fmirus / audiomentations

A Python library for audio data augmentation. Inspired by albumentations. Useful for machine learning.

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A Python library for audio data augmentation. Inspired by albumentations. Useful for deep learning. Runs on CPU. Supports mono audio and partially multichannel audio. Can be integrated in training pipelines in e.g. Tensorflow/Keras or Pytorch. Has helped people get world-class results in Kaggle competitions. Is used by companies making next-generation audio products.

Need a Pytorch alternative with GPU support? Check out torch-audiomentations!


Python version support PyPI version Number of downloads from PyPI per month

pip install audiomentations

Optional requirements

Some features have extra dependencies. Extra python package dependencies can be installed by running

pip install audiomentations[extras]

Feature Extra dependencies
Load 24-bit wav files fast wavio
LoudnessNormalization pyloudnorm
Mp3Compression ffmpeg and [pydub or lameenc]

Note: ffmpeg can be installed via e.g. conda or from the official ffmpeg download page.

Usage example

from audiomentations import Compose, AddGaussianNoise, TimeStretch, PitchShift, Shift
import numpy as np


augment = Compose([
    AddGaussianNoise(min_amplitude=0.001, max_amplitude=0.015, p=0.5),
    TimeStretch(min_rate=0.8, max_rate=1.25, p=0.5),
    PitchShift(min_semitones=-4, max_semitones=4, p=0.5),
    Shift(min_fraction=-0.5, max_fraction=0.5, p=0.5),

# Generate 2 seconds of dummy audio for the sake of example
samples = np.random.uniform(low=-0.2, high=0.2, size=(32000,)).astype(np.float32)

# Augment/transform/perturb the audio data
augmented_samples = augment(samples=samples, sample_rate=SAMPLE_RATE)

Go to audiomentations/augmentations/ to see the waveform transforms you can apply, and what arguments they have.

See audiomentations/augmentations/ for spectrogram transforms.

Waveform transforms


Added in v0.9.0

Mix in another sound, e.g. a background noise. Useful if your original sound is clean and you want to simulate an environment where background noise is present.

Can also be used for mixup, as in

A folder of (background noise) sounds to be mixed in must be specified. These sounds should ideally be at least as long as the input sounds to be transformed. Otherwise, the background sound will be repeated, which may sound unnatural.

Note that the gain of the added noise is relative to the amount of signal in the input. This implies that if the input is completely silent, no noise will be added.


Added in v0.1.0

Add gaussian noise to the samples


Added in v0.7.0

Add gaussian noise to the samples with random Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR)


Added in v0.7.0

Convolve the audio with a random impulse response. Impulse responses can be created using e.g.

Some datasets of impulse responses are publicly available:

  • EchoThief containing 115 impulse responses acquired in a wide range of locations.
  • The MIT McDermott dataset containing 271 impulse responses acquired in everyday places.

Impulse responses are represented as wav files in the given ir_path.


Added in v0.9.0

Mix in various (bursts of overlapping) sounds with random pauses between. Useful if your original sound is clean and you want to simulate an environment where short noises sometimes occur.

A folder of (noise) sounds to be mixed in must be specified.


Added in v0.8.0

Distort signal by clipping a random percentage of points

The percentage of points that will be clipped is drawn from a uniform distribution between the two input parameters min_percentile_threshold and max_percentile_threshold. If for instance 30% is drawn, the samples are clipped if they're below the 15th or above the 85th percentile.


Added in v0.7.0

Mask some frequency band on the spectrogram. Inspired by


Added in v0.11.0

Multiply the audio by a random amplitude factor to reduce or increase the volume. This technique can help a model become somewhat invariant to the overall gain of the input audio.

Warning: This transform can return samples outside the [-1, 1] range, which may lead to clipping or wrap distortion, depending on what you do with the audio in a later stage. See also


Added in v0.12.0

Compress the audio using an MP3 encoder to lower the audio quality. This may help machine learning models deal with compressed, low-quality audio.

This transform depends on either lameenc or pydub/ffmpeg.

Note that bitrates below 32 kbps are only supported for low sample rates (up to 24000 hz).

Note: When using the lameenc backend, the output may be slightly longer than the input due to the fact that the LAME encoder inserts some silence at the beginning of the audio.


Added in v0.14.0

Apply a constant amount of gain to match a specific loudness. This is an implementation of ITU-R BS.1770-4.

Warning: This transform can return samples outside the [-1, 1] range, which may lead to clipping or wrap distortion, depending on what you do with the audio in a later stage. See also


Added in v0.6.0

Apply a constant amount of gain, so that highest signal level present in the sound becomes 0 dBFS, i.e. the loudest level allowed if all samples must be between -1 and 1. Also known as peak normalization.


Added in v0.4.0

Pitch shift the sound up or down without changing the tempo


Added in v0.11.0

Flip the audio samples upside-down, reversing their polarity. In other words, multiply the waveform by -1, so negative values become positive, and vice versa. The result will sound the same compared to the original when played back in isolation. However, when mixed with other audio sources, the result may be different. This waveform inversion technique is sometimes used for audio cancellation or obtaining the difference between two waveforms. However, in the context of audio data augmentation, this transform can be useful when training phase-aware machine learning models.


Added in v0.8.0

Resample signal using librosa.core.resample

To do downsampling only set both minimum and maximum sampling rate lower than original sampling rate and vice versa to do upsampling only.


Added in v0.5.0

Shift the samples forwards or backwards, with or without rollover


Added in v0.7.0

Make a randomly chosen part of the audio silent. Inspired by


Added in v0.2.0

Time stretch the signal without changing the pitch


Added in v0.7.0

Trim leading and trailing silence from an audio signal using librosa.effects.trim

Spectrogram transforms


Added in v0.13.0

Shuffle the channels of a multichannel spectrogram. This can help combat positional bias.


Added in v0.13.0

Mask a set of frequencies in a spectrogram, Ă  la Google AI SpecAugment. This type of data augmentation has proved to make speech recognition models more robust.

The masked frequencies can be replaced with either the mean of the original values or a given constant (e.g. zero).

Known limitations

  • Some transforms do not support multichannel audio yet. See Multichannel audio
  • Expects the input dtype to be float32, and have values between -1 and 1.
  • The code runs on CPU, not GPU. For a GPU-compatible version, check out pytorch-audiomentations
  • Multiprocessing is not officially supported yet. See also #46
  • Not compatible with scipy>=1.6 due to the way 24-bit and 32-bit int wav files are loaded

Contributions are welcome!

Multichannel audio

Most transforms, but not all, support 2D numpy arrays with shapes like (num_channels, num_samples)

The following table is valid for v0.14.0 - v0.16.0 only

Transform Supports multichannel audio?
AddBackgroundNoise No, 1D only
AddGaussianNoise Yes
AddGaussianSNR Yes
AddImpulseResponse No, 1D only
AddShortNoises No, 1D only
ClippingDistortion Yes
FrequencyMask Yes
Gain Yes
LoudnessNormalization Yes, up to 5 channels
Mp3Compression No, 1D only
Normalize Yes
PitchShift Yes
PolarityInversion Yes
Resample No, 1D only
Shift Yes
SpecChannelShuffle Yes
SpecFrequencyMask Yes
TimeMask Yes
TimeStretch Yes
Trim No, 1D only




  • Add a fade option in Shift for eliminating unwanted clicks
  • Add support for 32-bit int wav loading with scipy>=1.6

v0.16.0 (2021-02-11)

  • Implement SpecCompose for applying a pipeline of spectrogram transforms. Thanks to omerferhatt.
  • Fix a bug in SpecChannelShuffle where it did not support more than 3 audio channels. Thanks to omerferhatt.
  • Limit scipy version range to >=1.0,<1.6 to avoid issues with loading 24-bit wav files. Support for scipy>=1.6 will be added later.

v0.15.0 (2020-12-10)

  • Fix picklability of instances of AddImpulseResponse, AddBackgroundNoise and AddShortNoises
  • Add an option leave_length_unchanged to AddImpulseResponse

v0.14.0 (2020-12-06)

  • Implement LoudnessNormalization
  • Implement randomize_parameters in Compose. Thanks to SolomidHero.
  • Add multichannel support to AddGaussianNoise, AddGaussianSNR, ClippingDistortion, FrequencyMask, PitchShift, Shift, TimeMask and TimeStretch

v0.13.0 (2020-11-10)

  • Show a warning if a waveform had to be resampled after loading it. This is because resampling is slow. Ideally, files on disk should already have the desired sample rate.
  • Correctly find audio files with upper case filename extensions.
  • Lay the foundation for spectrogram transforms. Implement SpecChannelShuffle and SpecFrequencyMask.
  • Fix a bug where AddBackgroundNoise crashed when trying to add digital silence to an input. Thanks to juheeuu.
  • Configurable LRU cache for transforms that use external sound files. Thanks to alumae.
  • Officially add multichannel support to Normalize

v0.12.1 (2020-09-28)

  • Speed up AddBackgroundNoise, AddShortNoises and AddImpulseResponse by loading wav files with scipy or wavio instead of librosa.

v0.12.0 (2020-09-23)

  • Implement Mp3Compression
  • Python <= 3.5 is no longer officially supported, since Python 3.5 has reached end-of-life
  • Expand range of supported librosa versions
  • Officially support multichannel audio in Gain and PolarityInversion
  • Add m4a and opus to the list of recognized audio filename extensions
  • Breaking change: Internal util functions are no longer exposed directly. If you were doing e.g. from audiomentations import calculate_rms, now you have to do from audiomentations.core.utils import calculate_rms

v0.11.0 (2020-08-27)

  • Implement Gain and PolarityInversion. Thanks to Spijkervet for the inspiration.

v0.10.1 (2020-07-27)

  • Improve the performance of AddBackgroundNoise and AddShortNoises by optimizing the implementation of calculate_rms.
  • Improve compatibility of output files written by the demo script. Thanks to xwJohn.
  • Fix division by zero bug in Normalize. Thanks to ZFTurbo.

v0.10.0 (2020-05-05)

  • Breaking change: AddImpulseResponse, AddBackgroundNoise and AddShortNoises now include subfolders when searching for files. This is useful when your sound files are organized in subfolders.
  • AddImpulseResponse, AddBackgroundNoise and AddShortNoises now support aiff files in addition to flac, mp3, ogg and wav
  • Fix filter instability bug in FrequencyMask. Thanks to kvilouras.

v0.9.0 (2020-02-20)

  • Disregard non-audio files when looking for impulse response files
  • Remember randomized/chosen effect parameters. This allows for freezing the parameters and applying the same effect to multiple sounds. Use transform.freeze_parameters() and transform.unfreeze_parameters() for this.
  • Fix a bug in ClippingDistortion where the min_percentile_threshold was not respected as expected.
  • Implement transform.serialize_parameters(). Useful for when you want to store metadata on how a sound was perturbed.
  • Switch to a faster convolve implementation. This makes AddImpulseResponse significantly faster.
  • Add a rollover parameter to Shift. This allows for introducing silence instead of a wrapped part of the sound.
  • Expand supported range of librosa versions
  • Add support for flac in AddImpulseResponse
  • Implement AddBackgroundNoise transform. Useful for when you want to add background noise to all of your sound. You need to give it a folder of background noises to choose from.
  • Implement AddShortNoises. Useful for when you want to add (bursts of) short noise sounds to your input audio.
  • Improve handling of empty input

v0.8.0 (2020-01-28)

  • Add shuffle parameter in Composer
  • Add Resample transformation
  • Add ClippingDistortion transformation
  • Add fade parameter to TimeMask

Thanks to askskro

v0.7.0 (2020-01-14)

Add new transforms:

  • AddGaussianSNR
  • AddImpulseResponse
  • FrequencyMask
  • TimeMask
  • Trim

Thanks to karpnv

v0.6.0 (2019-05-27)

  • Implement peak normalization

v0.5.0 (2019-02-23)

  • Implement Shift transform
  • Ensure p is within bounds

v0.4.0 (2019-02-19)

  • Implement PitchShift transform
  • Fix output dtype of AddGaussianNoise

v0.3.0 (2019-02-19)

Implement leave_length_unchanged in TimeStretch

v0.2.0 (2019-02-18)

  • Add TimeStretch transform
  • Parametrize AddGaussianNoise

v0.1.0 (2019-02-15)

Initial release. Includes only one transform: AddGaussianNoise


Install the dependencies specified in requirements.txt

Code style

Format the code with black

Run tests and measure code coverage


Generate demo sounds for empirical evaluation

python -m demo.demo


Audiomentations isn't the only python library that can do various types of audio data augmentation/degradation! Here's an overview:

Name Github stars License Last commit GPU support?
audio-degradation-toolbox Github stars License Last commit No
audio_degrader Github stars License Last commit No
audiomentations Github stars License Last commit No
kapre Github stars License Last commit Yes, Keras/Tensorflow
muda Github stars License Last commit No
nlpaug Github stars License Last commit No
pydiogment Github stars License Last commit No
python-audio-effects Github stars License Last commit No
sigment Github stars License Last commit No
SpecAugment Github stars License Last commit Yes, Pytorch & Tensorflow
spec_augment Github stars License Last commit Yes, Pytorch
torch-audiomentations Github stars License Last commit Yes, Pytorch
WavAugment Github stars License Last commit Yes, Pytorch


Thanks to Nomono for backing audiomentations.

Thanks to all contributors who help improving audiomentations.


A Python library for audio data augmentation. Inspired by albumentations. Useful for machine learning.

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%