flott / cso_digitalocean

King County real-time CSO status in GeoJSON format

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

King County Real-Time CSO Status

Requires geojson.


Reads the CSO status from King County's web server and combines it with a CSV file of the point coordinates, then creates a GeoJSON file of the current CSO status for King County and Seattle.

The resulting GeoJSON file can be added to a webmap.

Example CSO status data from King County's server:

	CSO_TagName,04-01-2016 09:30:01 AM

The coordinates (lat, lon, EPSG 3857) are in a CSV file.

	ALKI,-122.4225,47.57024,King County CSO: Alki,051
	ALSK,-122.406947,47.559442,King County CSO: Alaska St SW,055


The current CSO status is zipped up with the coordinates and properties for each CSO location. Properties included are:

Property Value
CSO_TagName Name code for CSO location
DSN Data Source Name
Name Long name for CSO location
Time_stamp Timestamp of most recent query
CSO_Status CSO status code (1 - 4)
Description Description of CSO status code.
  1. Overflowing now
  2. Overflowed in the last 48 hours
  3. No recent overflow
  4. Data not available
  1. Red
  2. Yellow
  3. Green
  4. Grey
  1. square
  2. triangle
  3. circle
  4. cross
  1. large
  2. medium
  3. small
  4. small

Running with cron

Make sure that both cso_status_geojson.py and update_cso_status.sh are executable. (chmod +x). Modify the paths in update_cso_status.sh to reflect where the repo was cloned.

Then use crontab -e to set up the cron job. The example below will run every 15 minutes (at :00, :15, :30, and :45):

	*/15 * * * * /home/fred/github/cso_digitalocean/update_cso_status.sh # KC_CSO


King County real-time CSO status in GeoJSON format

License:MIT License


Language:Python 93.4%Language:Shell 6.6%