fnu / Blitz

Blitz templates, template engine extension for PHP

Home Page:http://alexeyrybak.com/blitz/

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Blitz templates, template engine extension for PHP

fast and powerfull template engine for very big internet projects

Alexey A. Rybak (c) 2005 - 2012

Quick Links

Development version: blitz-, WIN32 builds (PHP 5.3.*, both TS/NTS, VC6) Stable version: blitz-0.6.10.tar.gz, 0.6.10: WIN32 build (PHP5.2) Browse: all sources, all win32 binaries Docs/Translations: english (old), quick geek, russian (old), chinese (old) Bug Tracker User list: blitz-php at googlegroups d0t c0m Developer's contact: alexey d0t rybak at gmail d0t c0m

Recent Blitz news

blitz- improved performance and PHP-5.4.* compilation fix (source) blitz- various fixes for expressions, new settings related to callbacks security and priorities(source) blitz- various fixes for expressions(source) blitz- EXPRESSIONS in IF/ELSEIF(UNLESS) statements!!! (source) blitz- released: minor fixes (source) Win32 builds for blitz- released (binaries)


我并不是 Blitz 这个项目的作者, 我只是想学习 Blitz 而已.


Blitz templates, template engine extension for PHP
