fmckenna / Workflowf1

Workflow for Regional Loss Estimation due to Earthquake Event

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

# Workflow1

# Description: Contains applications neeed for a regional loss estimaion
# due to an earthquake event. Applications in subdirectories:

0. processSW4 - to process SW4 .x,.y,and .z files into 1 .json file
1. createBIM - given UrbanSim data generate BIM models
2. createEVENT - given BIM model get input motion for building (the EVENT)
3. createSAM - given BIM and EVENT use Hazus data to generate a shear model
4. createEDP - given the inputs so far generate the EDP demands
5. performSIMULATION - given all, fill the EDP with data
6. createDL - given all, determine the DL.

NOTE: the applications require the jansson lib be installed. jansson is 
a free BSD lib recomended online for dealing with reading/writing json files.
It is assumed installed in /usr/local/jansson as seen in Makefiles.

NOTE: each subsirectory included provides an application and include example 
input and output .json (the input coming from previous step, the output 
generated by the application given the inputs)

NOTE: running an application w/o any inputs shows what the command line args
should be.

## Pegasus Workflow

The Pegasus workflow can be found in the workflow/ directory. 

Before submitting, please run `make` to make sure all the executables
required by the workflow have been built.

The workflow is set up to execute in two different execution
environments: local HTCondor pool or on TACC Stampede2. The former
is good for small to medium sized runs as turnaround time is usually
pretty good. Large workflows should be mapped to TACC Stampede2.

Submitting a workflow for local HTCondor pool execution can be done
by executing:


Submitting to TACC can be done on the host
with the command:

    ./submit-workflow tacc


Workflow for Regional Loss Estimation due to Earthquake Event



Language:C++ 86.5%Language:Python 4.9%Language:C 4.4%Language:MATLAB 1.9%Language:Makefile 1.2%Language:Shell 1.0%Language:QMake 0.2%