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Java SDK for Hyperledger Fabric 1.1

Welcome to Java SDK for Hyperledger project. The SDK helps facilitate Java applications to manage the lifecycle of Hyperledger channels and user chaincode. The SDK also provides a means to execute user chaincode, query blocks and transactions on the channel, and monitor events on the channel.

The SDK acts on behave of a particular User which is defined by the embedding application through the implementation of the SDK's User interface.

Note, the SDK does not provide a means of persistence for the application defined channels and user artifacts on the client. This is left for the embedding application to best manage. Channels may be serialized via Java serialization in the context of a client. Channels deserialized are not in an initialized state. Applications need to handle migration of serialzed files between versions.

The SDK also provides a client for Hyperledger's certificate authority. The SDK is however not dependent on this particular implementation of a certificate authority. Other Certificate authority's maybe used by implementing the SDK's Enrollment interface.

This provides a summary of steps required to get you started with building and using the Java SDK. Please note that this is not the API documentation or a tutorial for the SDK, this will only help you familiarize to get started with the SDK if you are new in this domain.

Known limitations and restrictions

  • TCerts are not supported: JIRA FAB-1401
  • HSM not supported. JIRA FAB-3137



v1.1 release notes

Please review the v1.1 release notes to familiarize yourself with changes since v1.0 release


## Latest builds of Fabric and Fabric-ca v1.1.0

To get a functioning Fabric v1.1.0 network needed by the SDK Integration tests.
In the directory `src/test/fixture/sdkintegration` issue :

`./ restart`

This command needs to be rerun each time the Integration tests are run.

You can clone these projects by going to the [Hyperledger repository](

## Latest Fabric Builds.
Latest Fabric builds are seldom needed except for those working on the very latest Fabric features.
Some information to help with that can been found in [Developer Instructions](./docs/

### Setting Up Eclipse
To get started using the Fabric Java SDK with Eclipse, refer to the instructions at: ./docs/

## SDK dependencies
SDK depends on few third party libraries that must be included in your classpath when using the JAR file. To get a list of dependencies, refer to pom.xml file or run
<code>mvn dependency:tree</code> or <code>mvn dependency:list</code>.
Alternatively, <code> mvn dependency:analyze-report </code> will produce a report in HTML format in target directory listing all the dependencies in a more readable format.

To build this project, the following dependencies must be met
 * JDK 1.8 or above
 * Apache Maven 3.5.0

## Using the SDK

### Compiling

Once your JAVA_HOME points to your installation of JDK 1.8 (or above) and JAVA_HOME/bin and Apache maven are in your PATH, issue the following command to build the jar file:
  mvn install
  mvn install -DskipTests
</code> if you don't want to run the unit tests

### Running the unit tests
To run the unit tests, please use <code>mvn install</code> which will run the unit tests and build the jar file.

**Many unit tests will test failure condition's resulting in exceptions and stack traces being displayed. This is not an indication of failure!**

**[INFO] BUILD SUCCESS**  **_At the end is usually a very reliable indication that all tests have passed successfully!_**

### Running the integration tests
You must be running local instances of Fabric-ca, Fabric peers, and Fabric orderers to be able to run the integration tests. See above for for how to get a Fabric network running.
Use this `maven` command to run the integration tests:
 * _mvn clean install -DskipITs=false -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=false javadoc:javadoc_

### End to end test scenario
The _src/test/java/org/hyperledger/fabric/sdkintegration/End2endIT.java_ integration test is an example of installing, instantiating, invoking and querying a chaincode.
It constructs the Hyperledger channel, deploys the `GO` chaincode, invokes the chaincode to do a transfer amount operation and queries the resulting blockchain world state.

The _src/test/java/org/hyperledger/fabric/sdkintegration/End2endAndBackAgainIT.java_  Shows recreating the channel objects created in and
upgrading chaincode and invoking the up graded chaincode.

Between and this code shows almost all that the SDK can do.
 To learn the SDK you must have some understanding first of the Fabric. Then it's best to study these two integrations tests and better yet work with them in a debugger to follow the code. ( *a live demo* )
 Then once you understand them you can cut and paste from there to your own application. ( _the code is done for you!_ )

### End to end test environment
The test defines one Fabric orderer and two organizations (peerOrg1, peerOrg2), each of which has 2 peers, one fabric-ca service.

#### Certificates and other cryptography artifacts

Fabric requires that each organization has private keys and certificates for use in signing and verifying messages going to and from clients, peers and orderers.
Each organization groups these artifacts in an **MSP** (Membership Service Provider) with a corresponding unique _MSPID_ .

Furthermore, each organization is assumed to generate these artifacts independently. The *fabric-ca* project is an example of such a certificate generation service.
Fabric also provides the `cryptogen` tool to automatically generate all cryptographic artifacts needed for the end to end test.
In the directory src/test/fixture/sdkintegration/e2e-2Orgs/channel

  The command used to generate end2end `crypto-config` artifacts:</br>

  v1.0 ```build/bin/cryptogen generate --config crypto-config.yaml --output=crypto-config```

  v1.1 ```cryptogen generate --config crypto-config.yaml --output=v1.1/crypto-config```

For ease of assigning ports and mapping of artifacts to physical files, all peers, orderers, and fabric-ca are run as Docker containers controlled via a docker-compose configuration file.

The files used by the end to end are:
 * _src/test/fixture/sdkintegration/e2e-2Orgs/vX.0_  (everything needed to bootstrap the orderer and create the channels)
 * _src/test/fixture/sdkintegration/e2e-2Orgs/vX.0crypto-config_ (as-is. Used by `configtxgen` and `docker-compose` to map the MSP directories)
 * _src/test/fixture/sdkintegration/docker-compose.yaml_

The end to end test case artifacts are stored under the directory _src/test/fixture/sdkintegration/e2e-2Org/channel_ .

### TLS connection to Orderer and Peers

IBM Java needs the following properties defined to use TLS 1.2 to get an HTTPS connections to Fabric CA. -Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.2

Currently, the pom.xml is set to use netty-tcnative-boringssl for TLS connection to Orderer and Peers, however, you can change the pom.xml (uncomment a few lines) to use an alternative TLS connection via ALPN.

### TLS Environment for SDK Integration Tests
The SDK Integration tests can be enabled by adding before the ./fabric restart the follow as:


Then run the Integration tests with:

ORG_HYPERLEDGER_FABRIC_SDKTEST_INTEGRATIONTESTS_TLS=true mvn clean install -DskipITs=false -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=false javadoc:javadoc

### Chaincode endorsement policies
Policies are described in the [Fabric Endorsement Policies document](;a=blob;f=docs/;h=1eecf359c12c3f7c1ddc63759a0b5f3141b07f13;hb=HEAD).
You create a policy using a Fabric tool ( an example is shown in [JIRA issue FAB-2376](
and give it to the SDK either as a file or a byte array. The SDK, in turn, will use the policy when it creates chaincode instantiation requests.

To input a policy to the SDK, use the **ChaincodeEndorsementPolicy** class.

For testing purposes, there are 2 policy files in the _src/test/resources_ directory
  * _policyBitsAdmin_ ( which has policy **AND(DEFAULT.admin)** meaning _1 signature from the DEFAULT MSP admin' is required_ )
  * _policyBitsMember_ ( which has policy **AND(DEFAULT.member)** meaning _1 signature from a member of the DEFAULT MSP is required_ )

and one file in the _src/test/fixture/sdkintegration/e2e-2Orgs/channel_ directory specifically for use in the end to end test scenario
  * _members_from_org1_or_2.policy_ ( which has policy **OR(peerOrg1.member, peerOrg2.member)** meaning  _1 signature from a member of either organizations peerOrg1, PeerOrg2 is required_)

 Alternatively, you can also use ChaincodeEndorsementPolicy class by giving it a YAML file that has the policy defined in it.
 See examples of this in the End2endIT testcases that use _src/test/fixture/sdkintegration/chaincodeendorsementpolicy.yaml_
 The file chaincodeendorsementpolicy.yaml has comments that help understand how to create these policies. The first section
 lists all the signature identities you can use in the policy. Currently, only ROLE types are supported.
 The policy section is comprised of `n-of` and `signed-by` elements.  Then n-of (`1-of` `2-of`) require that many (`n`) in that
 section to be true. The `signed-by` references an identity in the identities section.

### Channel creation artifacts
Channel configuration files and orderer bootstrap files ( see directory _src/test/fixture/sdkintegration/e2e-2Orgs_ ) are needed when creating a new channel.
This is created with the Hyperledger Fabric `configtxgen` tool.  This must be run after `cryptogen` and the directory you're
running in **must** have a generated `crypto-config` directory.

If `build/bin/configtxgen` tool is not present  run `make configtxgen`

For v1.0 integration test the commands are:

 * build/bin/configtxgen -outputCreateChannelTx foo.tx -profile TwoOrgsChannel -channelID foo
 * build/bin/configtxgen -outputCreateChannelTx bar.tx -profile TwoOrgsChannel -channelID bar

For v1.1 integration the commands use the v11 profiles in configtx.yaml.
  You need to for now copy the configtx.yaml in `e2e-20orgs` to the v1.1 directory and run from there:
 * configtxgen -outputBlock orderer.block -profile TwoOrgsOrdererGenesis_v11
 * configtxgen -outputCreateChannelTx bar.tx -profile TwoOrgsChannel_v11 -channelID bar
 * configtxgen -outputCreateChannelTx foo.tx -profile TwoOrgsChannel_v11 -channelID foo

 This should produce in the `v1.1` directory: bar.tx,foo.tx, orderer.block

 **Note:** The above describes how this was done. If you redo this there are private key files
 which are produced with unique names which won't match what's expected in the integration tests.
 One examle of this is the docker-compose.yaml (search for **_sk**)

### GO Lang chaincode
Go lang chaincode dependencies must be contained in vendor folder.
 For an explanation of this see [Vendor folder explanation](

## Basic Troubleshooting

**Firewalls, load balancers, network proxies**

These can sometimes silently kill a network connections and prevent them from auto reconnecting. To fix this look at
adding to Peers, EventHub's and Orderer's connection properties:
`grpc.NettyChannelBuilderOption.keepAliveTime`, `grpc.NettyChannelBuilderOption.keepAliveTimeout`,
`grpc.NettyChannelBuilderOption.keepAliveWithoutCalls`. Examples of this are in

**identity or token do not match**

Keep in mind that you can perform the enrollment process with the membership services server only once, as the enrollmentSecret is a one-time-use password. If you have performed a FSUser registration/enrollment with the membership services and subsequently deleted the crypto tokens stored on the client side, the next time you try to enroll, errors similar to the ones below will be seen.

``Error: identity or token do not match``

``Error: FSUser is already registered``

To address this, remove any stored crypto material from the CA server by following the instructions <a href="">here</a> which typically involves deleting the /var/hyperledger/production directory and restarting the membership services. You will also need to remove any of the crypto tokens stored on the client side by deleting the KeyValStore . That KeyValStore is configurable and is set to ${FSUser.home}/ within the unit tests.

When running the unit tests, you will always need to clean the membership services database and delete the KeyValStore file, otherwise, the unit tests will fail.

** Illegal key size**

If you get this error, this means your JDK does not capable of handling unlimited strength crypto algorithms. To fix this issue, You will need to download the JCE libraries for your version of JDK. Please follow the instructions <a href="">here</a> to download and install the JCE for your version of the JDK.

## Communicating with developers and fellow users.
 Sign into <a href="">Hyperledger project's Rocket chat</a>
 For this you will also need a <a href="">Linux Foundation ID</a>

 Join the <b>fabric-sdk-java</b> channel.

## Reporting Issues
If your issue is with building Fabric development environment please discuss this on's #fabric-dev-env channel.

To report an issue please use: <a href="">Hyperledger's JIRA</a>.
To login you will need a Linux Foundation ID (LFID) which you get at <a href="">The Linux Foundation</a>
if you don't already have one.

JIRA Fields should be:
  <dd>Bug <i>or</i> New Feature</dd>

  <dt>Fix Versions</dt>

Pleases provide as much information that you can with the issue you're experiencing: stack traces logs.

Please provide the output of **java -XshowSettings:properties -version**

Logging for the SDK can be enabled with setting environment variables:



Fabric debug is by default enabled in the SDK docker-compose.yaml file with

On Orderer:


On peers:

Fabric CA
by starting command have the -d parameter.

Upload full logs to the JIRA not just where the issue occurred if possible

<a rel="license" href=""><img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0" src="" /></a><br />This work is licensed under a <a rel="license" href="">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License</a>.


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Language:Java 98.0%Language:Go 0.8%Language:JavaScript 0.8%Language:Shell 0.4%