; this will provide the broadest possible IP coverage.
  5. (Bonus points) Implementation: Help turn the ideas from words on paper into working features in modern browsers.

Becoming a WICG collaborator

If you need to be added as a "collaborator" on GitHub (to manage a Github repo, be able to close issues, etc), please open an issue in the admin repo asking for permission. One of the Chairs will add you.

Code of Conduct

As a W3C Community Group, the WICG operates under the W3C's Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct.

Statement of Intent

W3C is committed to maintain a positive work environment. This commitment calls for a workplace where participants at all levels behave according to the rules of the following code. A foundational concept of this code is that we all share responsibility for our work environment.


  1. Treat each other with respect, professionalism, fairness, and sensitivity to our many differences and strengths, including in situations of high pressure and urgency.
  2. Never harass or bully anyone verbally, physically or sexually.
  3. Never [discriminate][Discrimination] on the basis of personal characteristics or group membership.
  4. Communicate constructively and avoid demeaning or insulting behavior or language.
  5. Seek, accept, and offer objective work criticism, and acknowledge properly the contributions of others.
  6. Be honest about your own qualifications, and about any circumstances that might lead to conflicts of interest.
  7. Respect the privacy of others and the confidentiality of data you access.
  8. With respect to cultural differences, be conservative in what you do and liberal in what you accept from others, but not to the point of accepting disrespectful, unprofessional or unfair behavior.
  9. Promote the rules of this Code and take action (especially if you are in a leadership position) to bring the discussion back to a more civil level whenever inappropriate behaviors are observed.


The same code of conduct above applies to discussions conducted on - suggestions for conduct are further spelled out in the Discourse Community Guidelines. If you encounter any inappropriate conduct on Discourse, you should flag the post for moderator attention.

Reporting and Feedback

Beyond posts needing moderator attention on Discourse, if you experience any violations to the above by any participant, please contact the Chairs or the W3C Head of Communications (Coralie Mercier). To make amendments to the W3C's Code of Conduct, please post to the W3C Positive Work Environment mailing list, or email Coralie Mercier directly.


Group administration


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