foexle / prometheus

A docker-compose stack for Prometheus monitoring

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



This is a simple Prometheus stack to collect metrics from different nodes. The default dashboard in Grafana is configured to prepare and show graphs based on Telegraf's Prometheus output plugin

The stack is prepared to run only on a single machine if you would like to distribute for HA you should use docker stack or Kubernets instead.


Before you start it's advisable to install a Telegraf agent first on any host/node otherwise you don't get any metrics. Follow the official instructions

Next, you have to install docker-compose just follow the offcial instructions again.

Installation & Configuration

Clone the project locally to your Docker host.

The 'kafka' branch contains and older version which is based on the orginal repository + kafka exporter.

Open docker-compose.yml and change the 10.x.x.x IP addresses to your preferred network. For example:


Open prometheus/prometheus.yml and change the telegraf plugin targets to your host/s

    - targets: ['','']

Once configurations are done let's start it up. Run the following command:

$ docker-compose up -d

That's it the `docker-compose up -d' command deploys the entire Grafana and Prometheus stack automagically to your machine.

The Grafana Dashboard is now accessible via: http://<Host IP Address>:3000 for example

username - admin
password - foobar (Password is stored in the `/grafana/config.monitoring` env file)

In order to check the status of the newly created stack:

Add Datasources and Dashboards

Grafana version 5.0.0 has introduced the concept of provisioning. This allows us to automate the process of adding Datasources & Dashboards. The /grafana/provisioning/ directory contains the datasources and dashboards directories. These directories contain YAML files which allow us to specify which datasource or dashboards should be installed.

If you would like to automate the installation of additional dashboards just copy the Dashboard JSON file to /grafana/provisioning/dashboards and it will be provisioned next time you stop and start Grafana.

Add Grafana Plugins

The /grafana/ directory contains a Dockerfile to build a new Grafana container with plugins included. You can add additional plugins with a comma separated list

	ARG GF_INSTALL_PLUGINS="grafana-piechart-panel"


Alerting has been added to the stack with Slack integration. 2 Alerts have been added and are managed

Alerts - prometheus/alert.rules Slack configuration - alertmanager/config.yml

The Slack configuration requires to build a custom integration.

  • Open your slack team in your browser https://<your-slack-team>
  • Click build in the upper right corner
  • Choose Incoming Web Hooks link under Send Messages
  • Click on the "incoming webhook integration" link
  • Select which channel
  • Click on Add Incoming WebHooks integration
  • Copy the Webhook URL into the alertmanager/config.yml URL section
  • Fill in Slack username and channel

View Prometheus alerts http://<Host IP Address>:5000/alerts View Alert Manager http://<Host IP Address>:5002

Test Alerts

A quick test for your alerts is to stop a service. Stop the node_exporter container and you should notice shortly the alert arrive in Slack. Also check the alerts in both the Alert Manager and Prometheus Alerts just to understand how they flow through the system.

High load test alert - docker run --rm -it busybox sh -c "while true; do :; done"

Let this run for a few minutes and you will notice the load alert appear. Then Ctrl+C to stop this container.

Security Considerations

This project is intended to be a quick-start to get up and running with Docker and Prometheus. Security has not been implemented in this project. It is the users responsability to implement Firewall/IpTables and SSL.

Since this is a template to get started Prometheus and Alerting services are exposing their ports to allow for easy troubleshooting and understanding of how the stack works.

Production Security:

As you see in the docker-compose.yml file all ports are configured to because all my devices are communicating through a VPN. In this case you don't need to secure all peaces.

In addition, here are just a couple security considerations for this stack to help you get started.

  • Remove the published ports from Prometheus and Alerting servicesi and only allow Grafana to be accessed
  • Enable SSL for Grafana with a Proxy such as jwilder/nginx-proxy or Traefik with Let's Encrypt
  • Add user authentication via a Reverse Proxy jwilder/nginx-proxy or Traefik for services cAdvisor, Prometheus, & Alerting as they don't support user authenticaiton
  • Terminate all services/containers via HTTPS/SSL/TLS


It appears some people have reported no data appearing in Grafana. If this is happening to you be sure to check the time range being queried within Grafana to ensure it is using Today's date with current time.


Spezial thanks to the [initiator](( of this repo.

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A docker-compose stack for Prometheus monitoring


Language:Dockerfile 100.0%