followben / miner

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A single module FastAPI and Strawberry app that handles a graphql query.

Quick Start

Ensure python 3.7+ is on your path, then in the root of this project:

% python -m venv venv
% source venv/bin/activate
(venv) % pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
(venv) % pip install -r requirements.txt
(venv) % uvicorn main:app

Then, either issue a standard HTTP POST request via your favourite cli:

curl -g \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"query":"query{person {email name address { number street city state }}}"}' \

Or submit the same query via the browser at http://localhost:8000/graphql:

query {
  person {
    address {

To run tests, autoformatting or linting, first install all dev libraries:

(venv) % pip install -r requirements-dev.txt


  • black . to autoformat
  • ruff . to lint
  • pytest . to run tests

If this were a more sophisticated project, I'd:

  • split code into python packages and modules (a single is appropriate for a small example, but a production service would typically contain more code; splitting into multiple files and directories allows clearer separation of concerns if correctly composed)
  • add more unit tests (thanks to the runtime checks in Strawberry and Pydantic and static analysis via Pylance/ MyPy, there's not really much to test here outside of the dependencies themselves)
  • add a mutation to create a Person and persist it somewhere (in memory? Redis? MongoDB? PostgreSQL?)
  • containerize the api for production (and it's dependencies via compose for local development)
  • depending on where the image is being deployed, use IaC such as Terraform, AWS CDK, ArgoCD to do that deployment
  • add a github actions workflow to run linting and testing and deploy it

Related examples

For more interesting examples, see:

  • groundsim - a more complex (albeit still simple) graphql project using a similar stack which includes mutations, REST, a basic visualisation of the data in React, containerization, cloud deployment via CI/ CD etc.
  • datalogger - an older sample api using Django and Graphene.



Language:Python 100.0%