florianrein / jelly-actix-web-starter

A starter template for actix-web projects that feels very Django-esque. Avoid the boring stuff and move faster.

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A.K.A, the actix-web starter you probably wish you had. This is provided as-is, and anyone is free to extend it or rework it as they desire - just give some credit if you base a web framework off of it. :)

A disclaimer: this is used internally, and while it's very usable, it might not be perfect. You might need to tweak a thing or two. Don't be shocked if you need to alter jelly for your own needs. Pull requests for things that should be "standard" are welcome.

Notice Re: Licensing

The current crate used in this repository for background jobs has a potential licensing issue, depending on what you're looking to do with the code here. The refresh branch of this repository will change this, but the merge is pending some things calming down in actix-web 4.0. Learn more here

In the meantime, you have two options:

  • You can see if what you're doing gels with the license on background-jobs
  • If not, you could just rip out background jobs and your HTTP responses on endpoints that use a background job (dispatching emails) will be slightly longer until the refresh branch is merged.

I've personally done the latter, and isn't too bad - hopefully, this passes soon. If the actix-web 4.0 beta's hit a stable state I'm also open to merging the refresh branch temporarily pinned to working betas.

What's This?

If you've ever written a web service in Rust that's needed some of the following:

  • User accounts and authentication
  • Form handling
  • Background jobs
  • Transactional emailing
  • Flash messages
  • Async Postgres database (via SQLx)

Then Jelly may be of interest to you. It's explicitly not a framework; it's modeled after Python's Django but tries to not hide the underlying actix-web framework too much. This is done because web frameworks traditionally fall into two categories:

  • The kitchen sink: it has literally everything, and once you need to scale it, you start ripping things out and getting slightly annoyed.
  • The micro framework: Works great for an API service. Absolutely sucks when you start reimplementing the kitchen sink.

Jelly tries to sit in-between those two ideas; think of it as a meta-framework for actix-web. It helps you structure the app and spend less up-front time configuring and tweaking things, and brings important ("table stakes") pieces to the Rust web dev experience.

tl;dr: CRUD web applications are boring, so consider using this to get to the interesting parts.

Getting Started

  • Clone this repository.
  • Edit Cargo.toml to configure your project name, as well as any other settings you need.
  • Ensure you have Postgresql installed.
  • Install sqlx-cli, with:
cargo install sqlx-cli --no-default-features --features postgres,native-tls
  • Edit .env.example to use your settings.
  • Run the account migrations with sqlx migrate run.
  • Run the server:
cargo run

# Optionally, if you use cargo-watch:
cargo-watch -i templates -i static -i migrations -x run

If you're ready to push a release build, you probably want to run:

cargo build --release --no-default-features --features production

For configuring email dispatch, see the README in email_templates.


Accounts is modeled to provide the most common features you would expect from a user system. It provides the following:

  • Registration
    • On signup, will dispatch an email for account verification.
  • Login
    • Password reset functionality is also provided.

Both password reset and account verification implement a one-time-use URL pattern. The flow is a mirror of what Django does; the URL is hashed based on account information, so once the password changes, the URL becomes invalid.

Registration and Login, by default, try to not leak that an existing user account might exist. If a user attempts to register with an already registered email address, the following will happen:

  • The person attempting to register will be shown the "normal" flow, as if they successfully signed up, being told to check their email to verify.
  • The already registered user is sent an email notifying that this happened, and includes a link to password reset - e.g, maybe they're a confused user who just needs to get back in.


Templates are written in Tera. If you've written templates in Django or Jinja2, they should be very familiar.

The provided templates has a top-level layout.html, which should be your global public layout. The templates/dashboard folder is what a user sees upon logging in.

In development, your templates are automatically reloaded on edit. Jelly also provides a stock "an error happened" view, similar to what Django does.

In production, both of these are disabled.

Your template may use any of the environment variable starting with JELLY_.


The static folder is where you can place any static things. In development, actix-files is preconfigured to serve content from that directory, in order to make life easier for just running on your machine. This is disabled in the production build, mostly because we tend to shove this behind Nginx. You can swap this as needed.


Writing the same email/password/etc verification logic is a chore, and one of the nicer things Django has is Form helpers for this type of thing. If you miss that, Jelly has a forms-ish module that you can use.

For instance, you could do:


use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use jelly::forms::{EmailField, PasswordField, Validation};

#[derive(Default, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct LoginForm {
    pub email: EmailField,
    pub password: PasswordField

impl Validation for LoginForm {
    fn is_valid(&mut self) -> bool {
        self.email.is_valid() && !self.password.value.is_empty()


/// POST-handler for logging in.
pub async fn authenticate(
    request: HttpRequest,
    form: Form<LoginForm>
) -> Result<HttpResponse> {
    if request.is_authenticated()? {
        return request.redirect("/dashboard/");

    let mut form = form.into_inner();
    if !form.is_valid() {
        return request.render(400, "accounts/login.html", {
            let mut context = Context::new();
            context.insert("error", "Invalid email or password.");
            context.insert("form", &form);

In this case, EmailField will check that the email is a mostly-valid email address. PasswordField will check that it's a "secure" password. Each Field type has an internal errors stack, so you can pass it back to your view and render errors as necessary.

For more supported field types, see the jelly/forms module.

Request Helpers

A personal pet peeve: the default actix-web view definitions are mind-numbingly verbose. Code is read far more than it's written, and thus Jelly includes some choices to make writing views less of a headache: namely, access to things like database pools and authentication are implemented as traits on HttpRequest.

This makes the necessary view imports a bit cleaner, requiring just the prelude for some traits, and makes view definitons much cleaner overall. It's important to note that if, for whatever reason, you need to use standard actix-web view definitions, you totally can - Jelly doesn't restrict this, just provides a (we think) nicer alternative.

Checking a User

You can call request.is_authenticated()? to check if a User is authenticated. This does not incur a database hit, but simply checks against the signed cookie session value.

You can call request.user()? to get the User for a request. This does not incur a database hit, and just loads cached information from the signed cookie session. Users are, by default anonymous - and can be checked with is_anonymous.

If you want the full user Account object, you can call Account::get(user.id, &db_pool).await?, or write your own method.

You can restrict access to only authenticated users on a URL basis by using jelly::guards::Auth; example usage can be found in src/dashboard/mod.rs.

Rendering a Template

You can call request.render(http_code, template_path, model), where:

  • http_code is an HTTP response code.
  • template_path is a relative path to the template you want to load.
  • model is a tera::Context.

Why is http_code just passing a number?`, you might ask. It's personal preference, mostly: developers are intelligent enough to know what an HTTP response code is, and it's far less verbose to just pass the number - and simple enough to scan when you're trying to track down something related to it.

request.render() makes two things available to you by default:

  • user, which is the current User instance from the signed cookie session.
  • flash_messages, which are one-time messages that you can have on a view.

Returning a JSON response

You can call request.json(http_code, obj), where objc is an object that can be serialized to JSON.

Returning a Redirect

You can call request.redirect(path), where path is where you want the user to go.

Setting a Flash Message

You can call request.flash(title, message) to add a Flash message to the request. This is a one-time message, typically used for, say, confirming that something worked.

Getting a Database Pool

You can call request.db_pool()? to get a database pool instance. This can be passed to whatever you need to call for database work.

Queuing a Background Job

You can use accounts/jobs for a basis to create your own background jobs, and register them similar to how they're done in src/main.rs.

You can call request.queue(MyJob {...})? to dispatch a job in the background.


Email may be sent with the help of different drivers:

  • postmark (enabled with feature jelly/email-postmark),
  • sendgrid (enabled with feature jelly/email-sendgrid),
  • smtp (enabled with feature jelly/email-smtp).

You can enable several or all features, in which case all selected drivers will be tried until one success or all fails.

The End

Hopefully, this helps people get going with more web services in Rust, and provides a common base to work off of. There are three things to note here:

  • This is released under a "do-whatever-you-want" license. Just give credit if you use it as the basis for a web framework of your own.
  • Someone else is more than welcome to take this further and make a true web framework.
  • I would argue that actix-web, Rocket, and so on should really just have this kind of thing by default.
  • Thanks to every developer of a sub-crate used in this project; there are too many to list, but the Rust community is hands down one of the best out there.


A starter template for actix-web projects that feels very Django-esque. Avoid the boring stuff and move faster.



Language:Rust 75.3%Language:HTML 22.2%Language:Shell 1.7%Language:PLpgSQL 0.7%