fluxa / 4chan-API

Documentation for 4chan's read-only JSON API.

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4chan API


Welcome to 4chan's poorly documented read-only JSON API guide!

JSON representations of threads and indexes are exposed at the following URLs:

http(s)://api.4chan.org/board/pagenumber.json (0 is main index)

CORS is supported with an origin of http(s)://boards.4chan.org

JSONP is supported

Request methods supported are: GET, HEAD, OPTIONS

Questions? Please e-mail api@4chan.org.

This guide was last updated October 7, 2012.

API Rules

  1. Do not make more than one request per second.
  2. Thread updating should be set to a minimum of 10 seconds, preferably higher.
  3. Use If-Modified-Since when doing your requests.
  4. Make API requests using the same protocol as the app. Only use SSL when a user is accessing your app over HTTPS.
  5. More to come later...

API Terms of Service

  1. You may not use "4chan" in the title of your application, product, or service.
  2. You may not use the 4chan name, logo, or brand to promote your application, product, or service.
  3. You must disclose the source of the information shown by your application, product, or service as 4chan, and provide a link.
  4. You may not market your application, product, or service as being "official" in any way.
  5. You may not clone the live site and its functionality. This means don't suck down our JSON, host it elsewhere, and throw ads around it.
  6. These terms are subject to change without notice.

Posts Object

attribute value description possible values example value
no integer Post number 1-9999999999999 9001
resto integer Reply to 0 (is thread), 1-9999999999999 0
sticky integer Stickied thread? 0 (no), 1 (yes) 1
closed integer Closed thread? 0 (no), 1 (yes) 0
now string Date and time MM/DD/YY(Day)HH:MM (:SS on some boards) 08\/08\/12(Wed)01:11
time integer UNIX timestamp UNIX timestamp 1344570123
name string Name text moot
trip string Tripcode text (format: !tripcode!!securetripcode) !Ep8pui8Vw2
id string ID text (8 characters), Mod, Admin Admin
capcode string Capcode none, mod, admin, admin_highlight, developer admin
country string Country code text (2 characters, ISO 3166-1 alpha-2), XX (unknown) XX
country_name string Country name text Unknown
email string Email text moot@4chan.org
sub string Subject text This is a subject
com string Comment text (includes escaped HTML) This is a comment
tim integer Renamed filename UNIX timestamp + microseconds 1344402680740
filename string Original filename text OPisa
ext string File extension .jpg, .png, .gif, .pdf, .swf .jpg
fsize integer File size 1-8388608 2500
md5 string File MD5 text (24 character, packed base64 MD5 hash) NOetrLVnES3jUn1x5ZPVAg==
w integer Image width 1-10000 500
h integer Image height 1-10000 500
tn_w integer Thumbnail width 1-250 250
tn_h integer Thumbnail height 1-250 250
filedeleted integer File deleted? 0 (no), 1 (yes) 0
spoiler integer Spoiler image? 0 (no), 1 (yes) 0
custom_spoiler integer Custom spoilers? 1-99 3
omitted_posts integer # replies omitted 1-10000 33
omitted_images integer # image replies omitted 1-10000 21

Note the following attributes are optional:
sticky closed (only displays on OPs)
id (only displays when board has DISPLAY_ID set)
name (only displays if name is present, which is always unless there is a blank name and tripcode)
trip (only displays if tripcode is present)
email (only displays if email is present)
sub (only displays if subject is present)
com (only displays if comment is present)
capcode (only displays when using a capcode)
country country_name (only displays when board uses country flags)
filename (only displays when image uploaded)
ext (only displays when image uploaded)
fsize (only displays when image uploaded)
md5 (only displays when image uploaded)
w (only displays when image uploaded)
h (only displays when image uploaded)
tn_w (only displays when image uploaded)
tn_h (only displays when image uploaded)
filedeleted (only displays when image uploaded)
spoiler (only displays when image uploaded)
custom_spoiler (only display on OPs, only displays when board has custom spoiler images)
omitted_posts (only displays on OPs on index pages)
omitted_images (only displays on OPs on index pages)

Note about custom spoilers:
custom_spoiler describes the number of custom spoilers that exist for the specified board. If the number is 4, it means that you can choose anywhere from 1 to 4. For our imageboard pages, the custom spoiler images changes every time a new post is made. If you are writing a browser add-on with auto-update functionality, you should first check the HTML to see if a custom spoiler has been posted, and use the same number, so when new spoiler posts come in, they match the pre-existing ones. If there are no custom spoilers already in a thread, you can just random whatever you'd like, since there is no need to match pre-existing ones.

Where are the files?

Boards: http(s)://boards.4chan.org/board/
Indexes: http(s)://boards.4chan.org/board/[1-10] (# of pages varies per board, directory root is page 0)

Threads: http(s)://boards.4chan.org/board/res/resto
Replies: http(s)://boards.4chan.org/board/res/resto#pno

Images: http(s)://images.4chan.org/board/src/tim.ext
Thumbnails: http(s)://thumbs.4chan.org/board/thumb/tims.jpg

Spoiler image: http(s)://static.4chan.org/image/spoiler.png
Custom spoilers: http(s)://static.4chan.org/image/spoiler-boardcustom_spoiler.png

Closed thread icon: http(s)://static.4chan.org/image/closed.gif
Sticky thread icon: http(s)://static.4chan.org/image/sticky.gif
Admin capcode icon: http(s)://static.4chan.org/image/adminicon.gif
Mod capcode icon: http(s)://static.4chan.org/image/modicon.gif
Developer capcode icon: http(s)://static.4chan.org/image/developericon.gif
File deleted (for OPs): http(s)://static.4chan.org/image/filedeleted.gif
File deleted (for replies): http(s)://static.4chan.org/image/filedeleted-res.gif

Country flags: http(s)://static.4chan.org/image/country/country.gif
/pol/ country flags: http(s)://static.4chan.org/image/country/troll/country.gif

Example Thread

         "sub":"This is an OP.",
         "com":"This is a great comment!",
         "sub":"This is a reply.",
         "com":"OP is a ___.",


Documentation for 4chan's read-only JSON API.
