- Facebook Feed component setup ================================
Follow the step by step guide found in the following link: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/apps/register When performing step 3 “Create new Facebook App”, make sure you select the “Website” platform option Once all steps are performed, continue with the following instructions.
Once the module deployed, edit your site and under the option tab, provide the Facebook Application and ID and secret key
When you insert a Facebook Feed component in Edit mode, the following fields will need to be entered:
- Text to be displayed as the Title of the component.
- Maximum number of images to display in the component.
- The name of the facebook page (e.g. JahiaSolutions).
- The name of the Album to display in the component (e.g Timeline Photos).
- Facebook Album Gallery component setup ==========================================
This component is similar to the Facebook Feed one except that you only provide a Facebook page and you can then browse through the different album of the Facebook page.
DISCLAIMER: This code has been pulled from a different a project and needs to be code reviewed