Search the Web ============== A simple Yahoo BOSS (v2) search application using django and oauth2 Usage notes ----------- To sort the results by an alternate ranking, place a sort switch in the query, eg 'jenson button sort:alexa' Supported rankings are Yahoo (default) and Alexa. Dependencies ------------ python-oauth2 httplib2 Additional for non-GAE deployment: Django 1.1+ if serving with Apache: Apache 2.2 mod-wsgi Installation (non-GAE) ---------------------- 1. Create a django project called 'django_snippets' and copy everything from the tarball into it, overwriting, etc... 2. Uncomment the database lines in 3. Create a db/ directory inside the project 4. Sync the database and give it to Apache (if you want to serve it properly). $ python syncdb # chown -R yourself:www-data db/ # chmod -R g+w db/ Yahoo consumer details ---------------------- When you set up a boss-enabled application at, you get a consumer key and consumer secret. The app uses these to sign the oauth payload. Create a file inside the app directory, with a single dictionary in it, as follows: yboss = { 'key':'YOUR_CUSTOMER_KEY', 'secret':'YOUR_CUSTOMER_SECRET' } At this point, you should be able to run the app using GAE's development server. # python runserver If you want to extend the app at some point to do anything remotely interesting with non-oauth sessions, which it doesn't at the moment, change the SECRET_KEY in snippets/ to something appropriate and keep it secret. VirtualHost (Apache) -------------------- Notes: 1. Alias /static/ ... will ensure Apache serves static content directly, rather than sucking it through django. This directive must occur prior to the WSGIScriptAlias. 2. Because django.wsgi resides in a folder containing other code, for security reasons you must make it available explicitly, rather than by unlocking its parent directory. <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName ServerAlias Alias /static/ /usr/local/django/snippets/static/ <Directory /usr/local/django/snippets/static/> AllowOverride None Options all Order deny,allow Allow from all </Directory> WSGIScriptAlias / /usr/local/django/snippets/django.wsgi <Files /usr/local/django/snippets/django.wsgi> Order deny,allow Allow from all </Files> </VirtualHost>